Repair rolled roofs do it yourself Construction

Despite the fact that the rolled roof is a durable, resistant to any natural phenomena, hermetic coating, and restoration work is also periodically required. From how correctly and in a timely manner will be repaired by a rolled roof with their own hands, a further term of the roof and the whole building depends on. From this article, you will learn how to quickly eliminate all defects and damage to the soft roof.
What repair is needed and when?
Repair of the roof from rolled materials must be carried out after determining the specific type of problem and scope of work. To do this, periodically, preferably 1 time per season, make a preventive inspection of the coating for its destruction.
Important! Depending on the nature of the damage and the area of \u200b\u200bthe destroyed surface, the corresponding type of repair will be required:
- local repairs - if the total area of \u200b\u200bdamage to the decorative coating is no more than 40%;
- the overhaul of the rolled roof is prepared to perform when the damaged surface is 60% or more and destruction occurred not only in the upper bed, but also other layers of roofing pie - heat, moisture insulation coatings or rafted rafters.
We carry out inspection of the roof
It is possible to determine the nature of the problem from the inner and outdoor side of the building. Less global are those damage that are noticeable from the outside of the roof, but everything remains as durable inside the building as before.
After examining the roof outside, pay attention to the possible appearance of such defects:
- detachment of the coating strips;
- swelling of the material;
- formation of cracks of various lengths and depths;
- sailing a rolled roofing;
- the formation of funnel-shaped grooves in which water is stared;
- reducing the waterproofing properties of chimney aprons;
- leaks on the facade;
- growing fungus, moss;
- rotation of coating.
Internal damage may be:
- bloating or cracks on the ceiling;
- the plaster on the ceiling and the walls of the designer, acquired a gray shade or completely changed the color;
- on the walls and ceiling are clearly sublifting.
Important! Even if you notice minor damage to the decorative top layer of roofing pie, do not slow down and do not postpone the repairs before the appearance of more serious and complex problems. So you will avoid significant spending time, money and your own strength, warn the destruction of your home.
Repair of rolled roofing
To quickly and efficiently cope with the upcoming work to eliminate breaks, cracks, or even the roof flowing, you have to competently prepare for the process. For this:
- Feature the right and convenient technology for you.
- Prepare all the necessary materials and tools.
- Well clean the roof from the garbage, dirt, dust - spend general cleaning.
Important! Perhaps, in the course of this work you will find another shortcomings that have not surges immediately.
Technologies repair work
According to the identified number of problem spaces, prepare:
- Local repair of small defects.
- Overhaul of the roof.
Depending on the technologies and materials used, the following ways to solve the problem has been distinguished:
- Restoration of coating with a cold way.
- Elimination of problem places by moving material.
Coating Recovery Materials
To seal local distressed places, one of the following materials will be useful to you:
- Technoelast.
- Isoelast.
- Ruberoid.
- Uniflex.
- Breplayst.
- Isoplast.
Important! Note that the specific type of material must be selected by certain criteria:
- the possibility of high-quality sealing with an existing coating;
- cost - it should not be very different from the price of the material that you used for the main overlap of the roof;
- thickness - the inner layers are filled with a thickness of the canvas with a thickness of up to 3.5 cm, if you need to update the outer layer, then the material is required to 4.5 cm thick, preferably with an additional protective sprinkler from above.
Tools for work
- Roulette.
- The knife is ideal for a special cutter of a soft roof.
- Gas cylinder and burner.
- The roll to rolling the roll coating, if the roof overhaul is planned.
- Spatulas.
- Construction hairdryer.
- Axe.
- Shovel.
- Vacuum cleaner.
- Broom.
- Sealant.
- Bituminous mastic - cold or hot applications.
- Primer or primer.
- Capacities for the kneading solution.
- Rollers.
Important! Be sure to prepare protective clothing for yourself to avoid damage to the skin, eyes, mucous nose and mouth, and provide yourself with a convenient move on the roof. Please note that the repairs of a flat roof is much easier to restore the scope - it is desirable to still have insurance from falling.
Eliminate small defects of the rolled roof
Restoration of small damage to the roof coating from roll materials does not take away a lot of time and will not require any significant effort from you. It is only necessary to allocate time for the repair of the roll roof and apply their knowledge and skills properly. Restore the coating when swollen, sagging or formation of stagnation with moisture in one of the following methods.
Method 1
- Clear the problem space with a saving or cutting drawdown.
- Fill it with an asphalt concrete mixture.
- The glue by consistently rolled segments of the appropriate size according to the technology of the catchment.
Important! Filling the recess asphalt concrete mixture is required only if the recess is more than 1.5 cm high.
Method 2.
- Clean the scene.
- Pulp the knife bubble with air.
- Enter White Spirit or Kerosene.
- Tell the appropriate size on top, fixing it on hot or cold mastic.
Method 3.
- Remove sprouted plants in crack cracks, as well as detached coating particles and, if present, rot.
- There are 2 perpendicular cuts on the place of savings or swollen a rolled roof - the cross should be visually.
- Seeing the material inside the hole and the coating from the outside - this can be done using a construction dryer or gas burner.
- Prepare a patch of suitable size.
- Lubricate it with mastic and stick to the problem area.
Important! In order to warm up this place well, wake the mastic in several layers, making a drying break. In this case, the most convenient to apply a solution with a roller - this will ensure the smoother coating.
Method 4.
- Clean the coating and prepare a solution of cold mastic.
- Employ the problem after the cut - inside and outside.
- Loading it with cold bitumen mastics.
- Place the glasswork for hardening this section of the roof.
- Remove the mastic.
- Color protective aluminum paint after the solution grabs well.
Overhaul roofing
If you have discovered a problem much deeper than bundle or sprinkling, the bloody pie will have to fully disassemble the roofing pie and replaced it, replacing spoiled materials.
To facilitate the process:
- Use special automatic equipment for removing the old rolled roof.
- Sequentially disassemble the problem areas - you may not have to completely replace the insulating layers, it will only be enough to update individual segments or stoves.
If the rafters rotated - it is not necessary to disassemble them and create a new system. Enter lighter and easiew:
- Remove all signs of rot, mold.
- Project problem areas with antiseptic and protective hydrophobic solutions.
- Wait for breathing them.
- Attach whole boards to spoiled beams and the perimeter of the roof - they will strengthen the design.
Important! Overhaul of the rolled roof planned only in dry, warm weather. Otherwise, you do not avoid sediment inwarding the building and on open materials of internal words. Also, wet weather can create temporary problems - solutions for protection will not dry and you will not be able to assemble the roof design on time.
Roll roof repair - Video
In this video you will familiarize yourself with the technology of overhaul roll roof without disassembling the entire design.
Roof protection
In a situation where you did not find any explicit problems in the process of prophylactic seasonal inspection, but the roof is already old and I would like to strengthen it, treat the entire surface with one of the solutions suggested below. This will extend the service life for several years.
Blend 1.
- Building bitumen - 33% of the mixture.
- White spirit - 15%.
- Sodium siliconfluoride - 2%.
- Solar oil - 50%.
Mix 2.
- Building bitumen - 23%.
- Aluminum powder - 15.5%.
- White spirit - 25.5%.
- Mica and asbestos - 2.5%.
- Crumb rubber - 4%.
- Solar oil - 27.5%.
What will happen if you do not make the repair of the roll roof on time?
So that you do not even doubt that the repair of the rolled roofing with their own hands or with the involvement of professional masters must be done in time, familiarize yourself with the problem that entails roof damage. It:
- changing the shape of overlaps and walls;
- reducing the stability and reliability of the building;
- damage to decorative coatings - ceilings, walls, floors, facade finishes, begins with the appearance of sublishes;
- the appearance of mold and a gradual increase in the colony of these harmful fungi;
- reproduction of moss;
- icing of walls and overlap in winter;
- cracking of walls, roofs, overlap;
- returning materials - in the most running cases can reach the foundation.
Important! Depending on how intensively, negative factors on the already spoiled areas of the rolled roof will be influenced, the rate of building the building can also change.
If you will correctly care for the rolled roof, you will not only extend the service life of the roof itself and the whole house. You will greatly simplify your life because you will have to do as much as possible to repair a soft roof. For this, it suffices to follow these rules:
- Do the trimming growing next to the trees house.
- Each season spend a thorough inspection of the roof and correct even small defects immediately.
- Once a season spend general cleaning - remove the whole garbage from the roof and rinse it with water from the hose under pressure.
- Periodically enhance the coating with protective solutions.