Balcony Threshold: Installation Instructions Useful advice

The threshold on the balcony is a very important and necessary thing about which most owners forget. If there is no threshold, then from under the door leading to the balcony or even a glazed loggia, will constantly poison, which means that in the winter it will be cold. You can correct the situation if you independently do the installation of the balcony threshold.
Before starting work, you need to familiarize yourself with the design of the thresholds and choose the appropriate material. Pay attention to the threshold in your home if you see that the step on the balcony is high enough, it is even good. Thus, during the construction of the house, the balcony design was strengthened. It is not necessary to demolish such a threshold, it is even dangerous, but to correct the situation and make it attractive - everyone by forces.
It happens that such that there is no threshold on the balcony in the apartment, then it can be done himself. Do not give up this small, but very necessary attribute.
Purpose of the balcony threshold
Why is the threshold leading to the balcony so necessary in each dwelling? The fact is that the depth of the threshold on the balcony or loggia is at a minimum determined by the depth of the doorway. During repair work, people do not delve into building questions and do not even suspect how much the balcony threshold can be. And in vain, first, the threshold is cleaned, and then, especially with the onset of the cold season, an understanding comes that the threshold for the balcony door is simply indispensable. Here questions arise how to make a threshold on the balcony? Works can be performed independently, it is not so difficult, especially since the materials are inexpensive.
What is necessary to do the threshold to the balcony:
- to improve the appearance of the room and make a smooth transition from the room to the balcony;
- to protect the room from drafts and dust;
- for its own safety, it is easy to overcall through the threshings at the entrance and access to the balcony.
Before you start familiarizing the process of building a threshold for a balcony door, you must first release the work area, fitting the floor on the balcony, wipe the floor and side surfaces to get rid of dirt and dust from the side of the street. It is very important, since the finish of the threshold to the balcony needs to be done on both sides, and from the side of the street the surface should be dry and clean to work with a solution.
This is not all defined with the shape of the balcony threshold. It can be standard rectangular or rounded. Here you need to watch specifically on the design of your balcony threshold to determine the scale of the work.
Types of balcony thresholds
The threshold can be made independently from different materials. So you can save money and do not cause the wizard first for measurements, and then to perform finishing works.
So, choose the material. It all depends on personal taste preferences. You can stay at the cheapest option and install the plastic threshold to the balcony, and you can make more effort and spend time, but do everything qualitatively.
Materials for the facility of the balcony threshold:
- brick;
- cement mortar;
- primer for impregnation of the surface;
- finishing material (ceramic tile, plastic, wood, laminate).
Balcony threshold. Photo:
Threshold on the balcony do it yourself
A popular and affordable option is a brick balcony threshold finish. It is best to use a silicate brick, it withstands the temperature and humidity drops.
How to make a threshold:
- Brick need to be applied in the place where the distance from the door frame to the bottom plank (from the floor to the door) is very large. If you use a cement solution, you will have to be pretty tinted to fill the space. It is unprofitable and laborious. Brick will allow you to easily cope with the task and eliminate the discrepancy.
- First you need to prepare the floor - if there is a coating (linoleum, tile, wooden board or laminate), then you need to remove it, clean it, and only then apply a putty layer.
- Prepare the spacure mixture yourself, it will take a dry starting putty to do so that after drying you got a rough surface.
- Now you can proceed to laying bricks. To do this, you need to make a cement solution (1 part of the cement and 3 parts of the sand). To improve the quality of the solution, you can add a gypsum mixture. Mix the solution before laying the brick and immediately proceed to the work.
- First you need to put a layer of solution, and on it - the 1st row of bricks. If you want to immediately separate the thieves of the cafeter, then at this stage you need to leave a small gap between the brick and the door. By the way, from the ends of the threshold, too, you need to leave some free space.
- If the floor is uneven, then you must first align it in terms of the level and pour cement.
- On the first row of bricks, you can immediately lay the following, just do not forget to smack the solution with a spatula so that the ranks were smooth. Take advantage of the construction level to check the quality of work.
- On the last row of bricks, you need to put a layer of a spacing mix - to align the surface and laying the tile.
- Do not forget that the putty layer after drying should be soaked with a primer mixture, to enhance the adhesion effect with the finishing material.
- As soon as the top of the threshold gets dry, you can start finishing work - put tiles, linoleum or other material at its discretion.
How to make a threshold from cement
If the height is small, then you can make a threshold from cement. By the way, you can cope with just a couple of hours, provided you prepare everything you need in advance. Materials need less, so much costs are not foreseen.
What will take:
- timber to make a tree formwork;
- cement;
- sand;
- corto for kneading a solution;
- water;
- stretch and spatula.
Before starting work, you need to prepare a place - to clean the surface, apply a layer of putty. As soon as the solution is grabbed, you can start making formwork. We make a wooden framework from a bar (height and width is our future threshold), the thickness of the formwork is not more than 2 cm., On the sides you can install "on the edge" ceramic tile (pieces that remain after repair) or broken brick to increase strength Designs. Next you need to prepare a solution from cement, sand and water. I make the knead from 1 part of the cement powder and 3-part sizzy river sand. The solution must be thoroughly mixed so that it is homogeneous. If you have a building mixer, you can apply it to prepare the solution faster. If there is no such device, manually also can be kneading a good solution.
After the construction of a wooden bar of the formwork, you will only have to pour a liquid solution into the space between the boards and to dissolve. At the stage of drying, the solution from time to time will have to spark the surface to facilitate the task at the last stage - cladding the threshold tile or laying the floor covering.
In order for the solution to grab, you will need at least 24 hours. After that, you can very carefully disassemble the design and remove the wooden formwork, and the uneven seams are treated with a grinding eye.
You can do the way you think it's necessary if there is no time to facing the threshold tile, then you can simply paint this area for the floor. Of course, the threshold will not be harmonized with modern flooring, but with its functions the balcony threshold will still cope.
How to install a threshold on the balcony
Recall the plastic is an inexpensive and universal material from which you can make a threshold. If the step is low, then you can make it out of plastic. This threshold looks particularly well if you put a new metal-plastic door of white.
The advantage of such a material is speed, you can cope with the task in a couple of hours. But there are also disadvantages - short-life, so in a year you will have to go back to this issue again and think well, from which material to make a balcony threshold this time.
We make a threshold from plastic:
- you need to mont into the wall of the guides - the screws are suitable;
- you need to attach the plastic threshold to the fastening elements - it is so far only fitting;
- it takes a construction foam, only try to blow foam not abundantly, given the fact that it increases in volume by 2 times;
- immediately install the threshold and fit well;
- fix the threshold with the help of self-tapping screws. Methods 2 - open (the fastening element will be visible) and closed;
- as soon as the foam grabs, you can check your work. Just be prepared for the fact that the plastic threshold will not last long.
Threshold from a tree
How to separate the threshold on the balcony? There is a good idea - to separate the threshold to the balcony with the help of natural material - wood. The tree can be seen different in height threshold, small and even high.
What are the advantages of this finishing material:
- the speed of work, the tree is a fatty material, it is easy and easy to work with it;
- the wooden threshold retains heat in the room and does not miss the cold;
- if you put under the wooden board of Minvatu, you can save on energy, it will be warmer in the room.
What is necessary for work:
- wooden bar;
- for the top of the threshold sheet of chipboard or lining;
- drill;
- tools for woodwork;
- fasteners (corners, selflessness or dowel).
We make a tree threshold:
- First you need to build a frame of a wooden bar - it will be a frame, height and design width equal to the dimensions of the threshold;
- Formwork can be customized in size right in place.
- The timber is brazed by self-drawing, and the corners additionally strengthen with metal overlays.
- In the corners you need to drill holes to attach the wooden frame to the floor.
- Now you need to put a formwork on the floor and the pencil to mark the locations in order to not be knocked out and correctly consolidate the design on the spot.
- After the frame is firmly fixed on the floor, you can cut a sheet of chipboard and put it on the self-tapping screw.
- The threshold can be painted or opened with varnish.
How to knock down the threshold to the balcony
What if the balcony threshold is too high or partially destroyed? It is necessary to remove the entire design and make a new threshold. Here everything is clear, you need to knock down the old cement tie and choose the way of mounting the threshold: on bricks or cement.
Remove the high threshold is not easy. Without breeding devices, it is not necessary to do with professionals or the presence of a special tool (laser cutter or grinder).
If the threshold is made of wood, then you can cope with the works yourself. Just before proceeding to the dismantling of the threshold itself, you need to remove the balcony door with the loop to cut the door frame. It will take the electric drill, a hammer and a chisel to disassemble the threshold in parts.
What to do if the threshold is not needed at all when you need to connect the room with a balcony and make one big room. Then you can do as follows: Cut the threshold to align the floor or raise the floor level to the threshold mark. How to proceed? Solve yourself, but the second option is more time-consuming and costly.
If you see that the threshold is not high, it can be hidden and raised the floor level. Just on the balcony there will be a warm floor. In order for the surface to be perfectly smooth, use the laser marking - install the device on the threshold and discard the horizontal line. Next, the screed, installation of the "Warm floor" system and finishing work - laying of the floor covering. For the balcony, the tile or linoleum is best suited.
If you think everything in advance, you can cope with the work and install the threshold to the balcony from any material you can independently. The accuracy, concentration and availability of the necessary tools and materials are important.