Calculation of the roof area: Methods and examples Construction

The construction or repair of a private house is always expensive, as if the owner neither tried to save. But not to risk spending more than It is necessary, it is necessary to competently draw up the estimate. For this you have to study the characteristics of materials used in construction, running with a tape measure, measuring everything that fall Masters look. In the process of drawing up the estimate of one of the primary tasks is payment Roof area. In this article, we will consider all the factors that should be considered when calculating, as well as let's talk about how to calculate the roof area.
Why do you need to spend calculations
Concept calculation Roofs of the house includes finding height, total area, inclination angle and definition volume Required building materials for purchase. This will allow not only to competently draw up project documentation, but also to save on the purchase and transportation of roofing.
Scheme calculation Directly depends on the architectural features of the building itself. For example, combined Flat roofs can often be found on economic buildings, and even a high school student will be able to calculate their square. Another thing is duplex, tents, four-tight, hip and other types, for each of which there is an individual technique.
For the construction of greater parts residential private houses are used by ordinary duplex roofs, to cope with which is much easier than to produce payment Walm roof area. For this reason, in our article, we will consider mainly this type.
Definition of the roof area yet And in order to find out whether the design is capable of withstanding the weight of roofing pie and the finish coating in particular. At the same time, climatic features of the terrain are also taken into account - wind load, precipitation weight and their number.
For the right one calculation Need to consider the following:
- Distance in the route meters from the Kid to the edge of the eaves.
- The presence of soles, parapets, other additional elements (chimney, ventilation, attic windows and etc..).
- The characteristics of the roofing material (when using roll products and tiles, the skates are in short by 70 cm).
Useful advice: Before proceeding to work conventionally, break the entire roof area into several sectors in the form of simple geometric shapes. Conduct payment For each figure is easier than immediately for the whole roof. After finding the area of \u200b\u200bthe skates, it is necessary to determine the angle of inclination, and then multiply all the elements on the cosine of the resulting angle.
Do payment The area of \u200b\u200bthe gable roof is completely easy - it is only necessary to find the cosine of tilt and multiply it to the Skate Square. In other cases, newcomers are better to use special online calculators, Koi full of online. They automatically take into account all the specified roof parameters and eliminate errors.
Tilt angle
Each roof should have at least a small bias, otherwise the precipitation will constantly accumulate and spoil the coating. Finding a slope, you can determine the exact height for which you want to raise konk, Find out how much buying roofing material and how to attach it on the surface.
An injection roof slope may vary from 11 ° to 70 °Nevertheless, experts recommend to stop at close 45 ° and no more. The climatic conditions of the area strongly affect this parameter, which is written in detail in the appropriate SNIP. So, if you build a house in dry warm The terrain, then a strong bias will not need even for the roof of a large area, since there will be no more precipitation. At the same time, the roof at an angle of 45 ° and more quickly drops snow and rainwater, but subjected to a tangible wind load, so her It is necessary to further strengthen the rafters and print.
The roof slope also depends on the selected roofing material. For example, metal tile can be put at an anglefrom 15 ° to 27 °Otherwise, she will not be able to keep on the roof. The same requirement concerns rolled materials. But Slate will hold hard even on the roof is sharper 30 °. For measurement of the slope use interest or degrees.
The roof slope coefficients are determined by such values \u200b\u200band formulas:
- 9 ° (1: 6 or 2 —12) - coefficient of 1.01;
- 14 ° (1: 4 either 3.—12) – 1,03;
- 18 ° (1: 3 or 4—12) – 1,05;
- 23 ° (1: 2.4 or 5—12) – 1,08;
- 27 ° (1: 2 or 6—12) – 1,12;
- 34 ° (1: 1.5either 8.—12) – 1,2;
- 40 ° (1.12either 10.—12) – 1,3;
- 45 ° (1: 1either 12.—12) – 1,41;
- 49 ° (1: 0.86 or 14—12) – 1,54;
- 53 ° (1: 0.75 or 16—12) – 1,67;
- 56 ° (1: 0.67 or 18—12) – 1,8.
For example produce payment Heights of the roof with a bias of 40 ° and width8 M.. To get the desired value, ½ width, that is 4 M., multiply on the coefficient of the skate from the above list, that is 1.3, and get 5, 2 M..
Payment Roof Square
Before purchasing a material for the roof, it is necessary to take into account many different factors that can affect the operational characteristics of the building in the future. One of them is the difference between different types of roofing structures. At the same time often calculations Show the number of building materials not in meters, but in pieces, which also need to be considered.
To determine the number of roofing material, you need to know the height and angle of the lip of the roof. We have already learned the height to determine in the previous chapter. Performed payment By simple formula:
S \u003d (2 x a + b) x (2 x A + C) / COS (M).
Here s is the square, and - the width of the saint, B - the width of the house, with - Length of the house, M is the roof slope.
It will also be worth considering all sorts of variations in the determination of the roof area with different coating:
- Slate - how many slate sheets will need for the roof, one can calculate according to the formula described above.
- Metal tile - To determine the required amount of material you need to know the sum of the lengths of the skates, endands, the size of the walls of the house, how much nem. Ridges and what are their total length. Also as calculations Do not forget about the number of skates and their architectural type.
Formula for computing: S. roofs \u003d ( 2 x width Sveza + building length) x ( 2 x width Sveza + Building width) / COS (roof slope).
Plus everything necessary volume The material depends on the tile brand. - Soft roofs count with accounting all components of the design, sometimes additionally take into account the height of the roof and spend payment rafter system. It is also necessary to keep in mind the size of the allen soft roof, leave a slightly material on the back of the eaves and overlapping skates.
For example, if you take house 5x10 M. with a roof under the slope of 45 ° and the width of the sink 0, 5 M., the total area of \u200b\u200bthe roof will be such : (2x0,5+10)nS (2*0,5+5)/cOS45.° \u003d 94.2 m². - Environmentally friendly materials - wood, drank, gO And other varieties of wooden tiles 40x10 cm. When working with such a material, it should be remembered that it must be put in 3 layers, therefore 1 m² wait Not less than 80 pieces. To know how to calculate the roof area in dann The case, it is only necessary to recall the usual mathematical formulas for finding the area, where S \u003d length x width.
- If you are going to cover the roof of the cornet, then payment her Square is better to provide specialists, because this will require the architectural features and the number of roofing rods. We have already written above that there is nothing complicated for a double type - it is necessary to multiply the length of the skate to the width and fold the two values \u200b\u200b(the area of \u200b\u200btwo slopes). But to make payment The area of \u200b\u200bthe four-sheet roof, you need not only to find the area of \u200b\u200beach slope, but also compare the characteristics of the professional flooring used. This should take into account the size of the roof with accounting all holes (chimney, windows, ventilation), leave the material onchips, overlaps and sills . Newbie With such work it will be very difficult to deal with such a work, and it is strongly not recommended to save on the roof.
Walp roofs are also not so simple as it seems. They are one of the types of shelter roofs and are a semblance of a tent or a tent. To calculate the area you need to find a value for each individual element - sectors in the form of triangles and trapezes, to which it can be divided by roof. Best download all values \u200b\u200bin online calculator and trust calculations program.
Slane roofs today are most often found, so we led an examplecalculation Square is called such a roof. But only to find out the area is not enough, it is also necessary to determine the way of laying slate and its type. Some models require more adhesion, and therefore they can be knocked out of the values \u200b\u200bobtained as a result of calculations.
Experts always recommend buying by 10% more material for the construction or repair of something, whether it is a slate for the roof, cemenT. DLi am a foundation or stones for a garden track. The configuration of the roof significantly affects the slate laying methods.
Make payment You have already learned the roof area, so remains Only measuring the necessary lengths and height of a tape measure, find out the angle of inclination of the roof and substitute the values \u200b\u200bin the formula.
In the case of metal tile, when calculating, you must remember some of the intricacies. When working with slate, material waste is not taken into account, here they can play not a latter role. When working with a simple one — or bartal roof waste make up 7 —10% of the total volume Material, and if we talk about more complex structures, then this figure will grow up to 20%.
Important: Squake area is calculated in the route meters, not in square. Also consider the method of connecting the elements of roofing material, because. In different cases, it may be necessary to make a different backstage. The greater the bias, the smaller the backstage, and vice versa.
Despite the seemingly confusion and complexity of work to know how to calculate the area of \u200b\u200bthe roof of the house, it suffices to recall several lessons of mathematics and geometry. The basic principlewhich always need to remember (especially in the case of large multi skate Roofs) - this is the partition of the whole design to simple geometric shapes. Find the area of \u200b\u200btriangles and trapezium is much easier than to break her head over a polygon. It is for this reason that the roof area of \u200b\u200bthe roof is much more complicated, as you have to work with a solid piece. If after reading the article you still Afraid not to cope, it is best to seek help from specialists and not risking to spend money in vain.