Decoration of walls with decorative stone with their own hands Walls

The arrangement of any home or apartment is associated with a number of consecutive work. But it is precisely what the walls will be decorated, usually depends on how cozy and comfortable will you spend time in it. So - to choose from the material it is necessary to come very carefully. Very relevant for today - finishing walls with decorative stone. Is it possible to realize such an idea for your home and how much it will cost you from the point of view of financial investments, you can understand by reading this article.
Pluses of wall decoration with decorative stone
There are a lot of varieties of a decorative stone of natural and artificial origin, which can be used for interior decor.
Each of them has its own characteristics, but you can highlight a few advantages characteristic of all types of decorative stone - this is:
- Strength that causes long service life.
- A wide color and texture palette, which gives limitless design opportunities.
- Regulation of air quality indoors naturally.
- Preservation of the shade of stone throughout the entire period of operation - even with direct exposure of sun rays, there is no burnout.
- Ecological purity is even an artificial stone, subject to technological standards, includes only natural, harmless components in its composition.
- Foreign safety - no type of stone is susceptible to burning or melting.
- Pleasant for tactile perception texture.
- The possibility of performing a full cycle of work (the manufacture of stone and its installation) with their own hands, without attracting qualified masters, will significantly affect the articles of expenses.
Important! The weight of the details, as well as the price of decorative wall decoration, will vary. These factors will affect your decision in choosing a specific type of stone. Be sure to consider them, since heavy stones are not always suitable for the decor of walls with a small carrier load, and the insufficiency of funds can lead to a slowdown or interruption of the installation process, which will also be unparalleled.
Room Design with Stone
Finishing the hallway or room with decorative stone with their own hands opens unlimited design opportunities. You can adhere to template ideas or think over your unique project - it all depends on your capabilities and talents.
Take yourself a note of several interesting ideas that you will definitely find applied to the design of your home:
- Think about the design of the room with a stone only if it is bright and spacious. If there is no such possibility, give preference to the combined cladding of stone and plaster, light tones of wallpaper or paint.
- Provide the possibility of additional illumination of zones with decorative stone - it will help create a more interesting effect of the decor and make it refined. LED lamps are perfect for this purpose, located at any point of the room - the bottom of the walls, above them, on opposite walls.
- Boldly use a decorative stone for the design of the columns, arches, fireplaces, window and doorways, the zones with a fountain or aquarium - here it will look very appropriate and organically. The same rule refers to green zones with curly or large plants.
- To fulfill the decoration of walls with a decorative stone in the hallway, focus on its spaciousness. The smaller the space, the less massive there should be a stone. Also, with such a situation, it is worth abandoning the full facing of the entire surface in favor of the decor of exclusively angles, the lower or top of the walls. Very curious option - create a small panel of stones of different breeds.
Important! To avoid possible errors from the technical side and do not spoil the estimated beautiful picture of your decor, taking into account the following recommendations of the masters:
- Do not make too wide seams, otherwise the broken stones will look not very aesthetic.
- Wellproving the base, do not save on the solution and do not rush to complete the process until it is completely drying. This will ensure good adhesion of parts with the surface, which means - after a short time, the stones will not be dismiss.
- Carefully select a combination of elements and their order in color and size. They must be perfectly harmony among themselves.
- Carefully observe the inquiry of the styling so that the picture of the common web is not bevelled or chaotic.
Types of natural stone
Natural stone Use in construction and facing works since ancient times. It gives a special flavor, the solidity of the interior, but in most cases it will cost quite expensive. To implement your project, you can choose elements from the following breeds.
Granite or quartzite
It is 2 the most dense, solid multicomponent breeds. They are ideal for long-term finishing of any room inside, as well as applied to outdoor cladding. Both stones have practically zero water absorption and do not get dirty. Have a wide range of shade palette of red, blue, orange, gray, pink, green colors. So - perfectly suitable for finishing in any operating conditions.
Important! By choosing this option, you will have to spend a minimum effort to care for the finished coating.
Marble use identities with exquisite taste. Walls with such cladding will be not only durable and practical, but also to emphasize the solidity, exclusivity and nobility of the interior. Marble will perfectly fit into the classic, and in any modern style.
Important! According to its technical characteristics, marble is almost no granite, but has a more attractive motley color. From this breed, you can easily arrange the details of any form with a matte or polished surface, as it is perfectly processed.
Travertine is another very popular stone for wall decoration. In addition to acceptable for internal finishing works, it has excellent heat transfer rates. It is for this reason that it is a more winning option when comparing with cold marble and granite.
Depending on which natural factors contributed to the formation of this stone breed, it may be present with a porous or relatively dense structure. But thanks to his advantage, if necessary, you can process, polish, and even the possibility of creating 3D canvas from travertine.
Important! Standard color palette includes very cozy shades of several options:
- red;
- white;
- brown;
- nut;
- yellow;
- beige.
Limestone is often used for cladding walls not only because of the low indicator of heat transfer, optimal strength and durability. Impressive many of his pleasant appearance, very low price and natural antibacterial properties.
Important! When choosing a suitable color, you can count on shades of yellow, green, brown, red and white varying degrees of saturation. The only nuance, which is extremely important to know - this breed is separated and crumble over time.
One of the most beautiful decorative stones for wall decoration in the house is onyx. Especially winning it looks at the design of competent illumination. By choosing such a breed as the main element for the wall decor, you will not have to worry about the service life - the strength and moisture resistance of the onyx will provide his durability.
Important! As for designer capabilities, the layered structure of this stone may include elements of blue, red, white, gray colors.
Slate is one of the heaviest and expensive stones. But it refers to the category of elite finishes due to its unique properties.
Important! Gray, burgundy, bright green, blue, red, yellow or graphite-black stone will be appropriate and very organically look in the interior in the styles:
- high tech;
- brutalism;
- loft;
- minimalism;
- classic.
This stone has in its composition the components of sedimentary origin - quartzite, carbonate, iron ore. It is such a combination that causes the high strength of this breed, which can be equated with granite strength.
It looks very interesting in the interior sandstone and with a layered, and with a fine-grained structure. And the tint palette opens excellent opportunities for fantasy - red, beige, brown, gray, blue, white. You can embody with this decorative stone finishing of the walls of even the most bold solutions or for cladding only angles, fireplaces or columns.
Important! Another advantage of sandstone is its inexpensive cost.
Types of artificial stone
The main difference of artificial stone is its significantly more affordable price. In addition, it is possible to make it with your own hands, installing unique in shape, color and size of the details. From the technical side, the decorative decoration of the walls under the stone is not much inferior to the facing by natural rocks:
- Their strength is quite enough to arrange the inner walls of the house.
- The weight of many models is much cheaper than natural breeds, which contributes to the simplification of the installation technology.
- The color solution can be performed absolutely any, and the texture and texture is also easy to pick up.
Important! In some cases, not every specialist is able to distinguish a natural stone from a skillful imitation. You can make sure of this by reviewing how the wall decoration is a decorative stone in the photo.
Cement stone
Cement artificial decorative stone is made on the basis of sand, cement, reinforcing filler, additional plasticizers and dyes, auxiliary fillers - pumice, clay or ceramic crumb.
Important! Cement stone is cheap enough, and it is possible to use it for any surface.
The porcelain stonewater stone is made of spa, clay, minerals and pigment dyes. Due to this composition, it has very high strength and resistance to moisture, high / low temperatures. This is the perfect prerequisites for facing inland walls.
Important! The only thing to take into account when choosing such a stone is that it is available mainly in the form of tiles that have a significant weight.
Acrylic artificial stone
Decorative stone on the basis of acrylic widespread in the last few years. It is widely used for facing any room in the house, regardless of operating conditions.
Its main advantages - it is:
- inertness to moisture;
- no deformation even with a long life;
- resistance to chemical and mechanical action;
- surface contamination does not take place, and in the formation of small spots or plaque, they are easy to remove a minimum of effort;
- light weight and compliance with treatment;
- safe for human component composition;
- heat resistance.
Important! Acrylic stone is present in the sale of a wide range of colors.
polymer agglomerate
This embodiment is based on quartz chips, and polymeric fillers. The unique casting and molding technology enables it looks solid design, similar to the natural quartz, reliability and durability to any negative impact.
Important! Product range of all manufacturers usually only limited to certain range of colors, but they are sufficient to select an appropriate option for you finishes. The only caveat - the monolithic and heavy plates is not always convenient to fix on the wall.
Gypsum decorative stone
Gypsum, perhaps, the most demanded option for wall cladding. Its advantages - it is:
- the minimum weight when compared to all other types of artificial and natural stone;
- property of a natural circulation of water - climate will be regulated in the room in a natural way;
- sufficient strength for walls inside the house;
- wide design options;
- good durability;
- fire safety.
Important! This stone - one of those that make a virtue of their own hands. For this:
- Mix the dry gypsum with cold water in a proportion of 0.7 kg per 1 liter.
- Stir the mixture with a mixer construction.
- Fill the silicone mold.
- Wait until full cure.
Cost plaster decorative stone is cheaper than any other.
Decorating the walls with decorative stone
The very process of finishing the walls with decorative stone with their own hands is not complicated. Most likely, the lion's share of the time you spend is for the design. Further, only the action of such a scheme and cladding work will be done efficiently and quickly:
- Prepare tools.
- Select the appropriate stacking technology.
- Prepare the surface of the wall.
- Prepare a stone itself.
- Prepare the glue solution.
- Perform directly laying the decorative stone on the walls step by step, as described in the instructions below.
- Level.
- Construction cord.
- Toothed and smooth spatula.
- Primer, putty, glue mixture, grout.
- Saw and Bulgarian.
- Rolls and brushes.
- Line to 2 meters long.
- Perforator.
- Drill.
- File.
- Metal brush.
- Small grade sandpaper.
- The blade and gun for the processing of seams.
Selection of laying technology
The decorative stone is put on the walls of one of 2 technologies:
- With launches of seams.
- Without seams.
Important! Seamless technology is more simple. If you decide to decorate the seams, be sure to prepare special details to maintain the same gap between the stones. For this purpose will fit:
- tile crosses;
- cardboard strips or drywall suitable width.
Preparation of the working surface
Laying decorative stone with your own hands can be performed on the basis of any material - concrete, brick, glass, wood, and also on plaster.
Important conditions are the following requirements:
- surface purity;
- her dryness;
- strength.
So that your walls under the cladding stone correspond to these criteria, carry out such a sequence of actions:
- Remove the entire previous decorative coating.
- Remove the remains of plaster and glue.
- Carefully clean the surface - it is convenient to do this with a metal brush.
- Scroll - perfectly suitable in this case, the solution on an acrylic basis.
Preparation of decorative stone
Based on what kind of stone you decide to use the walls in the hallway, the bedroom or living room, the preparation of the stone will be easier or more difficult. Focus on the following rules and technology of work with the selected veneer material:
- Make cut all parts for the desired dimensions according to your interior design project. To do this, apply a set of tools or the one that is suitable in your case - drill, hacksaw, saw.
- All sections are treated with a file or sandpaper.
- Get the opposite side of the stone.
- If necessary, paint each item in the desired kel.
Important! Before continuing the work with the stone itself, be sure to withstand the technical pause until the paint is completely frozen.
Choosing and cooking
The strength and durability of the finished coating depends on the quality of the adhesive. Therefore, in no case, do not attempt to save at this stage, purchasing a mixture of an incomprehensible manufacturer. Prefer proven brands:
- Ceresit.
- Corian.
- Litokol.
- Unice Plus.
- Plitonit.
- Acrylic.
- Coral.
- Opal.
Important! Relative to the type of solution itself - there are practically no special requirements here. The PVA, a polymer-based sealant or cement, and "liquid nails" or acrylic glue, and even tiled or CMCs, are fitted. What exactly to use, determine, based on the personally of your safety requirements and the weight of the stone itself - than it is more, the more reliable and stronger should be glue. When preparing a solution, use a clean capacity, a drill with a nozzle to knead building mixtures and clearly follow the proportions specified on the packaging by the manufacturer.
We are placing a decorative stone on the walls:
- Stay on the floor all the stones in the sequence in which you plan to perform laying. If this is completely the whole wall, then make a preliminary workpiece only per 1 m2. If you do not really like the resulting picture, adjust.
- Make horizontal marking on the wall, focusing on the width of the stone.
- Apply the glue on the wall of the layer is not thicker than 0.6 cm with an area of \u200b\u200bno more than 1 m2 when the cement composition is selected. If you prefer sealing or similar variant, apply the solution directly to the "Point" side of the stone - 6-8 points or wip-like strips.
- Stay from any corner from the bottom of the wall.
- Slightly press each element of the stone, but make sure that the coating is without noticeable protrusions. Check the clarity of laying in terms of level.
- Do not forget to insert cross or strips between stones, if you prefer technology with seams.
- Fill out the seams by grouting, as soon as you make sure the glue itself is already back. Very pure and carefully it turns out to do it if you apply a special pistol.
- Speat them with a spatula to the same size - the optimal seam thickness ranges from 5 mm.
- Make sure the grout froze.
- Open the entire surface of polyurethane varnish or acrylic, if the decorative gypsum or bulk natural stone applied.
Important! Try to limit any load on the wall over the next 2-4 days.
Decorative Stone Wall Decoration - Video
Decorating the walls with decorative stone - it's not an obligation, but an interesting creative process. Try not to rush and do not try to completely follow the design template and show their individual thinking and your taste. Technical same requirements must be followed. With this approach, you will definitely get a perfect result, that you will be proud of for a long time.