How to choose a saw saw Instruments

Each homemade craftsman who wants to make wooden products for the house with their own hands, sooner or later will have to purchase a saw in devices. But in order not to get confused in the manifold of their species and choose correctly, it is necessary to study the information and decide which option is the most suitable for a particular wizard.


Classification of manual wood saw

Saws are divided into two types:

  • saw manual wood;
  • electric saw on wood.

Hand saws are divided into:

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1. Loan. Such saws are equipped with a narrow saw blade having two endings. Also, they also have a handle connecting with two racks so that when turning them, the web stretching is weakened or enhanced. Between the racks is fixed so-called sled. It holds a straight angle between them and gives stiffness. Loan saws are:

  • stretch;
  • swing or blown;
  • plumbing;
  • transverse.

The length of the tension saw is 70 cm. It has a large teeth that, when moving from themselves, make a rough cut. Such a saw is used to cut the sawn timber along and across.

Swing saw in length is 60-70 cm. It is twice as much as the previous species. It is used to obtain a more even, clear cut. Swing saw apply, processing thorough connections or connections by type of swallow tail.

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Removable saws cut curly parts. It has a length of 60 cm, and the width of the canvas is 4 mm-1 cm. It has a small sized teeth. For greater convenience, when drinking holes, the canvas is removed.

The transverse saw has a length of 70-80 cm. The teeth are sawing it and when moving forward, and when moving back. This saw is used for sawing across the board, timber, beams.

2. Hands are divided into:

  • lobziki;
  • hacksaws with a church;
  • awards;
  • saws for cutting veneer;
  • refrigerated hacksaws.

The jigsaw are equipped with very thin teeth with a length of 1.5 mm. They are weakly saw when driving from themselves and are intended for finishing sawing.

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The hacksaws are equipped with rude teeth that are driving when driving from themselves. The thickness of the web is different and the strength of the tool depends on it. Handsaw cut large plates.

Hoven with a trap, a special overlay that ensures the strength of the cutting canvas, makes the pure cut. It is distinguished by small teeth, cutting when driving from themselves.

The cutting holes inside the large surfaces are cut with a rotten knuckling. Such a tool is distinguished by undiluted teeth. The canvas saw, narrow at the end, gradually expanding towards the handle.

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Awarding is characterized by the fact that the saws only when driving on itself. It usually cuts tongs.

A saw for cutting veneer is equipped with a small canvas, sharpened like a knife, and a comfortable curved handle. It gives a rather rough cut.

Classification of electric saws on wood

Electrical saws are divided into the following types:

1. Electrolzik. This tool allows you to cut both straight and curvilinear details. The purity of the cut depends on the selected cutting canvas. Lobzik saw not only wood, but also thin metal, plastic, tile. The thickness of the billets poured by Elktrol Communication reaches 15 cm, the truth tool in this case should be powerful and modern, preferably with a pendulum move. Lobzik, which has this feature, is called a pendulum saw on a tree. True, this tool has and disadvantaged - it is impossible to produce perfectly accurately, the pylon from vibration often takes to the side.

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2. Disk saw on wood. Such a saw happens still in the desktop version, it will be mentioned below, and this species is called a hand saw disc on wood. It is equipped with a powerful engine that provides good performance, allows you to make a quick and accurate cut. The maximum thickness of the workpiece that this tool can be mastered is 8-8.6 cm. In this, it is inferior to the jigsaw. But the corner of the disk saw cut is distinguished by stability, unlike the jigsaw, whose sawing can be bent. The second name of this tool is a circular saw on a tree.

3. The chain saw on the tree is indispensable in the forest or class-garden economy. With it, it is very convenient to harvest firewood. It makes rude cut, but it is with great ease of trees and cut off unnecessary branches and bruises. The chain saw is three species.

4. Sabelnaya saw on a tree makes rough cut. According to the principle of action, it resembles an electrolybiz. The difference is that it saws a large web and is suitable for work in which accuracy is not needed, for example, if you need to dismantle wooden structures. The saber saw produces a strong vibration, but it does not give sparks.

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5. Tape saw on a tree is available in different versions:

  • chainsaw is perhaps the most popular and in demand;
  • electric saw - inconvenient by what requires connection to the outlet and as a result, limits movement;
  • the battery saw is convenient to all except one - it must be periodically charged.
  • in the form of a machine;
  • in the form of a manual machine.

A machine is used for cutting a machine. It allows you to do a thin, precise cut, both in direct and via the line curve. For a better understanding of the principle of operation of a ribbon saw on a tree, the video at the end of the article is presented for viewing.

6. Disk table saw on wood is used by professional joiners for work in the workshop. Such a machine is very convenient and allows you to make accurate and neat cut. In this case, the cutting disc, if desired, bends to the side, makes longitudinal and transverse cuts, as well as cuts at an angle.

7. Furious saw on a tree is applied, if you need transverse board, timber, timber, platbands. This stationary saw, cutting with horizontal and vertical corners, which are tuned by turning the table and change the saw position. To perform a longitudinal cutting, there are saws equipped with an upper table. Fantasy or end saw on a tree with a break, it makes it possible to cut a wide workpiece.

8. The cutting saw on the tree in the commoner is called the workbench. It makes perfectly smooth and clear cut. A cutting disk performs from the slot of the desktop, with which the longitudinal and transverse cutting, slopes and complex angles are possible. In order for the blanks to move in the direction of the cutting disk, special fences are provided on the desktop, and for cutting at an angle - a tilter.

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9. If you need to get large holes, a sawd saw saw. Such a saw looks more like a drill or a screwdriver, which are used as a drive. The ring saw is a disk with protrusions to which rounded saw blades are attached. They are most often sold by sets in which the canvas include different sizes to produce various holes.

Overview of electric saw prices depending on the manufacturer

Before you choose a saw saw on a tree, you must familiarize yourself with the main manufacturers existing on the market.

1. Bosch.  The tool of this manufacturer is famous for impeccable quality. Bosch electroopers are convenient and easy to use. Their cost is from 4,000 to 10,000 rubles. The price of jigsaw starts from 2000 and ends 7000 rubles. The cost of the most expensive ending saw begins with 12,000 and exceeds 25,000 rubles.

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2. Makita. This brand releases the highest class technique. The disk saw on the Makita tree will cost an order of magnitude more expensive than other firms. But it will be a little weigh and work quietly, and its quality characteristics and performance, long years will remain at the highest level. The cost of the jigsaws of this company ranges from 4,000 to 7000 rubles, the emission of the middle class - from 5,000 to 15,000 rubles, expensive models - 28,000 to 30,000 rubles.

3. Hitachi. The manufacturer comes from Japan as always on top. The company sells a reliable tool capable of satisfying the most demanding consumers, but it is also quite expensive. For example, if the buyer needs a disk saw on a tree, its price will be at least 5,000 rubles, but it is in the cheapest version. The average cost is 6000-16,000 rubles.

4. Master. The company produces reliable and high-quality electroopers by purchasing which consumers do not doubt that they will use for many years. Along with the highest quality of the instrument, Meister pleases quite democratic prices. For example, a ribbon saw on a tree, the price of which other companies exceed 20,000 rubles, in this company will cost much cheaper.

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5. Among the domestic manufacturers, Interskol company is very profitable. She was even assigned to the nickname "Russian Bosch" and this nickname speaks for himself. At the same time, prices for high-quality tools are pleasantly surprised. The most expensive disk saws on the Interskol tree are 30% cheaper than similar models of Makita.

How to choose a saw saw
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