How to remove whiten from the walls Useful advice,Walls

And it's time to make repairs again. With his offensive, many are wondering, but how to remove the old from the walls and the blotch has long been out of fashion.
Now the limestone or chalk blame can only be found in the old "Khrushchev", in which the repairs did not make several decades. In such apartments before performing a modern wall decoration, it is necessary to pre-prepare the surface and clean it from the blots.
Methods of removal
There are several ways how to remove the old whitewear from the walls and the ceiling:
- Dry.
- Wet.
- Mechanical.
Consider in detail each of the ways and determine the advantages and disadvantages.
Dry removal of bliss
One of the fastest removal methods can be achieved using a special tool - grinding machine. It will help remove the whitewash quickly, but it should be noted that this method is acceptable in a room that is completely freed from furniture and other household items.
Before starting the window and doors, it is necessary to cover with a construction film, put on a bathrobe or working suit, head with a screech. It is also desirable to prepare a respirator and safety glasses for construction work. Dry whitewashing will be intensely shook down, especially from the ceiling, so it will be necessary to protect the eyes.
- Take the grinding machine and put on it a large emery (abrasive) paper, the largest.
- Further, including a tool in the outlet, it is necessary to walk along the walls and the ceiling by neat rotational movements. After large pieces are removed, grinding movements need to be cleaned the entire surface of the wall and the ceiling.
- After completion of the work, it is necessary to push the room and wash the floor several times. Do it will have long and carefully. And to facilitate your work, before starting work, the floor in the room can also be closed with a construction film, consolidating it around the perimeter of the room with a construction tape.
If there is no possibility to make all the furniture from the room, and the dry way is the most optimal one, then all the furniture needs to be packed in the construction film and it is good to bother with paper construction scotch.
There is another dry method (it and mechanical) removal of whitening from the walls and the ceiling - with the help of a construction spatula, manually. It will be suitable if you need to first remove the whitewash, which hangs the "korzhi", and then continue the work of the grinding machine.
Wet removal of bliss
If it is not possible to purchase or take a grinding machine for a while, then you can resort to the old method, which our mothers and grandmothers used - with liquid. For work you will need:
- Sponge of foam rubber or old urine.
- Water tank.
- Water.
- Putty knife.
- Rag.
- Construction foam roller on a long handle.
Nallem in the tray water and dip a sponge into it, it needs to squeeze it a bit so that the water does not flow along the hands and walls. Then moisten the wall with a sponge so that they are well soaked. Water is very quickly absorbed into the whitewash, so it will be necessary to heat the walls and the ceiling several times.
To make it easily sooping, you need to take a roller on a long handle and work in the direction of the angle of the room. After the wall is well moistened, with the help of a construction spatula you can clean the walls. This method is considered very laborious, as you have to spend a lot of strength and time to bring the room in order.
Preparation of solution
One of the most effective ways to remove whiten from the walls and the ceiling is the removal of a special solution. They can be used in construction supermarkets, and prepare themselves. We need:
- water - 5 liters;
- ammonia solution (you can purchase ammonia in a pharmacy and breed with water);
- soda solution (for one part of the soda you need to take three parts of the water);
- bath foam - three caps;
- a tablespoon of vinegar (9%) for every five liters of water.
1. Mix in the bucket all components and with the help of a pulverizer (the old bottle is suitable from the tools for washing windows) to abundantly irrigate the walls and the ceiling. The pulverizer can be replaced with a foam roller. Important! Before starting work, the cooked solution must be heated to 40-50 degrees, but it is not necessary to do it on fire, but by adding hot water to the finished solution. Therefore, before making a mixture, you need to take fewer water, for example, three liters.
2. After the walls are moistened with hot mortar, the glasses will swell and remove it from the surface can be a sharp spatula, a metal brush or cloth. It will be necessary to consider whitening until the walls are clean. You can check this as possible: a damp rag periodically spend on the walls, if it is still dirty - it means there is still a whitewash on the surface if it becomes clean - the blots no longer left.
3. Also remove the whitellers can also prepare a solution of a mixture of water vapor and hydrochloric acid. You need to take one part of the waterproof and add weak to it (no more than 2 percent) solution of hydrochloric acid. Do not root!
4. With roller moisturize walls and ceiling. Leave for 15-20 minutes.
ATTENTION! Use the sprayer is strictly prohibited due to the risk of poisoning.
5. After the whirlwinds the whirlpool, remove it with a sharp spatula, can be removed with water and a rigid brush, and then wash the walls with a wet cloth.
At the same time, the method must be working exclusively in protective glasses and rubber gloves. Try so that the solution does not hit the skin.
6. After the whitewashes are removed by a wet way, the surface is left for some time so that it successets well.
7. After the walls and the ceiling dried, you can begin to scream.
And this simple recipe will be available to everyone:
- for ten liters of water, you need to add two large soap spoons (pre-grate at a large grater) and five spoons of food soda;
- the mixture thoroughly mix and soak the walls with a roller.
This option will allow you to remove the old whitening from the ceiling.
Also, both the ceiling and the walls can be cleaned with a sticky mixture. It is easy to cook it: one liter of water is taken two spoons of starch (or flour), dilute in a glass of water, and then slowly add hot boiling water. Mix. Such a kleuister allows you to clean the surfaces, while in the room will not be dirty.
When there is no time to prepare solutions and there is a question than to remove whims from the ceiling, you can purchase special tools that are sold in building stores. Before you start, you need to carefully examine the instructions and know that there are glue in such ready-made mixtures. When applying the composition, a crust is formed on the surface, which is easy to remove with a scraper or spatula.
Little tricks
If you need to remove whitewashing with a very large area, then it is necessary to irrigate the surface with small sections, for example, 3-4 square meters. Ordered - left, while absorbed, at this time process the next site. Then you can return to the previous one and start shooting the blotch.
When working it will be more convenient to use both a spatula and a special scraper. It is sold in construction stores and differs from ordinary in what container has. It is very convenient to work with it, since all the garbage does not scatter around, and immediately falls into the container.
After fully the walls and the ceiling are cleaned of the blots, you need to take a grinding sheet and go through the entire surface, and then treat the primer.
If unevenness, dents and other defects were seen after grinding, they are filled with a special mixture - plaster on a plaster basis.
If your walls are covered with a chalk solution, it will be easy to wash off with ordinary water.
Perhaps in the process of work it will take a hammer, it is convenient to "tackle" the thick layer of whitewash, so that it is better behind the surface.