How to choose a drill on concrete Instruments

Everyone who produces in their home the repair work independently, inevitably faces the problem of drilling holes in the materials of high strength, such as concrete, foam blocks, brick, etc. Drills for metal and wood are powerless before such a task, they are quickly stupid and come into disrepair. . Therefore, for these purposes, it is necessary to apply special drills on concrete, which are pictures of which are presented in this article.
What is the drill on concrete, their varieties
Concrete drills have special attacks from a very durable alloy, according to the degree of hardness approximate to diamond. It is called "Win". The winning drill on concrete today is the most durable and has no analogues according to this parameter.
Concrete drills are divided into:
- the drill on a concrete for a drill, has a shank in the form of a cylinder or a polyhedron;
- concrete drill for a perforator, has a shank in the form of a cylinder and the mark of the SDS-PLUS or SDS-MAX.
If during construction work, use the drill and drills for it, then drill such solid materials as, for example, reinforced concrete. To do this, there is a perforator tool and drill on concrete shock. It is usually called a boom on concrete. Boers are three types:
- auger - allow you to make deep holes;
- spiraloid - allow you to do large holes;
- side - allow you to make passengers of small size and depth.
Such drills are snapped in the drive cartridge, for this they have thickening at the end. This tool is intended for professional use. With it, it receives holes from 4 mm to 3 cm.
If you need to do a larger hole, use the drill bit on concrete. It allows to obtain recesses up to 12 cm in particularly durable materials. Coroned drill happens:
- diamond - tube or crown, fixed on the rod, along the edges of which there is a diamond spraying;
- the winner is a nozzle having the same structure as the above described version, only instead of a diamond spraying - melting winner teeth.
Coronated drills come to the aid when it is necessary to make a recess for a socket or switch, communicate, etc.
The answer to the question, "what drill to drill concrete?", It also depends on what kind of depth is needed and the width of the hole.
Boers on concrete depending on the diameter have the following length:
- diameter 4 mm - length 50 mm;
- diameter 5 mm - length 100 mm;
- diameter 6 mm - length 150 mm;
- diameter 8 mm - length 250 mm;
- diameter 10 mm - length 540 mm;
- the diameter is 12 mm and more - length up to 1000 mm.
As can be seen from the list, the drill on concrete is long has a large diameter, because Thin simply will not stand and break during work.
Useful tips on working with a drill on concrete
1. Before starting work on concrete, it is best to stock by different drills, including for metal. The fact is that concrete drills are allowed to use only for its intended purpose - for drilling concrete, ceramics, stone and other solid materials. But it happens that by entering the concrete, the bur rests on the metal fittings. In this case, the drill on the metal will be required to be replaced during the concrete drill, drill the reinforcement, and then insert the drill back. Some handicraft masters manage to sharpen the drill so that it becomes suitable for both metal and concrete, but it is very difficult to achieve, and you need extensive experience and special skills.
2. Working with concrete you need to constantly ensure that the drill is not overheated. After 15 seconds of continuous drilling, do a pause. It is possible to compose only naturally, in no case applying water and other liquid.
3. Sometimes, entering the concrete, the drill rolling into a solid stone and cannot overcome it. In this case, it is better to take advantage of the bump box, crush the stone and after again use the drill on concrete.
4. If during the repair process it is necessary to make holes in the bearing wall or overlap, it is better to postpone the shock drill and use the perforator. Otherwise, it will not be a sense, only fatigue and time spent.
5. If there is a need to drill ceramics, use the concrete drill, just turn off the drill mode, otherwise the tile will split.
6. Furious drills accurate with a grinder using a diamond disk. But if you initially purchase a high-quality expensive tool, then such a need does not arise.
A brief overview of the most famous manufacturers of drill on concrete
To date, there are easy to find both domestic and imported drill on concrete. Its price will largely depend on the manufacturer. Usually advertised, the brands known to the whole world are asking for their products much more money than manufacturers easier. But this overrun in many cases is justified, because A loud name is also a peculiar guarantee of the quality of the goods and a long term of use.
In the list of foreign manufacturers producing the best drills on concrete, are Bosch, Makita, Metabo, Stayer and Fit. All of them offer the buyer worthy product quality and at the same time, quite high prices. Of these, the most popular is the bosch concrete drill. Due to its four-speech form, the remnants of the material quickly and easily come out of the hole.
Cheaper, but at the same time quite quality, is the commodity of domestic firms, as well as manufacturers from CIS countries and China, such as bison, Interskol, Enekor, Uragan and others. By the way, Chinese goods are considered poor-quality, but it is not quite true. This opinion is likely to relate to the most spear options. And those that are more expensive can be quite worthy. Before you choose a drill on concrete, you need to understand that a good thing can not be cheap, because In order for it to produce high quality expensive raw materials and the latest technology.
Cost reduction Some unscrupulous manufacturers are achieved by violating the technological process to the detriment of the quality of the product, or through the use of cheaper elements of the composition.
It looks quite difficult to distinguish such a drill. It is believed that fakes have a darker color, because one of the production stages proceed incorrectly. But the most important criterion and notice still remains.
Sometimes, to save, it is advisable to acquire a set of drills on concrete. The price for each of them in this case will be less than when purchasing separately.
How to distinguish the drill on concrete from other types of drills?
To understand how the concrete drill looks like, consider the main differences:
1. On the shape of the tip:
- tree drills are equipped with a characteristic edge on the tip that sticks into the wood;
- metal drills have a cone-shaped tip without island;
- the drill on concrete is distinguished by a rather stupid tip with a defeated plate hitting it.
2. By size of the corner between the cutting edges:
- for steel - 140 degrees;
- for duralumin, brass, bronze - from 110 to 120 degrees;
- for copper, soft aluminum, wood, plastic - from 90 to 100 degrees.
3. In color:
- metal drill must have a black metal color;
- wood drill has an average metal hue;
- concrete drill painted in white metal color.