Ceiling painting Wallpaper,Ceilings

In the modern construction market it is difficult to find the material more popular and better than wallpaper. The species of this finishing material there are a lot, including - and under painting. Such wallpapers give a lot of options for creativity, as well as the ability to change the color of the walls and the ceiling after a few years without removing the coating.
In order to refresh the shade of the walls and the ceiling in the room, it is not necessary to remove the wallpaper and re-glue new - it takes time, you will have to buy new materials, re-apply plaster on the walls. Many are not ready to re-survive repairs, so they decide to go to another way and make painting wallpapers on the ceiling.
What are the wallpaper
Before you start working on wallpaper painting, you must first find out what wallpaper is allowed to paint, and which is not.
Types of wallpaper Painting for stream:
- Duplex.
- Fliselin and vinyl wallpaper.
- Fiberglass wallpaper.
Consider the main advantages of each building material. The above materials for wall decoration and ceilings are an excellent solution for many of us, because it is only once to make repairs and choose a beautiful tint, and you can refresh repairs a few years. By the way, it is not necessary to re-remove the coating, it is enough to choose the right tone of the paint and armed with the necessary tools to start work.
Wallpapers that can be pasted on the ceiling, and then paint them, you can purchase in building supermarkets. The choice of this finishing material is huge. For example, 2 types of ceiling wallpapers are popular: glass and phliseline. Their main advantage is that they easily hide all flaws, cracks and even small differences. It is very difficult to make the perfect plaster on the ceiling. Also, when choosing wallpaper for ceilings, it is necessary to take into account the base material. For example, if you wanted to change the color of the wallpaper in your bedroom, and you have plated ordinary paper wallpaper a few years ago, then they will not stand a reusable painting - they will immediately get married and disappear. In this case, consultants in building stores are recommended to acquire a fiberglass wallpaper or a fiberglass wallpaper. You will also recommend paying attention to vinyl wallpapers, they can also be pasted on the ceiling and then change the color. They will withstand even a multiple washing!
Wallpaper duplex
Duplex Wallpapers (double paper) - Popular finishing material this season. To the touch, they are dense, because consist of 2 layers of paper. The top layer is embossed with or without patterns. It is very easy to stick such wallpaper, they hide small shortcomings well on the ceiling. Apply for any premises. With the use of special impregnation, you can stick the duplex even in the toilet and the bathroom.
You can find the Wallpaper Duplex specifically under painting. They are suitable for salable walls and ceilings in the nursery, since harmless to children. By the way, the duplex does not differ in durability. Wallpaper resource - 3-5 years. During this time, you can change the color of the ceiling to 7 times! This is enough to repaint walls and ceilings almost every year.
Fliselin and vinyl wallpaper
In order not to confuse among the represented range of wallpaper in the store, each buyer should know that phlizelin wallpaper can be different: completely on fluiseline or vinyl coating. This type of finishing material for walls and ceilings has a relief structure. Externally, wallpapers may look like imitation of chickens or fabric weave, be transparent or with applying light colors. The second option is preferable if the buyer has already decided on the tone of the ceiling. For example, it is planned to make a living room in bright pastel colors, then it is better to purchase a beige fiberglass wallpaper. In the future, if you want to make a bright room, then for paint wallpaper can be used paint of any color.
Another kind of flieslinic wallpaper is vinyl. Flizelin (cellulose-polymer fiber cellulose) protrudes as a substrate, and the upper layer is vinyl. The substrate will be smooth, and the upper layer is textured.
When the ceiling of the ceiling by flieslinic wallpaper, it is necessary to immediately prepare the surface. This type of finishing material itself is not sufficiently dense, so it can be shifted and all irregularities on the ceiling will be visible. For example, if the ceiling is badly plastered, then before sticking the wallpaper, you must first align the wall. If the ceiling is listed with plasterboard sheets, then special attention should be paid to the joints. Further, if the wallpaper immediately paste under painting, then you need to put several layers of paint on the ceiling, and then stick the wallpaper. The final stage - coloring of fliesline wallpaper in the desired color.
Advantages and disadvantages of phlizelin wallpaper
What is the feature of this type of finishing material:
- you can disguise the irregularities and cracks on the ceiling;
- wallpapers are responding to fireproof standards - they are resistant to ignition;
- wallpaper without the top layer of vinyl passes air, so the walls in the room will always "breathe";
- easy in work: The material is not stretched and does not break;
- have a greater width (1 m), so it is more convenient to glue them and faster;
- comfortable technology: first applied to the ceiling glue, and then a dry canvas is glued;
- the vinyl layer does not accumulate dust - it is important for people suffering from allergies;
- easy to care - clean such wallpapers with a vacuum cleaner or a damp cloth. You can add a little detergent into water;
- flizelin wallpaper do not burn out and do not change color over time;
- if you have plastered such a wallpaper on the ceiling, then you can restore the damaged area or completely update the interior can be in just 1 day. You will need to just choose a suitable shade and repaint wallpaper.
The following are noted from the disadvantages:
- fliseline wallpaper are subject to mechanical damage - they can remain scratches and dents;
- on the bulk textured surface of the wallpaper, dust can be gathered, so you need to make a wet cleaning more often;
- high price. Experts recommend not buying cheap fliesline wallpapers, otherwise advantages can not be seen.
Painting fliseline wallpaper
Paint the wallpaper is much easier and faster than sticking to them. But in this matter there are its own characteristics that need to be considered.
Wallpaper coloring rules, highlights:
- Choose monochrome wallpapers so that later when repainting from one tone to another, you have no problem with color distortion.
- After staining, even 1-2 layers need to wait for the wallpaper completely dried. This is usually given 1-3 days, depending on the number of layers and thickness of the canvas.
- It is best to apply paint with a big tassel with a rigid bristle, so the paint will fall evenly. This is especially important if you have a relief surface of the wallpaper.
Options for painting wallpapers on the ceiling may differ. If it is more convenient for you to work with a wide brush, boldly begin to staining the wallpaper on the ceiling. Brush can be changed to the foam roller, then the task will simplify, especially if you use a telescopic handle. In this case, you do not have to look for a staircase and raise your hands high up. Fast and efficient wallpaper painting option - Using a pulverizer.
Before starting work, think over and prepare all the necessary materials and fixtures at once:
- wallpaper;
- paint;
- special paint tray;
- foam soft roller with a fur coat 12 mm;
- telescopic handle;
- narrow brush (from 50 to 80 mm, 1.5 cm thickness);
- paper or polyethylene to protect the room;
- comfortable clothes, golk, gloves and glasses.
Important: The roller is selected under the type of wallpaper: with a long pile for relief wallpaper and short - for a smooth surface.
Painting photo photo:
Paint for painting wallpaper
When choosing paint for ceiling wallpaper, examine instructions carefully. An important preparatory point is the observance of humidity and temperature in the room. You can read this information on paint packaging. Take care and there was no draft on the ceiling in the room at the time of staining wallpapers.
The paint should be suitable for your type of wallpaper. For example, fiberglass wallpaper can be painted only alkyd paint or water-based paint. Flizelin wallpaper is allowed to paint with water-free paint. These materials have their advantages and disadvantages. If we consider separately alkyd paint, then after drying it becomes solid - it will provide the coating durability. When working with this material it is necessary to use the means of protection, because the paint is toxic.
The water-free paint is harmless and durable. It is impossible to expose the ceiling of frequent wet cleaning, because the coating will gradually wash off. Latex paint is the perfect option for staining wallpaper on the ceiling - durability, strength and safety - its main advantages.
Features choice and work with the paint:
- manufacturers recommend dilute the paint with water (the proportions indicated on the package);
- before applying the paint need to strain through a folded in several layers of cheesecloth and add a little water;
- to paint after mixing with water become homogeneous, it is possible to mix the building mixer at low speed;
- if you bought a white paint, the color can be purchased separately. Depending on the amount of added caramel can receive a different hue from the muted until saturated. you can order this service directly in the construction supermarket;
- latex emulsion paint is more suitable for experienced painters as quickly grasp. To apply this paint to the ceiling wallpaper, should immediately be diluted with water and a small amount applied to the surface quickly. After applying a dense film on the wallpaper. Paint dries within 3 days;
- to paint the ceiling wallpaper - pre-applied to the primer layer is not needed;
- colors are matte and glossy - this nuance when choosing the material must also be considered.
How to paint paintable wallpaper
You can make wallpaper painting with his hands in several ways:
- Common - first apply wallpaper on the ceiling. Then - wait until they dry and only after that can be painted canvas.
- Before pokleit wallpaper on a ceiling, back side coat of paint is applied. It turns out that the outer part, ie the fleece to be painted, but the very basis will remain white. Once the fabric is dry, it can be glued to the ceiling.
- Unusual coloring method: before pokleit wallpaper, ceiling paint in bright colors. After drying wallpaper paste. This method is suitable only for non-woven wallpaper on the basis of the fact that they are translucent. The result is a beautiful shade.
- Another unusual method of staining the ceiling non-woven wallpaper - use 2 shades of paint. Take the emulsion paint, diluted thicker than indicated in the instructions (ie, add less water). The ceiling is painted with paint first, and then glued wallpaper. After drying the foam sponge dipped in paint, wallpaper wipe only in relief. The result is an interesting play of colors - the basis of a rich dark wallpaper and the speaker pattern - gentle. If you want to experiment, the drawing itself can distinguish bright paint.
Getting Started:
- First you need to protect furniture and cover with plastic wrap all items in the room.
- Do not forget about the floors: they also need to be protected. Laminate is better to cover with a dense polyethylene film, provided that the duration of work does not take more than 3 days.
- Attach polyethylene to the floor, radiators and furniture can be used with painting tape.
- If the ceiling plinth is installed between the wall and the ceiling, then it also scratches the color of the ceiling. In this case, it is necessary to stick the greasy scotch from the bottom over the edge of the plinth. After painting, the tape is gently cleaned, without waiting, when the paint gets up.
- Direction of light. When working roller, it is necessary to take into account its direction. Surely you noticed that after rolling the roller on the ceiling remains barely noticeable strips. Specialists in this case advise the second layer of paint to apply perpendicularly.
- Also, when staining the ceiling, it is necessary to pre-organize the correct lighting. The perfect combination is natural with artificial.
- After applying 1 layer of paint on the ceiling wallpaper, you need to turn on the light and see how the ceiling will look like. If we saw the shortcomings - immediately eliminate them.
- Applying primer. Depending on the type of paint, you may need additional applying the primer mixture. It can be diluted with water paint. It is unacceptable mixing of different materials in composition: an alcohol paint and primer in water.
- If you put a layer of primer, wait when the wallpaper on the ceiling is completely dried.
- If you have stuck new wallpapers, wait for it when they snap and immediately begin to staining.
Painting of fiberglass wallpaper
Wallpaper from fiberglass Most buyers perceive as a popular insulation in the past century - glass gamble. There is nothing in common with fiberglass wallpaper with glasswater. This decorative coating for walls and ceilings is made according to the special technology of their limestone, clay, soda, quartz sand and the main material - glass. Under the influence of high temperature, it is heated and is paid to thin fibers, from which different threads are subsequently formed. From these glass bottles and the woven fabric is obtained. Such material is characterized by high wear resistance, it is safe for human health, dust does not accumulate in it and no microorganisms will accumulate.
Painted these wallpapers in the usual way, but first you need to arm themselves with a thin brush and paint over paint all angles, because the roller will not cope with this task. If the ceiling area is large, then it is likely that the paint can dry out even before the roll gets to the dyed angle. Therefore it is better to paint the ceiling wallpaper stages.
Painting wallpaper - it's easy and fun. The main thing is to study all the recommendations and have patience.
Painting Video wallpaper: