Replacing the windowsill Window

During the operation of any home, certainly from time to time there is a need to carry out the current repair of individual elements of the interior. Less frequently, but still it is also required to replace the windowsill, to make it does not seem to be difficult in the presence of some skills and clear instructions for the sequence of actions. Find out all the details how to do it, you can from this article.
When to make the replacement of the window sill?
Reinstalling this part of the window design may be required in several cases:
- The formation of damage, which reduce the aesthetic attractiveness - small cracks, scratches, chips, as well as deformation, if wood products are used.
- The occurrence of integrity disorders that can provoke the complete destruction of the window sill - deep cracks, chips.
- Destruction, cropping of the windowsill or the walls adjacent to it, which lead not only to the risk of falling this window element at the most inappropriate moment, but also significantly worsen the quality of the sealing of the room, opening free access to penetrate inside cold air and moisture.
- Reorganization of the space and change of the style of the interior design, for which the existing design will become inappropriate.
What material to choose a new window sill?
Modern models are presented in the market in several options, so you can choose the design ideal for your goal, both in terms of price and colors, configurations, permissible load on the walls. The most popular solutions are:
- Plastic. Such products are very in demand because of their available cost, wide variability of configurations and colors, as well as a long service life and high ecology, despite the synthetic origin. In addition, the replacement of plastic window sills is carried out according to a simplified scheme and it is good for self-execution.
- Wood. Natural wood remains relevant. This material introduces a special feeling of comfort and warmth in the house, and also has a natural beautiful pattern and a pleasant texture. Connoisseurs of all natural and environmentally friendly should certainly give their preference precisely this option, especially since modern technologies for pretreatment of raw materials make it possible to not worry about possible rotting, deformation or other negative manifestations. The price of the question is everyone, there are also low-budget models, such as chipboard and MDF and very expensive from a solid massif for true connoisseurs of high-class breeds.
- Natural and artificial stone. This material also does not lose its popularity, but does not suit any interior. The window sills made of marble and granite bring solidity and at the same time sophistication in all decorative design of the room, but they are not always safe, as they can be radioactive and at the same time they differ in great weight.
Important! Another nuance selection of a suitable design refers directly to its parameters. Choose the width, based only on personal preferences, and the length should be several centimeters (10-20) more windows width.
Replacing the windowsill do it yourself - technology
To reinstall this part of the window structure, a phased approach will be required, which consists of:
- preparation of instruments;
- dismantling old windowsill;
- installations of new.
Important! The easiest way to make the replacement of windowsill plastic windows, but if you have installed designs from other materials, it will require only greater accuracy, and the process sequence will be unchanged.
So that during the execution of work it does not arise, prepare the following set of inventory in advance:
- chisel;
- roulette;
- perforator or drill;
- level;
- electrolovik;
- mounting foam;
- hammer;
- silicone sealant;
- mounted knife;
- sandpaper;
- paint for slopes;
- small cross-section boards.
Dismantling of the window sill
The dismantling procedure is not really so difficult, as can initially appear to you.
To make this work quickly and efficiently, follow the following recommendations:
- On the ends of the window sill, select a niche to a depth of 10 cm or along the entire length of the slope using the perforator for this.
- We raise the slab with a sharp movement or pick up a hammer into several shots.
- Gently remove the windowsill from the niche.
- Remove the entire garbage from the resulting empty space, including the residues of the solution and dust.
Important! In the absence of a perforator or working skills with it, of course, you can knock out the windowsill and with the help of a chisel, but then be patient, since this work will take away from you really quite a lot of time and time. Browse the video in which it is clearly shown how to make a disassembly of the window sill.
Installation of new windowsill
It is not enough easy to insert a new web into the old niche. There are a number of rules for the preparation of it and the most new plates that definitely observe when replacing the windowsill do it yourself:
- Cut extra pieces along the ends of the windowsill and the slopes to provide the most accurate fit into the window opening.
Important! If the old canvas is preserved the whole, the rational solution will be used as a template-pattern when forming a new plate.
- Treat edges with ends with antiseptic solution if products made of lumber or solid wood have chosen to reduce moisture permeability.
- Create a cement screed on the horizontal base of the niche if the height of the new window sill is less than the old one, or deepen the opening if it is not high enough.
- Take all the gaps and cracks in the walls adjacent to the installation site, if any, using cement mortar or putty.
- In the width of the window opening, at the place of the future adjuncing the windowsill to the frame, apply silicone sealant to eliminate the formation of emptiness through which the cold penetrate inside the room.
- Install the prepared boards in the opening, which will be support for the windowsill.
- Remove the levels of horizontal by level.
- Squeeze the sill plate over the bars.
- Mark its position by level.
- Lay the load on the stove.
- Fill all the intervals of the mounting foam.
Important! For plastic structures, modern manufacturers offer special profiles in a set, which make it easy to make the installation process of a new plate. Browse the proposed video to replace the windowsill do it yourself from plastic on profiles.
- Take the inside the edge under the windowsill cement mortar or mounting foam.
- Make a technical pause 24 hours until the solution is completely frozen.
- Remove the surplus by the mounting knife if the foam was used.
- Push the surface with a grater or fine-grained sandpaper if the gaps were treated with cement mortar.
- Remove the protective coating from the surface of the windowsill.
- Paint or attacked the slope so that the window acquired an aesthetically attractive look.
As you were convinced, the replacement of the windowsill do it yourself is a simple procedure, which is possible for 1-2 days. The main conditions for long-term operation of the new plate:
- competent selection of design and material from which it is made;
- compliance with the rules of installation;
- the use of high-quality consumables;
- accuracy when performing work;
- proper regular surface care.