Installing the retainer on the PVC windows Window

Plastic windows are firmly entered into our lives. They have a number of positive qualities, like a high level of noise insulation, ease of operation, excellent appearance, excellent protection against exposure to the external environment. Yes, and the cost of plastic windows every day is becoming lower. However, during operation, small disadvantages and inconvenience of the initial configuration of the window were observed. Fortunately, they are easy to fix by acquiring and installing additional accessories. One of them is the window lock.
Window lock. What is it needed for what
The easiest retainer for the window is a bar equipped with teeth. This model is called "comb". "Comb" allows you to fix the plastic window in an open or inclined position with a certain size of the gap. The width of the gap is selected from 1 to 7 cm.
The need for equipment of the plastic window The record is due to the following functions:
- Providing protection from slamming. An open plastic window under the influence of draft or strong wind often slams. Of course, the double-glazed glass in plastic windows is distinguished by significant strength, so that the glass in cotton is unlikely to break. However, cotton is unpleasant by themselves. Yes, and the window will most likely remain in the closed state. This causes inconvenience. After all, it was planned that it would be open. But when using the retainer of the plastic window, the sash will remain in the position in which it is fixed.
- Providing protection against swinging. Another effect of a draft, which is directly opposite to slam. A shut-off to ventilate the sash swallowing the lamb, despicable everything in its path - pots with flowers, documents, other things from the window sill.
- The possibility of ventilating during the cold season. Thanks to the fixer, it is possible to switch the sash to the fixed width. In this case, the width of the slit between the sash and the frame can be very insignificant, 1-2 cm. This is sufficient for airing. But the temperature balance of the room does not break, the combination does not threaten him.
- More full-fledged ventilation. All plastic windows have a ventilation mechanism involves the tilt of the top of the window. It is not very convenient and productive. The room is better ventilated and gets more fresh air when opening the entire sash. The use of the retainer in the extreme position allows you to lock the sash at a distance of about 7 cm from the frame. This is quite enough for the full air ventilation even in the hot season.
- Security for pets. For most buyers, this aspect is very important. The fact is that the plastic window open to ventilating was the cause of the death of not one pet. As mentioned earlier, the ventilation in the standard configuration of the plastic window involves the slope of its upper part. Trying to jump out of the apartment through a dialing window, the cats are stuck between the sash and the frame. The slot is narrowed to the bottom and does not allow to squeeze. And it is impossible to boil up the plastic window, slide claws. The presence of the window opening lock allows you to avoid tragedy. Lock the sash at maximum distance from the frame, and the favorite will get a safe way out at any time of the day. Of course, if you live on the first floor. If the apartment is located high and it is necessary to prevent the fall of the animal, lock the sash at a distance of 4-5 cm from the frame. This is enough for full ventilation. However, it is clearly not enough to get out of the apartment and fall down.
Fixer on the window. Installation
To install the retainer on the windows, it is not necessary to resort to the services of professionals at all. The process is very simple and understandable. Anyone, if desired, can cope with him. The main thing is to be relentless to follow the instructions of the instructions.
The following tools will be needed to install the retainer on the windows:
- Screwdriver or ordinary cross screwdriver.
- Drill.
- Drill with a diameter of 1-2 mm.
- Pencil.
- The lock for the window, which includes a comb with teeth, a plank, for which the teeth cling to, two self-pressing.
If the screw is not included in the set of the retainer, it is necessary to additionally prepare two screws in size 4x20 mm. It is advisable to take special self-tapping screws with a brown for plastic windows. Although it is suitable and ordinary.
Manufacturers offer two options for the lock for windows. The first - plank, for which the ridge teeth clings, is attached directly under the window opening handle. The second - it is attached by screws on the end of the sash.
An algorithm for performing work when installing a fixer of the first type Next:
1. Remove the handle from the window. For this you need:
- turn the plate located at the base of the handle, 90 °. It will open access to the knob mounting screws;
- unscrew the screws;
- remove the handle.
2. Put the bar on the handle, for which the ridge teeth cling. The holes in the bar must match the holes for the knob mounting screws.
3. Attach the handle on its place on the sash. Make sure the bar is put on the top. When the handle is "closed", the ledge, for which the teeth clings must be rotated towards the stationary part of the frame.
4. Using the screws, screw the handle with the bar in place.
5. Connect the comb. The end of the comb equipped with fastening, press the frame tightly.
6. Make sure the comb in this position does not interfere with the movement of the window sash. To do this, continuing to hold the mount tightly pressed to the frame, remove the ridge from the plank and try to close the sash. It turned out - everything is in order, the place under the mount is chosen correctly.
Tip: It is advisable to leave not a big gap between the fastening of the comb and the windows sash. In this case, the retainer certainly does not prevent the normal work of the sash.
7. Finally, deciding with the place of fastening the comb, mark the holes for the screws with a pencil.
8. With the help of drills, drill holes for the tapping screw in marked places.
9. Attach the fastening of the ridge to the holes and secure it with the help of self-tapping screws. Use a screwdriver or screwdriver.
The window opening lock is set, you can start exploiting.
Installation of a second-type clamping device is practically no different from the algorithm described above. The only difference is not necessary to shoot the handle. Planck, for which the teeth clings, is attached using self-tapping screws at any convenient place of the sash.
Fixer window from children
The window discovered above is not the only additional accessory of plastic windows. Families with young children must necessarily consider the issue of additional protection.
Tip: Never hope on a mosquito net. Her attachments are so unreliable that they do not even withstand the weight of pets. Cases of flights of cats on mosquito nets are far from one. What to talk about the child. In addition, the presence of the grid provokes the baby, inspires him a false sense of security, the desire to rely on it. From here not far to the tragedy.
Of course, the "comb" is also to some extent a protective agent. After all, it fixes the window in a root position. But the mechanism of opening the "comb" is so simple that the inquisitive Karapuzu will not work with him to cope. You have to use the means more serious. It can be:
1. Special fixing device with lock. The mounting method is on the frame and from the bottom on the sash. In the "closed" position to open the sash in the horizontal position is impossible. The principle of installation is very simple:
- the lock consists of two parts. One part is with a lock, the other - with the mechanism of the hold of the lock in the locked state. With the help of self-sufficiency, attach part with the lock near the edge of the sash below;
- connect both parts of the mechanism. Secure the lock;
- close the window sash. Tightly press the retainer to the frame;
- circle the contours of the part of the frame relating to the frame;
- open the sash, divide the retainer on the part. A part that is attached to the frame, attach to the place according to the drawn contour. Attach to the frame with the help of screws;
- make sure that the fixing mechanism is installed correctly. To do this, close the sash. Parts of the fixing mechanism must compile a single whole, the key is easy to turn in the lock and secure the sash.
2. The lock on the window equipped with a sliding mechanism.
Equipped with guide. Open the sash is wider than its length is impossible. Massed usually downstairs. For installation it is necessary:
- With the help of self-sufficiency to attach one end of the retainer to the windowsill.
- In the closed position, stock points for fastening the second part of the retainer on the window sash. Attach with screws.
- Flexible lock for windows.
The principle of action resembles a door chain. Two parts of the mechanism, one of which is attached to the frame, and the other to the sash is connected by a flexible ribbon. Open the window can only be width equal to the length of this tape. Both parts of the mechanism are mounted using self-tapping screws at the bottom of the window parallel to each other.
1. Pen block. Does not give the opportunity to turn the handle and, accordingly, open the window. It is a bar with a shut-off mechanism. Plank is attached by self-drawing to the window sash in the handle area. It makes it possible to block the handle in the "Up" and Down positions. Consequently, the window is either closed or open in the inclined position. Change the position of the handle and open the baby's sash will not be able.
2. Pen with lock.
3. Special handle equipped with a lock fixing its position. For installation
- turn the protective plate covering the finishing of the handle;
- unscrew the screws that it is attached to the sash;
- remove the handle;
- put the handle with the lock on its place. Secure it with the same screws;
- cover the place of attachment by the protective bar.
4. Removable handle. Special view of the handle. Empty is easily. The hole is covered with a plug. The method of replacing the usual handle to the removable is similar to replacing the handle with the lock.
5. Block - valve. Consists of two parts. One part is an extremely shut-off mechanism, attached to the sash. The second part, "usho", in which the locking mechanism is fixed, is attached to the frame. Place of fastening - from below, on top or side. In the closed state, it does not allow to open the window. Method of installation:
- attach the block to the window sash in the selected place;
- close the window;
- attach the second part of the blocker to the frame so that in the closed state, the locking mechanism was included in the "Ushko";
- attach the second part of the blocker to the frame with the help of screws;
- make sure that the lock is installed correctly: the mechanism works properly, and the sash is "open" easily swollen.
Buy clamps for windows of any type will not be difficult. Any supermarket, any economic shop, big or small, and even any company engaged in the production and installation of plastic windows will offer the widest selection of similar devices. Yes, and prices are quite acceptable. The standard window opening lock will cost about $ 2-3. Agree, a small price for convenience and comfort.