How to choose a lighting system for the pool? Types of outdoor and underwater illumination. Baths, saunas and pools

The pool is a luxurious element of the interior, a saving oasis in a hot period. And, of course, additional beauty with artificial water is attached to various overflows of light instruments. Basin lighting is a separate stage in creating an interior form as a whole, be it an outdoor or indoor pool. In order to properly choose and buy lamps for the pool, it is necessary to determine with their lighting destination. Either this will be the searchlights of one light spectrum, creating a classic backlight. Or it will be a bright enchanting lighting system with lamps of various color glows. And it is important to establish them correctly, as water and electricity are friends only with a clear and unmistakable connection.
Types of lighting for the pool
Severe two main types of lighting pools
- External lighting - Lighting of the room, canopy or other adjacent to the pool of the elements
- interior lighting - backlight in the pool, directly, water
External light devices can be halogen lamps with high power, but muted light:
- wall lights,
- spotlights
- designer electrical appliances
- point illumination with LED lamps.
These special moisture-resistant electrical expenditures are made of impact-resistant plastic, stained glass and stainless metal. The most important condition for external lighting is that the edges of the pool must be visible even in fog conditions.
As a submarine lamp, most often serve:
- halogen spotlights
- lED systems
- fiber solid systems.
And the choice of elements of the internal illumination is presented strict requirements. First, lamps for the pool must be moisture-resistant. When buying lighting equipment for swimming pools, you should pay attention to the IP indicator, it must be at least 68. This is an indicator of the protection of the device from moisture and dust. And, secondly, when installing should be used 100% insulation and sealing. In order to protect the electric shock batting. Consider them in more detail.
Types of internal lighting
Spotlights for reservoir illumination. They are:
- embedded
- hinged
- overhead
- floating.
Attached spotlights use more and less often due to water stagnation in the region of the lamp and the appearance of algae. The cable is carried out in advance to the prepared hole and is isolated by corrugated to the overhead and embeddable devices. The power of Lam is determined at the calculation of the lighting area. The power of the lamp at 300 W illuminates 15-25 square meters. m, and the lamp is 100 W - 10-12KV. m. Floodlights are installed at a depth of 40-70 cm. Such electric vehicles can be mounted in the pool. They wondered in the corners and under the lightweight metal staircase. This type of illumination of artificial reservoirs is used quite often, but, unfortunately, it does not allow to create color overflows.
Suitable for these purposes is the LED lighting system. Its distinctive feature is the transfer of a variety of color spectrum. And it gives water in the pool mysterious, romantic, mysterious effects. LEDs possess the many other advantages
- Durability. Approximately, the life of the LED lamps is 9-11 years old. And this quality frees the replacement of these elements for a long time.
- Energy saving. LEDs consume significantly less energy than halogen. And let the installation of the LED lighting system cost more expensive, but in the period of use it completely pays for and saves colossal funds for electricity.
- Compactness and simplicity of installation. LEDs in a stainless steel housing are mounted in the prepared holes. The electrical wire is insulated with a corrugated hose. If the plastic pool, the holes are cut in its walls in which a special frame is laid and tightly screwed in diameter. And the lamp is inserted into it.
Fiber optic lamp. Today, the innovation in the lighting of the pools is an optical-fibrous system that is rapidly becoming popular. And the most important advantage of such lamps is safety. The fiber optic lamp is a projector that consists of lightweight threads with the smallest reflective lenses. In this case, the source of light is any light device, not even in the water. Conductive vendors spend only light - therefore, there are no conductive elements in the pool at all. Fiber is very plastic. This property allows you to create a unique picture of the entire lighting system. It is this method of lighting that will give individuality, brightness, the uniqueness of the whole basin as a whole.
Another new one in the illumination of artificial reservoirs today is floating lamps. They can be of various shapes, size, colors. The prerequisite for such devices is the presence of a rechargeable battery, since floating electric pipes are unacceptable in the pool. And also, during operation, they must be slightly warm or not to heat at all. These lamps are installed on the surface of the water using special floats and bulk cargo.
Tips for organizing lighting in the basin area
- Lighting the home pool mainly must be soft uniform, slightly muted. Places of the pool with a staircase should not be darkened. Contrast and brightness are used in public pools, in organizations of various water activities.
- Recommended lamps are placed opposite each other so that the light rays are directed to each other. This gives uniformity and smoothness of water in the pool.
- All lamps for the inner illumination of the pool may have a voltage not more than 12 V.
- The required number of spotlights with halogen lamps into the pool is selected at the rate of 25 W power to 1Q. m.
- If the illumination of halogen spotlights is planned, they are mounted closer to the edge of the pool. This allows when replacing the blur lamp not to merge the water completely.