How to insulate the bath Baths, saunas and pools

Is it cold in your bath? Immediately insulate! Warming allows you to maintain warm air indoors, eliminating you from the additional warming up steam room. Deciding on the insulation of the bath, consider the properties of the material from which it is made.
Types of baths and features of their insulation
The presence of a wide selection of building materials allows the construction of baths from almost any material - wood, brick, various types of blocks. But when using any of the listed materials, the task of holding heat in the bath still remains. Do I need to warm the ceiling, gender? How to warm the bath? Answers to these questions directly depend on what material was used during construction.
Brick bath
As you know, the bath is not always constantly, but through some time interval, for example, only on Saturdays. In case the bath itself is built of bricks, a brick will have time to freeze and warm it - this is a completely meaningless task. The heat obtained from the combustion of firewood will go through the walls.
Solving the insulation of a brick bath, which is called, lies on the surface, it is simply necessary to block the access of warm air to the wall. For this purpose, you can build an additional wall indoor. It is necessary to understand that for the device of this type of thermal insulation will have to make a crate for fastening materials and laying matte insulator.
During the construction of a brick bath, it makes no sense to build internal brick partitions. It's easier and more efficient to arrange wooden partitions.
Shlakoblock Banya
The slagoblock differs from the brick or stone by the fact that the concrete entering it in its foundation quickly picks moisture and that is why it must be isolated both with outdoor and inner side. For insulation, any material is suitable outside - mineral wool, foam. It is only necessary to take into account that when using wool between it and facing material, it is necessary to leave the gap of about 2 - 3 cm, and the type of facing material does not play a special role. On the inside, the insulation operation is repeated.
Note: For sale for a long time there are for thermal insulation, with a foil surface, some experts claim that this material has brilliant heat-reflecting properties, some consider only the advertising move manufacturers of thermal insulation materials. In any case, the decision to take you. Just remember that the insulation of this type is mainly used for internal works.
Wooden bath
In fact, the bath, in its classical understanding, is made of wood. Moreover, the shape of particular importance does not have, both rounded and a bar or boat can be applied to build. Honestly, wooden baths no one specially insulated, the tree is so poorly carried out that this issue of the special insulation of the bath did not even rose. This question begins to bother the owner if he hurried with an external finish. After assembly, no difference, the log house stands on the foundation or on Earth, shrinkage will occur.
If the bath will be covered from the first days, then it is necessary to take into account that the lattice fixed in the log logs will interfere with the normal shrinkage of the bath in place and as a result - cracks can be formed through which heat will go. There are solutions to ensure the slip of the crucible crubble, for example, in a bar instead of holes to make grooves and thereby ensure the slide of the crate on the cut.
The weak point in the wooden baths are doorways, it will swell, then dries, but may not close, on the contrary, closes with the slits. To eliminate this problem, it is necessary to do the following: Mount the insulation from the outside of the door, so that its edges protrude beyond the door of 1.5-2 mm. Such a simple method allows you to keep warm both in the steam room itself and directly on the front door.
Bath Cutter
The frame-boiled buildings from their very appearance were meant that the walls will be insulated in the production of such a house at the manufacturer. But, nevertheless, the buildings of this class may require additional warming activities. The insulation of the frame-shield bath is carried out using matte from minerals, which must be closed with a film for waterproofing, and join the construction tape.
Bath of foam blocks
In the event that you had a chance to build a bath from foam concrete (cellular concrete), then the insulation question should be taken seriously. Foam concrete very quickly absorbs excessive moisture, which in winter turns into ice crystals. This metamorphosis provides at least two unpleasant factor:
- The likelihood of bloc destruction increases.
- High energy costs for building imprition.
The structure of foam concrete is insulated from both the street and inside. As a heater, all the same mineral wool or foam sheets are used (when insulating from the street). When insulating indoors, it is advisable to apply Minvatu. Increased temperatures I can adversely affect the qualities of polymeric materials. When carrying out work on thermal insulation, it is necessary to strictly observe the technique of fastening the crates, the order of laying materials.
Bath insulation do it yourself
Deciding with the view of the bath, we begin insulation. In the process, consider the nuances inherent in this type of bath.
- We warm the foundation. Source, the foundation plates are gluable first with waterproofing. For insulation, in our case, we need a material that is not able to absorb moisture. An excellent option today is a foam. It is placed on top of waterproofing in two layers in a checker, overlapping the seams. The next step is shuffling.
- Warm floor. Most often, in the bath floor make wooden. It is fully shed with wood or put a wooden shield on the concrete floor. The shield is used if the floor is even or has a slight tilt. Through the shots of the shield, water enters the sewer. If the floor has a sufficient slope for flowing water, then it is possible to tinker it entirely. Condition - water should not accumulate on the surface. "Overall" floor can be additionally insulated with mini or clay. The insulation is placed between the "Chernov" and "piston" layers of the floor covering.
- Wall insulation. On the "naked" walls of the stone bath impose a waterproofing layer, then on it of Minvatu. For good vaporizolation fit foil insulation.
- Ceiling insulation. In this case, it is better to choose a bulk (sawdust, dry leaves, clamzit as a heater). To begin with the ceiling is trimmed with wood. Put thermal insulation (in our case, foil insulation). It is already possible to lay a bulk insulation. To avoid wetting, the warm layer is protected by waterproofing.
Ceiling insulation (view inside bath):
Heat ceiling (view from the attic room):
When purchasing materials, be sure to ask the seller of the limit for a permissible temperature for one or another material. For example, some are used in the work of the foam, and in fact, it begins to collapse at temperatures close to +70 0WITH.
Among the builders there is no uniform opinion on the part of the materials used, everyone defends its own point of view based on the basis of experience and skills.