Install the decorative fence for flower beds yourself Plot.

Flower flower beds will beautifully decorate any plot. You can land a lot of absolutely different colors, but to create a single overall picture, it is important to combine them into one completed composition. It is possible to do this with the help of identical decorative fences, which focus on one style and give to flower beds a more well-garded view. If you transfer the choice of specialists in the landscape, you will have to spend a fairly large amount. In addition, the chosen design may not like the owner of the flower. At decorative fences prices are quite high, therefore, it is much easier and more profitable not to buy such an element of the garden design, but to establish it yourself. There are many different options for such fences that are distinguished by classifications. During the process of selection and installation of plans for flower beds, you need to know about them.
The role of fences
Coloring flower beds should create a single beautiful design. Decorative fence for beloved giving is important to choose such that it is well combined with the whole site. If you correctly pick up and combine the fences, then:
- the site will create a general design;
- the territory will take a more well-keeled and neat look;
- flowers do not lose their form;
- plants will be protected from possible harm from small children and animals;
- the boundaries of recreation and work areas will be clearly defined on the territory;
- the roots of perennial plants, due to which new flowers may not grow, will be rigidly blocked.
Type and height of decorative fence for flower beds - the first thing you need to think about
- If it was decided to choose fences for the flower, then you first need to determine the appropriate height and its type. These characteristics depend on the functions that make fences.
- When you just need to separate the flowerbed from, for example, the paths, then with this task will completely cope with light low fences.
- But if the main task is to protect, then the fence must be centimeters about 40 in the height so that neither animals nor children decided to overcome it.
- If the flower beds are slightly raised above the surface of the earth, then the fences must be able to keep the edges of the flower beds so that the soil is not lined. In this case, there are no light options at all, since they are not durable to perform this function. They will have to additionally strengthen, and this is time and money. Therefore, in this case, it is best to choose fences from concrete, stone or brick.
- An excellent option will also be the fences made with their own hands from glass bottles, disks and even plumbing.
General Principles for Placing
Decorative fences look good not only in the photo, but also live. To spoil anything, the main thing is to pay attention to several points:
- the fence should not be lost on a general background, but it is not necessary that it stands out too;
- the length should be high exactly so much so that anyone has no desire, and the flower garden does not have the opportunity;
- concrete structures need to be buried into the soil so that they look carefully;
- metal fences need to be placed in the center of the whole composition, because they attract the most attention.
Variety of materials for decorative fence for flower beds
There is nothing complicated in the selection of a decorative fence, which will differ originality among all others. There are a huge number of different materials from which you can make fences for flower.
- Wooden fences are the most popular among all others. A tree is a versatile material that looks well as varnished and paint and without external application. Moreover, wooden fences fit well on any plots decorated in different styles.
- No negative effects of the tree will bring plants inside the fence, as it is environmentally friendly, clean and is a natural part of nature. According to experts, flowers, which are surrounded by a wooden fence, get along well in their places. This is because the wood produces a lot of useful microorganisms into the soil, which are needed for the growth and development of flower.
- Wooden fence creates a cozy atmosphere, regardless of its shape and type. If the flowerba is not big and light, then it can be protected by pegs or masterfully interwoven Pntratov Willow.
- Wood structures are divided into types:
- those for the manufacture of which the untreated tree is used;
- products made of wood, such as logs or boards.
- The first paragraph of classification includes fences from coriation and chocks, as well as fences from ventilation plates.
We make fences made of wood
- Ceiling fences are suitable for creating a rustic style.
- Ensure such a fence is simple enough. It is necessary to form the form and borders of the future flower beds using tree trunks. After that, the earth is covered inside the outlined circuit, which later plants are planted later.
- Border, built of chocks, make a little more difficult. First you need to cut the same chocks from logs, taking into account the fact that they will be buried 20 cm in the ground.
- If you use the rubberoid and wrap them with chocks, then a cute fence will not be rotted for a long time, but only please the eye for decades.
- So that the fence looked more harmoniously, you need to try to choose chocks with the same diameter. The best size is 3 cm. The height for each chock can be selected different - then the flower garden will be even more unique.
- The fence from Prunts Willow looks very beautiful and is not hard. The most important point of the workpiece with your own hands is the quality of the rod. It is best to cut them off at the beginning of spring. This is explained by the fact that at this time they are more mobile, and to clean them from the bark will be much easier. The main advantage of this fence is that it can be easily installed at the necessary distance from the Earth.
- This is a fairly versatile material. Plastic fences are not less popular than woody.
- Decorative fences for plastic flower beds have many advantages. They are pretty simple in the installation, and they can be given any form you like. But the lack of such decorative blocks for the fence is that, in contrast to wooden structures, they will not be happy to please you for a long time.
- Also, no need to forget about the form of the flower bed. In stores you can find already manufactured plastic flower beds, bowls, barrels and vases, with which you can create unique forms.
- Also there are decorative fences for plastic flower, imitating other materials. For example, the fences may look like stone or wooden.
- Metal fences are the most reliable of all possible. Variations of fences There are many, ranging from massive, ending with light elegant forms. Metal fences give the flower beds the type of complete compositions and focus on the essential of the site.
- The metal is quite easy to paint or apply funny patterns for decorating space on its surface.
- Regular cleaning from dust and dirt also does not cause any problems.
- From this material you can make a fence of any height and the form you like. The only drawback is too high the cost of the material in comparison with other materials of this purpose.
- The stone fence is also popular as wooden and plastic. It is quite simple to make it possible, and the material is sufficiently available, because the stone is almost everywhere.
- This option can be called one of the easiest and cheapest.
- The height of the fencing from the stone can be completely different. Pebbles can be placed in one layer on cement in a pre-dug trench.
- If you select stones that differ in size and color, then a very interesting border will be.
- For the manufacture of a fence in several rows, it is better to select flat pebbles and connect them using cement.
- Brick fences are usually built as the same method as stone. Only they are even easier to create them correctly and comfortable. To form a brick fence, you just need to insert bricks to the ground next to each other so that they fit well to each other.
- Very fashionable fences today are made of glowing stones. Everything is simple here: it will take luminescent paint that you need to apply on pebbles that form a fence. In the afternoon, she collects the sun's rays, so that at night the flower bed will be surrounded by beautiful pebbles that exuded the muffled light.
Fences from polymeric materials can be made of a wide variety of items: tapes, cups, vases, barrels and other garden decorative inventory. They look beautiful, but do not differ in durability.
- Decorative concrete fences are also very beautiful and no less popular.
- From this material you can make fences of any form. At the same time, various installation methods are used: it can be burned into the ground, and you can exalt over it.
- This option is distinguished by strength and stability. It is very convenient that such a fence can be painted or apply a drawing on it.
We make a decorative fence independently
- People who love the original things are always looking for something unusual. They are not enough simple wooden fence painted in white, or a brick border. They always seek to create unique things.
- But the manufacture of decorative fences with their own hands is a lesson for all the owners of flower planting on the site. The originally decorated flower beds are no longer uncommon, more and more creative ideas appear. Every person has different, unique.
- Create such a fence is simple enough. The main thing is to use your fantasy and then everything will definitely. Beautiful fence can be made from materials that at first glance are absolutely unsuitable for this. Moreover, the creation of such things is always nice to create.
- One of the options that is considerably popular is the design of flower beds with glass bottles. The material is quite durable, but for greater confidence in its stability, you can pour into the bottle of sand. The fence to build is very simple, you just need to wrap in Tara with the necks down, having them as close as possible to each other.
- Disks, plates, baths, furniture and various decorative poles are also widely used to create a fence. It is easy to build a fence with your own hands, but then you can admire the beauty created by your own hands.
Ideas of household fences
- For the manufacture of a flower garden, you can use old clothes. It only needs to fill the earth, which should be mixed with stones and sandstone. At this soil, a variety of plants are subsequently planted.
- Very interesting fences are obtained when plumbing goes. No one will leave indifferent fence in the form of a sink or the original shape of the bathroom.
- You can make a border from the grid in which there are stones. To do this, you need a mesh, decorative pebbles, some wires and nippers.
- Old disks are also very well suited for the embodiment of original ideas in landscape design. They need to be connected using a thread or a beautiful rope so that everything turns into one continuous chain. The length of one chain should reach no more than 6 disks. On the entire perimeter, the flower beds need to insert the pegs that and secure the manufactured chains. Such a fence attracts the attention of the eyes from a fairly large distance, as it sparkles beautifully under the sunny rays.
Installation order
When the materials are already selected, everything is thought out in the design, and you can begin to establish a fencing, it is important to know the order in which the installation is made.
- First, be sure that all parts of the future border are smooth.
- Next, consider the shape and boundaries of the design of the flower beds.
- Take a shovel and dig a shallow ditch, there will be a sufficient depth of 8 cm. This is only necessary if the fence is planned high.
- Only after that begin to score parts of the fence into the ground.
- In order not to lose the trajectory, you can use small wooden pegs, pre-covered in the ground.
- When the fence is installed, it must be tamped.
- For decor, you can use different bulk materials.
Design site and fences
- Before choosing a species, shape and color gamut of a fear, you need to think about its combination with the territory on which it will be located.
- If there are any tracks, the decorative fence is best done out of the same material.
- Invent something original can each. The main thing is not to be afraid and incarnate your ideas.