Processing Place Square Doors Alcohol Felt Maker With Your Hands paints and varnishes,Useful advice

On wooden and other surfaces of input and interior doors, minor damage may appear in the form of scratches, chips or scratches. Not even the most accurate owner is not insured. And the owners of domestic cats and dogs this common problem is probably known. This, of course, is unpleasant and to the same, deteriorate the appearance of the product, but this is not such a serious problem to despair or repaint the entire door. Repair of small flaws - quite satisfying work for its fulfillment with your own hands. In addition, this procedure is not at all cost in terms of means and effort. To this end, you can use a number of modern tools for such a repair and one of them is an alcohol felt-tipper.
What is alcohol felt-tip
This is a special or ordinary marker (marker) on an alcohol basis. It will be felt by the characteristic smell of alcohol, immediately after the protective cap from the coloring tip of the marker is removed. Special alcohol markers for the repair of furniture and doors can be purchased in furniture or other specialized stores. It is easier, of course, with conventional stationery felt plates, although only if the color of your doors is quite common or a set of markers has the appropriate selection of shades of color gamut.
Purpose of alcohol feltwaster:
To eliminate damage on various wooden, plastic and other surfaces subject to intensive operation.
Types of alcoholic felt-tipped surfaces and products:
- MDF, LDSP, Plywood, Tree Massif, Ovelch and others;
- furniture, Furniture facades, doors, Oxelian, floors and others.
Types of damage to alcohol feltwall:
- Surface scratches, scuffs, chips are not recking.
Accordingly, the color of the marker must be selected to the color shade of the repaired damaged area of \u200b\u200bthe product in the tone.
These restoration funds, unlike many others, are more affordable by price, by availability and more versatile in terms of choosing various colors of the color scheme.
When repairing damage to the doors, the alcohol felt-tipper can be used as the main tool. But most often the alcohol felt-tippet is used at the final stage of repair - processing the place of damage, after applying other restoration tools, to restore the visible structural pattern of the surface. It all depends on the depth of damage. Small, surface damage does not require fill to the level of the overall surface, so it is enough just to nourish the place of flaw and it will be unnoticed. With deeper damage, the space is filled with wax chalk or other materials, and then alcohol felt-tipper is already applied.
To achieve the most complete effect of the recovery of the damaged surface of the door, it is necessary to process the place of flammable to perform several colors with markers. The thoroughly and most complete you will pick up the colors of the markers used, the more maximally it will be possible to restore the structural pattern of the material of the damaged area of \u200b\u200bthe door. This result can be achieved, in which the place-processed felt placer on the door surface will be practically not noticeable.
The process of processing the place of damage to the alcohol felt-tip
Preparation for the use of alcohol feltwaster
- First of all, it is necessary to study all the subtleties to eliminate defects on the surfaces of the doors from a different material.
- Next, you need to pick up markers of those shades of the color gamut that will fully comply with all colors of the texture pattern of the material in the place of damage on the restored door fragment. If it is possible, then acquire (pick) markers with different thick coloring tip, for ease of use.
- In addition, it is necessary to prepare a napkin from a nonwoven canvas, microfiber.
- Choose a place to work. It is best when the door is repaired in its place when the lighting is in which it will be operated after repair. It is preferable to use a bright daylight, since with electrical lighting it can be possible to notice that the shades do not sufficiently correspond to the "native". Thus, the effect of your work will be maximal.
Application of alcohol felt-meter
- Before applying the selected restoration tools, clean the place of defect with a napkin, and a felt-tipper tinkering the edge of the damaged area by the main column of the color of the surface being repaired. It is necessary to do this in order to avoid the manifestation of the halo of another shade on the surface of the damaged area due to the impact on the material of the door canvase applied.
- After the complete end of the main restoration procedures, using appropriate means, it is necessary to prepare the surface to be repaired to the alcoholic beater processing. To do this, remove everything too much, achieving a smooth, clean and smooth surface using special compositions and a cooked napkin.
- Then it is necessary to choose the most suitable felt-tip pen and apply the basic tone of the coloring of the door.
- Retouching (tin) should be made easy, but confident touch. Take the line to try to carry out one movement without separating the coloring tip of the marker from the surface. The direction of movement of the coloring tip of the felt-meter is chosen according to the direction of the fiber material of the door of the door.
- Extra strokes and bands obtained on the restored door surface must be immediately removed. For easy operation, keep the felt-tip pen simultaneously in one hand, and in another napkin. The main principle in work is the less, the better. Also, it will also be necessary to use the napkin after applying the felt-tip pen of each new stroke in order to smear too clear and bright boundaries of the lines. It is necessary to achieve the greatest natural and plausible distribution of color on the surface of the area being processed.
- After applying the primary color, you can proceed to the drawing of parts of the structural pattern. Actions to apply lines are similar in that when applying the primary color. The main thing is to choose the shade of the color of the marker. If you have noticed that the painted place turned out a lighter shade, then you can apply repeated touches, thereby seeking matching color gamma.
- Retouching damage can be carried out and applying the paint of the marker on the napkin, and it is already using it to rub the painting composition into the surface to be repaired. For this method, the napkin is better to use microfiber. The napkin is tensioning, one of its small areas, on the index finger of the hand, and moisturize it with light presses of the coloring tip of the marker (better, if the rubber attack or rubber glove is put on the finger). However, this method is not applicable in all cases, since it is auxiliary to achieve the result of obtaining the desired shade (as tinted the restored surface area).
- After the processing of the place of damage to the door leaf of the alcohol felt-tipset, can be applied to fix the resulting lacquer spray, if it is appropriate and corresponded to the texture of the door canvase material. The fixing varnish is applied by several subtle layers. Lac spray will protect the renovated surface from various operational effects in the future and give the restored area of \u200b\u200bthe door more attractive appearance.