Installation of base siding Construction

Socular siding is a unique facing system with a number of advantages. So there are panels that do not need fit when installing with the nasha and those that have a built-in thermometer. In addition, it is possible to make the cover of the basement siding, with your own hands and with the participation of a specialized brigade of workers.
Finishing base siding: Rules
- Start the installation of panels is recommended from below the wall.
- Before moving to another surface, complete the installation of siding on the current wall.
- Be sure to provide small gaps to prevent thermal deformations.
- Do not press siding on the pins of the bottom row.
- Store panels should be on the edge, focusing on the packaging arrows.
- For fasteners, it is advisable to use galvanized or aluminum nails.
- By installing this building material, always move from left to right.
- The location of nails at the heart should be strictly perpendicular.
- Use one batch of panels.
- If the installation of siding is carried out in the cool season, take care of the creation of gaps of 3 mm.
- The surface on which the installation of siding panels is made should be smooth.
- When fixing building materials, drive nails in the middle of the holes, and also leave between
with them and a small panel. - Finishing siding should be carried out in a horizontal position.
- This building material is not used for roofs and gender.
- If you need to drive out nails through the front surface of the siding, you should drill a hole in a non-very noticeable area in advance (for example, on the place of the joint of the slabs).
- Installation of baseline siding with insulation must be carried out from breathing non-foil building materials.
- No need to install all the corners at the same time. It is better to mount at first no more than two.
Baseline Siding: Mounting Technology
Installation instructions for base siding
1. Dome of the installation:
- fix the crate of wood or metal on the wall surface;
- its horizontal elements connect the flush, and vertical in increments of up to 91 cm;
- to determine the position of the horizontal crate, 46 cm from the bottom of the wall should be measured. The top row should have to under the top of the panel, where the holes under the nails are located.
- in places with a cool climate, experts recommend hanging the crate at 15 cm from the soil level and secure directly to the house. Ready carcass relies on the ground using pegs;
- in places with a warm climate, the design can be fixed in the ground.
2. Starting profile, Installation:
- measure the desired distance and mount the starting profile;
- it should be placed 10 cm from the corner of the structure, given the allowance for the width of the angular panel;
- fix the material with nails with a step of 30 cm in a strictly horizontal position.
- if necessary, cut the lower row panels using a disk saw;
- if the bottom of the panel is trimmed, the starting profile can not be used. It is fixed with nails through the facial surface along the seam line.
3. Cutting siding panels.
We define the desired number of panels:
- we divide the length of the wall by 102 cm (without taking into account the width of the angular parts);
- the finished product should be about 30 cm.
- if necessary, cut the panel with steps 20 cm, preventing the matching seams;
- do not cut off immediately more than one closing part.
4. Installation of the first panel:
- the base siding under the stone, the mounting of which is carried out from left to right, it is recommended to be installed with a 3 mm release below the edge of the starting profile;
- move the first panel to the left, supervised it into the angle flush;
- install it on the support strip with a clear input of the pins, given the temperature seams;
- promote the material to the left until it stops 2 mm to the corner.
Congue siding under the brick, the installation of which you carry out, has an arbitrary ornament. Therefore, its mortar seams may not coincide with the angle.
5. Second row, installation:
- wake nails through the substrate;
- their caps should only touch the panel;
- get the second panel to the starting profile and move it to the first;
- subsequent rows are set in the same way.
- to create a natural brickwork, shift each subsequent row by 20 cm;
- try not to push the panels from top to bottom, lower them smoothly.
6. J-profiles.
By creating the installation of panels on J-profiles or angles, you may need a fitting of channels, supports and pins from the back side at a distance of 8 cm from the angle.
The size of the J-profile in 19 mm is ideal for siding under the brick, and 28 mm - panels under the stone.
- since the siding panels on the reverse side have columns, try not to press them when installing the series;
- carrying out the fixation of siding using nails, remember that the latter should only touch the panels.
7. Thermal gaps.
Since the system used can change its sizes by 6 mm, depending on weather conditions, the average junction step between the plates must correspond to 13 mm.
When fitting the siding panels, it is necessary to make a trimming of 3 mm around the openings. The same gap may be needed at the corners of the roofs, in the soles of the archives, around the adjoints and in other areas where they are impossible to move them.
Try to shift each subsequent row in the image of steps by 20 cm. At the same time, the detail closes in the row should not be less than 30 cm.
8. Internal angles, installation:
Before installing panels, the angle of the house must be aligned using aluminum or viniplast tape.
For facing inner angles, you can use the J-profile or to cut the panels themselves.
9. Finishing board, Installation:
The board is mounted on top of the upper last row of siding panels. When installing it on the corners, you can use heating. However, before doing this, it is necessary to perform a triangular cutout in the bend.
10. Locking to the items panels.
It is strictly forbidden to mount the fittings for the trim. When it is installed, you must first drill a hole slightly larger diameter than the size of the fixing element.
The latter should directly penetrate the solid substrate under the panels.
Baseline Siding, Installation: Video