Flowers in the interior Interior items

Flowers - an integral attribute of our existence, so in design purposes they play far from last. A competent approach to the choice of a certain type of plant, as well as its location will help achieve a harmonious combination with the common style of the interior.
Significance of colors in the interior
I can give the interior of freshness, comfort, harmony with the help of indoor plants cut in the form of a bouquet or dried flowers. However, the diversity of indoor plants, which can be purchased in flower shops today, is amazing with their magnificence and sophistication, opening unlimited possibilities for using them when decorating an apartment, office, of any other room.
At the same time, flowers in the interior of the room perform not only a decorative function, but also:
- Purify air absorbing carbon dioxide and other substances secreted by objects located in the room.
- Select oxygen.
- Reduce electromagnetic radiation from a computer, television, various home appliances.
- Improve the microclimate indoors.
- Mix microbes.
- Remove stress.
- Have a positive effect on overall health.
- Enhance performance.
- Used for treatment.
- Use food.
Of course, these properties are characteristic only for indoor plants. In addition, cut flowers will delight only a short time, and dry over time lose attractiveness in view of the accumulation of dust, which is rather problematic. That is why the bulk of colors in the interior is represented by indoor plants, and bouquets of living colors and dried flowers only complement the established style.
Principles of Color Placement in the Interior
Most of the houseplants of the capricious to those surrounding their conditions. In this case, unpretentious options are not always suitable for accommodation in that or another room. If you do not take into account these conditions, then the joy of landscaping the interior can end it very quickly.
Based on this, the following factors should be taken into account when placing colors:
- Lighting is the most important factor, since some plants love the shadow, others - the sun. By placing a light-lubricant flower in the interior, devoid of sunlight, or incoming short time, in a rather short period you can completely destroy the plant.
- The size of the room and the proportion of plants. If in a small room to install a large plant, then there will be even less places. At the same time, the miniature flower easily merges with the interior of a spacious room. Therefore, for large premises it is worth choosing volumetric plants, and for small - instances are smaller.
- Combination with ornament. Against the background of a small pattern, there will be plants with large sheets, and the flower with small leaves will be well visible against the background of a large drawing.
- Color solutions. In the room decorated in pastel colors, any plant will focus on attention. At the same time, when combined in the room of the objects of various colors, choosing flowering plants is relative to the color of curtains, furniture upholstery and other textiles.
- Pots. An important factor in decorating the room are pots in which plants are planted. An ideal option will be a combination with a common interior style not only in colors, but also pots.
- Compositions. To create an isgery of greenery and ease of care, plants can be combined into small groups according to the conditions characteristic of them, arranging them on the windowsill, sex, shelves or using all sorts of stands.
However, placing flowers on the windowsill is better at some distance from the glasses. Otherwise, in hot weather, the leaves of plants, in contact with the glasses, get a burn, and in winter, being in constant contact with water due to the thawing of windows, begin to rotate. In addition, flowers placed on the windowsill should not be high, otherwise the illumination of the room will decrease.
In addition, it is not necessary to overload the rooms with blooming plants with a sharp smell, otherwise the created buzz will turn into headache and other indisposition.
Interior decoration options in room plants
Flowers in the living room
The most lighted and large place in the apartment is always distinguished by a large number of plants located in groups or a single way.
The monochromicity of the spacious interior of the living room is built by large plants placed near the natural light, especially in the presence of panoramic windows.
In the spacious living room, you can comfortably compound the flowers in small groups.
Two identical plants located in the opposite corners of the room will give the room symmetry.
Even one flower in the living room interior is able to emphasize all the attention to the place of placement.
The living room made in bright colors will come true if there is a 2-3 pot with plants, blooming small flowers on the windowsill, and put a bouquet of bright red tulips on the coffee table.
High plants standing on the floor will not only fill empty space, but also visually increase the height of the ceilings.
At the same time, colorful tree plants and flowers in the interior of the living room create an opposite effect.
A small living room, weathered in geometrically correct proportions with a small satellite gamut, revitalizes a plant with bright colors placed in the center of the table.
Even in a small living room you can always find a small corner and fill it with various plants.
Flowers in the bedroom
The room intended for rest should not be overloaded with plants, especially with a strong smell.
The clear geometry of the room will soften the alternation of large and small plants located in the headboard standing near the bed window.
When lacking a place and lighting, flowers in the interior of the bedroom can be positioned in wall niches either on the shelves, pre-arranged artificial lighting in the form of a backlight.
In addition, some plant species are not isolated, but absorb oxygen (fern, lilies, etc.), so they should not be placed in the bedroom.
Flowers in children
The reaction of children to new smells is impossible to predict, because some plants can cause allergies.
For children, it is enough to place 1-2 pots and better if it is lemon or chlorophytum that destroy pathogens.
At the same time, set the flowers in the nursery on the floor are somewhat inappropriate, because the surrounding children easily turn the pot. The optimal option will be the location of them on the windowsill, in the wall niches, on the shelves either in wall caspo.
Flowers in the kitchen
The choice of colors for the kitchen comes down, mainly to sophistication and unpretentiousness.
However, the need for continuous ventilation during cooking leads to the difficulty of laying flowers on the windowsill, so the flowers are better placed on the shelves, in niches, on the cabinets, with the help of wall caspo.
A good solution will be a vertical gardening of spicy herbs that fill the kitchen with a wonderful aroma, and the store will not need to flee for fresh seasoning.
Flowers in the hallway
In most cases, the hallway does not differ in a large number of light, therefore it is worth posting plants here.
To decorate the interior and saving space in a small hallway, curly plants are ideal in combination with vertical landscaping.
But in a spacious hallway, you can easily put a small tree or a high flower with wide leaves.
Flowers in the bathroom
It would seem lack of lighting, temperature differences, increased humidity - not the best place for plants. However, the Fatsia Japanese, Philodendron climbing, ivy, aspidistra, chrysanthemum and other species, feel quite remarkably in such conditions with the right place.
If you put asparagus or aspidas in front of the mirror, then the light from the lamps is either a small size of the windows, it will be reflected from the mirror and fill out a shortage of natural lighting. In addition, the plants themselves will seem somewhat larger.
Over the mirror you can arrange ivy or phyloodendron climbing, which will be framed by it with descending weaves.
On the windowsill, you can place exacms, chrysanthemums, although not for long.
At the same time, put flowers to the edge of the bath and the sink is not worth it, since the splashes of soap water, along with the lack of lighting, will quickly destroy the plants.
Other premises
High plants with small or large leaves are suitable for the working office.
When a lack of space in the office premises, vertical landscaping is perfect.
Flowers of miniature sizes look good in small rooms, but with large leaves.
The tree placed in a free corner will fill out not only empty space, but also makes some paints into the monotony of the interior.
To distinguish the spacious lounge on the entrance and expectations zones will also help high tree plants like a ficus, phylodendron, drasens.
Mitigate the coldness and severity of the wall material made by means of brickwork, as well as revive the interior and make the coat will help the cane growing in the boxes.
By issuing space by plants, it is necessary to correlate the size of the room and the proportion of the flower.
Selection options for a bouquet of interior
You can add the interior, in addition to room plants, you can bouquet of fresh cut flowers, although one flower in the interior is also not uncommon.
As a rule, a bouquet of flowers of one species is an additional element that is harmoniously combined with all interior items.
However, a bright bouquet of various types of colors installed in the center of the table will brighten the monochromicity of the room and emphasizes the active zone.
A bouquet of wildflowers on the background of light walls placed by the mirror attracts and at the same time complements the emerging interior.
When placing cut colors, it is necessary to take into account that the smaller the length of the stems, the higher it should be.
In addition, flowers in a bouquet must be located freely so that each flower is clearly visible.
But the shape of the bouquet can be any.
All flowers are beautiful in its own way and with proper care can decorate the interior for several weeks.
Premises Decor Drackers
When it is impossible to decorate the room using living colors by virtue of different circumstances, drunks will come to the revenue.
At the same time, in the composition you can use both dry flowers and ears of wheat, a variety of leaves.
The main thing, the combination of plants placed with a common style, since dry flowers are used as an element complementary interior, and not independent.
Thus, any flowers in the interior, the photos of which are presented above can revive, supplement or create a contrast with respect to other subjects located in the room. In any case, the presence in the interior of plants creates harmony and comfort.