How to choose a high pressure minisoy: manufacturers overview Useful advice

Each car owner knows how much time-consuming is the process of washing the car. Naturally, some prefer hand-made car wash, but it is very expensive pleasure. High pressure hand minimati can solve this task. In addition, their functionality is also simplified by other types of care for the private house.
Overview of the functionality of the minisy
Despite the fact that distributors are positioned by minisy, as a car wash device, it is capable of greater. The main task is definitely cleaning the car body from dirt and dust. But this is not the limit.
Foreign manufacturers have long understood the potential of this product and are actively creating commercials, which show how to eliminate the mud from the walls and roofs of houses, remove the courtyard, and the carpets are erased. Responsive gardeners use minimators in order to make grooves between rows of cucumbers or tomato and other cultures.
It is worth noting that universal miles do not happen, so it is necessary to consider the functionality very detail, since it is from this that the choice of power will depend on it.
In practice, all sinks are divided into:
- low power (up to 80 bar),
- low power (up to 120 bar),
- middle power (up to 200 bar)
- professional (from 200 bar).
For the car optimally suitable washing of medium power. They are relatively inexpensive and allow to achieve the perfect cleanliness of the car. Professional sinks are relevant only if it comes to trucks. Since laundering the oil flaw in the wheels is possible only under pressure from 200-220 bar.
For the rest of the goals, low-power washing. The difference with representatives of the category of small power in terms of surface cleaning quality is not large, but the price is an order of magnitude lower.
In addition, there are minimatics with water fence and without it. Water fence function implies that the washing feed is performed not only from the water supply, but also from any container. In order to implement this function, the hose needs (usually comes in the kit). It is worth noting that the water capacity should be located either at one level with the sink or higher.
In practice, this functionality is useful in the event that there are interruptions with water supply. But in modern conditions, this is rare enough. Therefore, in most cases, the water intake system is extra investments.
How to choose a minisoy
In order to get the most complete idea of \u200b\u200bthe quality of the minisoy, it should be understood in more detail the principle of its work. Consider the device of this simple instrument. It consists of:
- pump
- electric motor / internal combustion engine,
- electrocabyl
- hose with nozzle
- inner housing,
- external case,
- additional elements.
The electric motor drives the pump that the pressure is inserted, then the water enters the hose on the indoor channel and it turns out through the nozzle. In this chain, first of all attention should be paid to the engine. Internal combustion units are installed only in professional sinks, the rest is applied a less powerful and more fragile electric motor. It must be protected from voltage drops. If there is no such protection, then you should not even spend time on the sink.
Pomp is responsible for the maximum pressure, it is not possible to check its quality, but in practice, in order not to make a mistake with the choice of sink, experts recommend from the pressure producer to take 10-15 bar.
Next, check the electrocabolic, an external body and water supply hose for defects. The internal case is usually designed for the declared pressure. If a product of a well-known company is bought, there will be no problems. In the event that the sink breaks, you can be sure that you bought a fake and boldly demand money back.
An important role is played by various additional nozzles, including various:
- rectifiers
- sprayers,
- cutters.
Rectifiers or spears allow you to make a flat stream of water, as in stationary sinks. Sprayers are intended to apply detergent foam, cutters are used to remove thick layers of mud (they increase the rate of water supply and rotate the stream, as a result, even very old and the suction dirt departs in a matter of minutes).
Review manufacturers
To buy a minisuit that will last for a long time and will ideally comply with the price-quality ratio, you need to choose from the number of proven companies. The best on the market is considered:
- Karcher
- Portotecnica
- Annovi Reverberi,
- Daewoo,
- Lavorwash,
- Merida,
- Kranzle,
- Bosch,
- Nilfisk-Advance
- Black & Decker.
The most famous and popular brand - Karcher. The company was founded in 1935 and became one of the first, who was closely engaged in the production of washing machinery. It was she who gave the origin of this industry.
To date, the assortment of miles is represented by the seven generations. The first three treats minimates of low power and differ not so much as functional as the design. The fourth and fifth generation are represented by medium power models. Flagship series - Minimat K 5.96 M Plus. Its peculiarity is that it is managed by high-precision automation, and also has a number of built-in programs that allow you to effectively conduct a car wash not only a car, but even tools.
The sixth and seventh series are professional sinks. With all its merits, they still remain fairly expensive and do not pay for themselves if only one machine is used for washing.
The Italian company Portotecnica has been working on more than thirty years. The main specialization is the production of equipment for stationary professional car washes. However, the model range includes several middle-pressure household aggregates. They are distinguished by high quality, interesting design and very acceptable price.
Special attention deserves the engine. This is my own invention to portotecnica. Its design allows you to use the technique for 2 hours without a break, while in case of overheating, the minima will turn off independently.
Many specialized stores actively advertise another Italian company. Annovi REVERBERI was founded in 1956 and was engaged in the production of high pressure pumps. The main specialization has not changed to this day. Mini wash is just a small direction of activity. The model range is although it is submitted by five episodes, is still very inferior to competitors. With a relatively low pressure of 160 bar, the cost of washing is about 20,000 rubles. It is much more expensive than similar models of other firms. Interest for the domestic consumer represents only aggregates of small power, their price is from 4500 rubles.
The Korean Concern Daewoo is a multi-format manufacturer, which is focused on a wide range of consumers. The range of companies present budget minimates, the prices of which start from 1200 rubles. Mostly presented washing with small and low power. It is worth noting that the company did not think about the design for a long time and adapted its products under the Karcher model range.
Lavorwash is another Italian company. Main specialization - Cleaning equipment. Minimati takes only a slight place in the range. They are represented by models with a pressure of 100 to 150 bar. Price policy at Karcher. The most interesting model is Lavor Skipper 19 Max (cost about 10,000 rubles)
The Polish company Merida, a better known under the Delvir brand, mainly produces professional equipment for washing medium pressure cars. Although the quality is at the level, but does not exceed similar models of other manufacturers. The price may be due to popularity, is completely unreasonable. The flagship Delvir Hot Foam 13/160 with a pressure of 160 bar will cost 70,000 rubles, the similar model Annovi Reverberi is three times less. However, if we are talking about a small commercial sink, the equipment deserves attention, since the powerful motor allows you to work in non-stop mode up to 4 hours.
The German Concern Kranzle is only a little inferior to the Karcher assortment. The model range is represented by aggregates with a pressure of from 30 to 250 bar. The concern positions itself as an extra-class manufacturer. The price is suitable, for example, the professional model of THERM 895-1 with a pressure of 215 bar will cost 170,000 rubles. Household sinks are much cheaper, but still remain unnecessarily expensive.
The German city Stuttgart is famous due to the fact that the production of the legendary Mercedes-Benz and Porsche is located here. It is not at all surprising that Bosch was originally founded as the Design Bureau for the development and production of various gadgets for cars.
Over time, the company has expanded from its own line of instruments to home appliances, but the production of car accessories still remains in the first place. Bosch Minimati is distinguished by quality and affordable price, among those listed firms - this is the only decent Karcher competitor in the domestic aspect.
Nilfisk-Advance International Giant, the main office of which is located in Denmark. Washings are presented not very impressive modeling. Flagship - Nilfisk Alto Poseidon 2-31 PE with engine from Honda. The feature of the unit in an adjustable pressure, which has a range from 14 to 140 bar (step - 14 bar). Cost - 44,000 rubles. Such a high price is due to a slight weight of washing, only 35 kg.
COMET S.P.A. HEADQUARTS is an Italian multi-manufacturer. Sinks are quite high-quality and cost from 8,000 to 60,000 rubles. The only drawback is a bad distribution, as a result, the warranty and post-warranty repair is a very long process, as it is necessary to order the details from the factory and wait until they are delivered (sometimes more than a month).
The only American company that deserves attention is Black & Decker. The company has become famous thanks to manual and power tools. American sinks are no high quality, nor acceptable pricing policy. In the case of Black & Decker, you pay for the brand.
Summing up, it should be said that the best minisant, regardless of power, is Karcher. Only a little gives it to Bosch. All other options are worthy of attention only if the store has a promotion and substantial discounts are provided.
Practical advice
Even if you acquire the most expensive minisoy with a pressure of 250 bar, the dirt on the car all will remain early and achieve the same result, as after stationary car wash will not work. This is primarily due to the fact that no matter how water pressure, it is still not enough to completely eliminate micro pollution, which penetrate the pores of the paint and create a raid, impenetrable for water.
Solve this problem is easy. All you need is a surfactant or surfactant. These are special additives that split the dirt and allow you to fully update the car body. Also, you will need foam. Another positive moment - for washing enough apparatus with a pressure of 120-130 bar and the nozzle cutters.
Work is performed in two versions. If there is no container for the foam or its volume is too small, then the dry car is applied first foam, then surfactant. After 10 minutes, the wheels are treated with a mill, then the nozzle is removed by the foam.
However, with such work, foam flows with the car quickly quickly and does not always have time to clean all the dirt. Therefore, it is better to have a washing with a large container for a foam, in which shampoo and surfactant mix. The finished composition has high adhesion and practically does not flow, eliminating 97-99% dirt.
After washing, it is desirable to treat the housing with liquid wax. Firstly, it will betray the shine, secondly protect the surface from sticking the dirt, dust and salt sediments (from the rain), thirdly, it will postpone the following washing at least a month - this method is called non-contact.
If there is no desire to spend on additional detergents, then after using the minisoy will need to polish the machine manually (with a sponge and cloth).
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"Therefore, in most cases, the water fence system is extra investment" - it seems to me not every car stands in the apartment, or in a private house. The main mass of the car or in garage cooperatives, or just under the house, where well, it is very problematic to connect to the water supply. .