How to cut wallpaper with your own hands Useful advice,Walls

Stick wallpaper on the walls is a job that does not require special qualifications and large investments of forces and funds. However, even in this simple (from the point of view of other repair work on the house), it would seem that the case also lies their secrets and features. But, if you are armed with knowledge, then at least half of success in the positive result you are provided. The process of wallpaper glue is described in detail in the article. Glue vinyl wallpaper independently. The preparation of the planers themselves should also be studied in detail, which will greatly facilitate work on the waters of walls.
Preparation for wallpaper cutting with your own hands
Required wallpaper cutting tools
- Oboyan knife - It serves to cut the roll canvas wallpaper on separate panels. As a tool for cutting wallpaper, you can use construction knives, a stationery knife or just any suitable knife with a sharp blade.
- Disk knife -it has one or two sliding edges and is designed to cut wallpaper with non-dry adhesive composition (wet) in uncomfortable places for conventional tools (plinth, window sills, platbands, etc.). The tool is most often used by professionals, but it is very convenient and can come in handy to correct the flaws when cutting the cloth. In addition, it is great for cutting cloths when cutting.
- Scissors -also used as a tool for cutting a rolled wallpaper wallpapers for individual panels. Scissors blades should be sufficient length (up to 200 mm) and have an acute proper sharpening, otherwise the edge of the cut will be uneven and the edge of the collected.
- Metal ruler, Roulette and square - Measuring tools serve respectively to carry out all the necessary measurements and markup of wallpaper cloths when they are cut. You can also use a construction level length (as well as a metal line) 1.2-1.5 m.
- Marking Tool - Pencil or marker for marking wallpaper sheets when they are cutting and applying the corresponding marks on the walls.
Preparation of the working surface to wallpaper cutting
The working surface is a place where the rolled wallpaper canvas will be unfolded and their cutting on separate panels. This can be a suitable table, laid on the stands (stools) Wooden sheet (DVP, chipboard) or prepared floor portion. The floor or other surface can be displayed with paper or the corresponding sheet of cardboard or plywood. The surface must be stable, smooth and clean (otherwise you can break or stain a wallpaper sheet). In addition, it is necessary to take into account that the working surface will be subjected to cuts from the knife when cutting the wall-mounted cloth.
In the future, this work surface can be used for laying, in order of use, prepared sheets of wallpaper sheets and applying glue into the panels before pasting.
Wallpaper cutting
Before proceeding with the wallpaper cutting, it is necessary to carefully examine all the information on the packaging of wallpaper or on a special liner. Often, there you can meet a lot of characters, the value of which you can guess intuitively, but it is better to know for sure.
To figure out what I wanted to inform the Wallpaper Manufacturer in my "Epistle", there is a table of international labeling or international symbols.
Some of these properties must be taken into account at the cutter stage:
- Light-resistant. You can have a direct sunlight area.
- Self-adhesive wallpaper. When the pattern requires careful handling of the adhesive layer on the inside of the wallpaper blade.
- Without alignment. The case when the drawing when cutting can not be considered.
- Direct horizontal docking (alignment). When cutting, it is necessary, by removing the intermediate segment of the wallpaper tape, combine the drawing of the cloth adjacent to each other.
- Step alignment. Curra of each adjacent web next to the previous one, to perform with a shear of half the element of the wallpaper pattern in height.
- Displacement pattern. It should be borne in the cutting of each subsequent panel, the specified value in centimeters in the height of the displacement.
- Sticking in the direction of the arrow. The arrow indicates the direction of the upper edge (to the ceiling) of wallpaper.
- Reversible sticking. Each of the subsequent wall-mounted cloths lifted, in relation to the neighboring, in the opposite direction vertically. If you say more understandable, then upside down.
All this is also necessary to take into account when calculating the amount required by the wallpaper canvas.
Calculation of the required wallpaper canvase
In order to correctly calculate the necessary overall area of \u200b\u200bthe wallpaper canvas, calculate the number of wall rolling rolls and optimally use the entire acquired Method, follow the calculations in the following order:
- Measure with a roulette perimeter of the room.
- Specify the width of the wall cloth in the roll. This parameter, like many others, should be specified on the packaging of each wallpaper roll. Consider the side rapport wallpaper.
Rapport wallpaper (distinguish between the side (or displacement of the pattern) and the vertical (or pitch of the pattern)) - These are repeated elements of the ornament (drawing) on \u200b\u200bthe wallpaper canvas. In other words, this is a piece of wallpaper, cutting off which, when displaced, you align the wallpaper panels on each other.
Also on the edges of the wallpaper can be left and right arrows. These arrows indicate how the panels are placed relative to each other. If the arrow is specified together with zero, the drawing on the wallpaper allows any articulation. - The magnitude of the measured perimeter of the room is divided into the width of the wallpaper canvas in the roll. You will receive the number of separate cloth wallpaper on the entire perimeter of the room.
Example: E. if the perimeter of the room is 10 m, and the width of the wallpaper is 0.5 m, then it turns out 10: 0.5 \u003d 20. That is, you only need 20 cloth with the specified width. - Measure with roulette the height of the room. Wash the room at all corners from the floor to the ceiling and check if there is a difference in the height of the room around the perimeter. If such a difference is present, then for calculations, take the largest value.
- Specify the wavelength length in the roll, also specified on the wallpaper roll packaging. In each roll, it is possible to take 10-15 cm. Such a stock is necessary to be reinforced with the possible marriage of the wallpaper canvas and scroll during the cutting and when gluing wallpaper. In addition, it is necessary to take into account the rapport in the height of the wallpaper. If you consider the rapport, you determined that in each roll there remains a sufficient number of cropping, then 10-15 cm can not be taken away.
- Divide the length of the wallpaper in the roll, taking into account paragraph 5, on the measured room height. You will receive the number of separate panels of the desired length, which can be obtained in each roll of wallpaper.
Example: If the height of the flooring from the floor to the ceiling is 2.5 m, and the length of the wallpaper cannon in each roll is 10 m, then we obtain 10: 2.5 \u003d 4. That is, in each roll there are 4 lanes of the wallpaper we needed in length. - If there are window and doorways in the room, then it is necessary to take into account, measuring their total area, deduct from the total area of \u200b\u200bthe wallpaper canvas.
- Divide the number of separate wallpaper panels needed for the entire room on the number of bands that accommodate in one roll. You will receive the total number of wallpaper rolls for the room.
Example: Using the calculations given in the previous examples, we obtain 20: 4 \u003d 5. That is, you will need 5 pcs. Rolls of wallpaper.
However, in the examples above, for simplicity of understanding, not taken into account in the calculations of the wallpaper rapport, although mentioned in the actions.
An example of calculating the number of wobbly rolls, taking into account the wallpapers: Take the parameters of the room specified in the previous examples (floor height to the ceiling 2.5 m and perimeter 10 m). Suppose on the wallpaper of the side rapport will be 5 cm, and the vertical 25 cm. Accordingly, with the length of the wallpaper in a roll of 10 m and a width of 50 cm, you will need 6 wallpaper rolls. Also, such calculations will also take into account the recommendations given in paragraph 5.
Cut wallpaper depending on the drawing
The drawing on the wallpaper also makes its own adjustments to the process of cutting wall cloth. If the wallpaper pattern does not need fit and the corresponding docking of the ornament with adjacent panels or is absent at all (for example, wallpaper for painting), then the process of cutting wallpaper on the strip is much simplified. Such wallpapers can be immediately cut into several panels, measuring them on the first, cut, with the maximum size of the required length.
Wallpaper pattern, which requires fitting when docking with subsequent, adjacent wallpaper stripes, best cut off as the previously stickers. That is, the wallpaper cutter stage is combined with the stage of their direct sticking. The easiest measurements for cutters do, applying the subsequent cloth of wallpaper to the previous, already pasted on the wall. Or cutting the cut, by performing preliminary calculations, taking into account the rapport.
Circuit wallpaper with vertical rapport
Example of accounting for vertical rapport:
- We determine the height of the ceiling of the room as 2.5 m or 250 cm.
- We determine the rapport in the height or the size of the pattern of the figure as 55 cm.
- We define the required number of drawings, which will fit in the wallpaper strip in length no less than the height of the floor of the floor to the ceiling. For this, a value equal to the height of the room, we divide the pattern of the pattern and get: 250: 55 \u003d 4.5. Thus, we need to have on each wallpaper strip, rounded 4.5 to the most side, 5 full drawings.
- Determine the length of the wallpaper strip for cutting. For which the number of full drawings is multiplied by the size of the figure and get: 55 × 5 \u003d 275 cm.
Wallpapers with a large pattern give a significant amount of waste wallpaper (as in the case with our example 15 cm). However, such waste can be used to enhance hard-to-reach or invisible places (for example, behind heating radiators or furnished). When calculating the necessary wallpaper canvase, before purchasing wallpaper, it also needs to be considered.
Cutting Wallpaper with Side Rapport
The most difficult thing in the cutting of wallpaper is the accounting of lateral rapport. Here you need to know that the bands will be repeated through one, as the drawing continues diagonally or in a checker order. For the convenience of taking into account the sequence of the cloth, it is possible to numbered them and the corresponding numbers also apply onto the wall in the extinct places of their subsequent gluing.
An example of accounting for lateral rapport:
- The first cloth and repetition is referred to as №1, and the subsequent cloth and repetition is referred to as # 2 (the numbering is applied to wallpaper and wall).
- We define the required number of cloth wallpaper on the perimeter of the room, taking into account window and doorways as 20 pcs. (10 panels No. 1 and 10 panels No. 2).
- We determine the lateral rapport or displacement of the pattern as 64 cm, therefore, in order to combine the pattern on the adjacent panels, it is necessary to displace 32 cm for the panel No. 2.
- We determine the value suitable for the clock sheet No. 1 and No. 2. For this, the value equal to the height of the room (we take the previous example) 250 cm divide to the displacement value of 32 cm. We obtain: 250: 32 \u003d 7.8, round up to 8.
- Determine the length of the cloth. For this, the value of 32 multiply on the resulting 8, we obtain: 32 × 8 \u003d 256 cm.
- We define that each 10 meter (1000 cm) roll will be: 1000: 256 \u003d 3.9 pcs. Accordingly, rounded in a smaller side (we need a full size of the bands) - 3. That is, three whole panels in two bands No. 1 and one strip number 2.
As can be seen, the flow is also not small. However, such a large residue is well suited for adhesive them in places of window and doorways, as well as in other suitable places. You can also use wallpaper waste as material for wall design, furniture, etc.
It is best to cut the first cloth No. 1 in the first roll, and Panel number 2 will go out, as if, automatically. The second roll can be started to cut from the panel number 2 and so on. This method of cut will achieve the fact that in a stack with wallpaper stripes you will have a panel in the necessary sequence of their adhesive, which greatly simplifies the main task.