How to build a swimming pool? Construction of a concrete pool with their own hands. Baths, saunas and pools

Private pool is a great gift for the whole family. But if there is no desire to buy a small inflatable option, but the appearance of the frame does not suit, then the optimal solution is the construction of a concrete pool. Its installation is simply carried out enough, while all the work is easily carried out without assistance. But concrete is quite a capricious material until it freezes, so it is necessary to use certain rules for the reliability.
Theoretical Basics of Construction of the Concrete Basin
So, first of all, it is necessary to deal with what a concrete pool is. It consists of:
- bowls
- waterproofing layer
- water supply / removal systems
- filtration systems,
- outdoor decoration
- decorative elements.
A bowl or reason is a concrete fill. Its thickness is determined depending on the size of the pool. Approximately calculated by the formula total basin cube (3.1415926 *R. 2* Depth) * 2/10 \u003d cm.But at least 10 cm with good reinforcement. The water pressure on the pool walls is not too large, but on the other hand there is a dense soil. As a result, the wall and the floor turn out to be under a peculiar press, which will easily destroy fine fill.
Waterproofing is performed so that the concrete is not impressed. Although this material is rather loyal to moisture, in excessive amounts, water destroys the structure of concrete, makes it crumbling and causes erosion. In order to avoid premature destruction, high-quality waterproofing is necessary.
The monolithic concrete pool is filled in two ways, or through the hose, or with the help of a special water supply system. The first method is long enough, moreover, does not allow to monitor the quality of water. Using special systems equipped with filters, not only reduce rigidity, but also accelerates the process of filling the pool. The drainage is necessary in order to launch the pool without problems and repair it or clean.
If you plan to use additional filters, they must be installed immediately. High-quality filtration stations occupy a lot of space, so this moment is thought out in advance.
The outer decoration includes the installation of the tile and rubbing the seams with special waterproof grouts. For the walls, the tile is suitable for any, for the floor use non-slip options. The use of other materials is possible, but in practice, the tile remains the most practical and durable.
The decorative stage is the installation of stairs, handrails, sculptures and other elements that diversify a boring landscape. In addition, decoration applies to refining the territory adjacent to the pool.
In order for the concrete pool to be beautiful, comfortable and safe, each items are thought out before the construction. As a rule, several drawings or graphic models are drawn, of which they choose the most liked version and refine it.
Buchi construction
Installation of the bowl consists of the following steps:
- preparation of pita
- collection of formwork
- pouring bowls
- installation of submits.
Before pouring a concrete bowl of the pool, digging the pit. Its sizes must be 20 cm deeper and wider than the size of the pool itself. This is necessary in order to make a submission. In addition, to the size of the pit it is necessary to add the width of the fill, otherwise the pool area will decrease. Regarding the method of digging, naturally is preferable to mechanical, using an excavator. But, if the pool is planned not very deep and large, then bypassing the usual shovel.
Like any monolithic designs, the walls of the bowl are flooded with formwork. The floor of the bowl is pouring either on the submissions from the sand (preferable) or directly to the ground. The subftip allows to reduce the pressure from the ground, in addition, it creates a better basis that the blows and vibrations are not terrible (in case of falling into the pool of heavy items or earthquakes). But the fill of the floor occurs only after the walls are made. Therefore, the construction of formwork precedes the floor. The formwork is made either in one level with the ground, or a few centimeters below if it is planned to make perellus bowls. A short formwork installation instruction looks like this:
- build shields, the height is equal to the height of the walls of the pool, the width is no more than 50 cm,
- we make the crate, for this we score every 50 cm on the pegs (performs 10 cm above the level of the earth) and connect them every 1 m in height with any wooden boards,
- to the frame sew shields,
- on the other hand, do the same thing
- supporting pegs typing jumpers,
- we put the backups under the shields.
Next, fill the walls of the pool of concrete. Formwork is usually removed in a week. The work is performed at the air temperature not lower than +10 degrees Celsius, otherwise the concrete will be for a long time and contact poorly. As soon as the walls are camp, pour the floor. The bottom of the pool will be ready for further work in 8-10 days.
Tip: both in the walls and in the floor it is desirable to use a metal frame - it will make the design more durable. To save materials in concrete add crushed stone.
After the bowl fully becomes completely and give an extra moisture make a subtype. Used exclusively sand. It is advisable to sift it from seashells and small stone, but in basins with a volume of up to 10 cubes is not necessary. Rocking of the walls performs the same functions as the flooring. From above, the intake is used either for laying the tiles, either fall asleep with the ground, or on top of the dermal.
Installation of water supply and removal systems
In order for the concrete pool with their own hands is not worse than in specialized complexes it is necessary to very well think out the removal and water supply. Allocate two systems:
- permanent
- cyclic.
The permanent system involves constant circulation of water into the system and is the most perfect, as it can significantly reduce the cost of water. On the other hand, its installation will be at times more expensive. Consists of the following items:
- feed pump
- filters
- cumulative tank
- overflows
- drain canals.
The first thing is established a cumulative tank, it should be located below the water level in the pool or consist of reporting vessels (otherwise it is necessary to install an additional pump that will supply water into a storage tank from the waste channel).
Next, the accumulative tank is equipping with all those gadgets that you want to see in your pool (installation of ozonization, ionics, other filters and controllers). We connect to Baku feed pump and carry water to the pool. The feed pipe can leave either directly outward, in the form of a decorative fountain or crane (from the head of statues, etc.), or through ordinary holes in the bowl (they are made after the monsolita fill).
Now it is necessary to ensure uninterrupted water supply. To do this, the Baku is connected to either a conventional watering hose, if the urban water supply is used for filling, if the water source is a well (well, another water). Through the tank filters, the full volume of water is driven, then fill another half and turn off the external feed.
Uninterrupted circulation is ensured using the overflow system. These are special grooves that surround the perimeter of the pool. From above are covered with iron lattices, which perform the function of the primary filter, protecting against large garbage, leaves, etc. The grooves must be installed under a slope (but not more than 5 degrees, otherwise the groove depth at the bottom point will be quite significant), one of the edges of the pool is taken as the upper point, from which the dials are right and left to the lower point (located strictly by perpendicular).
At the bottom point there is a hole leading either into the system of pipes supplying water back to the accumulative tank, or a small container, the water from which is pumped up by the pump when a certain level is reached. The automation of the process is achieved:
- mechanically
- automatically.
The mechanical method involves manually turning on the filters and the pump in the cumulative tank when the water level in the pool is significantly reduced. Automatically, the method involves the use of special sensors that automatically turn on and turn off the technique. About their varieties and properties will tell more detail any seller-consultant of a specialized store.
The cyclic system is reduced to the fact that the water is added to the pool as needed. Cleaning occurs with the help of chemicals. Naturally, this approach allows you to save a fairly large amount on the equipment, but depending on the size of the pool, in 5-10 years, the cost of water and chemistry exceed the cost of filters and pumps. In addition, the lack of circulation will lead to the obligatory appearance of mold. With cyclic water supply systems, mechanical (manual) cleaning the pool must be performed once a month.
Waterproofing and exterior
Waterproofing of concrete pools is performed:
- chemical impregnation,
- bitumen resins
- waterproofing films.
Porous films passing oxygen, but preventing moisture penetration were invented first. Although the technology is quite developed, in terms of price and labor costs this option cannot be called good.
Modern bitumen mixtures, in contrast to clean resin, are able to skip oxygen, so concrete will not begin to bloom and collapse. However, the resin is not the best basis for sticking the tile, so they will need additional work on plastering.
Thus, the best of all options will be chemical processing. It quickly reliably and does not require any additional finish operations. Of the disadvantages - the cost.
Isolation begins from the walls, special attention at the corners, and only then the floor is treated. If crushed stone was used when pouring the bowl, or if the walls and gears were not displayed in the lighthouses, before starting work it is worth stuck. Cement is much cheaper than moisture-resistant adhesives for the tile, so it is cheaper to level the surface in this way.
As soon as the plaster becomes, and work on waterproofing will end, immediately go to the installation of the tile. As a rule, use:
- porcelain stoneware
- mosaic
- pools tile.
Like water, porcelain is refracting light, as a result, such a surface will be very beautiful to glisten in sunny weather. The material is better suitable for the floor, since it does not slide. The walls are rare, since the cost of porcelain is quite high.
Mosaic is glass or ceramic. Glass elements look very beautiful, refract the light, and create an effect of inner glow. But their cost can reach 400-500 dollars per 1 square meter. m. Therefore, stained glass makes from ordinary glazed ceramics. It looks almost also, but it costs 5-8 times cheaper.
The pool tile is equipped with a special coating that eliminates slide. It is manufactured with a special temperature mode, which minimizes the destructive effect of water. Most pools are separated by combining such tiles and ceramic stained glass windows.
Tip: Although most of the manufacturers of adhesive mixtures and indicate that their products are suitable for any types of work, you should choose special mixtures for sticking a tile in the pools (the rest will start racing in 2-4 seasons).
Decorating the pool
Concrete pools with their own hands will acquire a finished view only after performing small, but weighty finishes. Naturally, the first thing is necessary to ensure the descent and lifting from the pool. Making a monolithic staircase or build a brick design is not desirable (exception, if the design was invented before the installation works), therefore metal stairs are used. They are sold hard, easily shortening, do not rust and do not require additional care. In addition, simultaneously serve as charging (for monolithic steps you also need handrails so as not to slip when exiting water).
Build pools without infrastructure is not advisable. The environment is usually either a small platform with several sun loungers, or a turf with a lawn. Live lawn is not recommended, as it will quickly flood and come into disrepair. In addition, abundant moisture will contribute to the active growth of grass. Frequent undercrow work pollute water in the pool with ground pieces and cut grass.
Another point that will have to taste children - this is the presence of fountains, hydromassage, etc. Also, the use of special mechanisms allows you to create waves or waterways. We need to be needed if the air temperature is not heated above 20-25 degrees Celsius - heating systems. Mounted either as a warm floor, or directly in the cumulative tank.
There are many such gadgets. It is desirable to foresee them before the start of construction, as it is impossible to make fountains or waterways, without dismantling part of the bowl. But in the case when the budget is limited, all additional elements are installed over time.