How to choose a snowplow machine Instruments,Useful advice

Work on the cleaning of snow shovel gives pleasure only in the first moments. When cleaning a large area of \u200b\u200bthe yard, it is worth thinking about the mechanization of manual labor and acquire a snow removal machine.
A wide range of snow removal special equipment makes it possible to choose an optimal rational machine for a particular case of a large or small household platform, for private and utilities.
Snow removal. Basic parameters for selecting models
There are two types of popular in the use of snowball models:
- Screens or single-stage. Consist of screws, shrinking snow dust to the center of the bucket, scattering it through the outlet channel in a specific direction.
- Scresh-rotor or two-stage. A special design of the Rotor in the form of a wheel with shovels zaughs the snow and scatters it in a certain direction.
Each snow blower model has its purpose and functionality:
- Single-stage models are designed to clearing sites, small areas, narrow tracks. Screw machines have power up to 5 hp
- Two-stage models have high performance and are used to perform large-scale production areas, sidewalks. Well coped with the removal of snowsells. Engine power 5-13 hp
Snowplows for home. Modeling models by way of movement
The appearance of snowballs of different manufacturers has insignificant differences in design and in the design. When choosing a model, it is worth paying attention to the characteristic features that distinguish one brand of the car from another.
Uncomfortable snow removal machines.
1. Used for frequent use, for example, for the morning cleaning of fresh snow cover on a homeland territory. Mobile clearance of access and pedestrian walkways, home parking, porch and passages to extensions. The advantage of these models in the presence of a small edged auger, with which the cleaning of a thin layer of snow from the ice coating roller or sports field is cleaned.
2. Machines are equipped with an electric, two or four-stroke gasoline engine of low power 3.5 - 5 hp
3. In the design there is no drive to the wheels, the movement in the desired side is performed by a mechanical push of the machine. To facilitate movement along a small nasta, the screws are provided on the screws. Movement over the deep layer is difficult.
4. Single-stage special machine, produces a snow mass due to the auger's rotation. Remote emission to 5 m.
The advantages of non-intelligent models:
- the edged auger cleans the tile coating without surface damage;
- small dimensions give the advantage of the use of equipment in a limited territory and in a limited space;
- a low-power engine does not waste total weight. The model is lightweight, suitable for managing women and elderly;
- have a small cost.
Disadvantages of self-propelled models:
- work is limited in time. In the supasport, the manufacturer indicates the maximum possible operation time;
- when spending fuel from a gas tank, you can not immediately replenish the fuel reserve and start clearing. It is necessary to take a break to half an hour, cool the engine, do not let him fail.
Self-propelled snow removal machines
1. Used to calculate large volumes accompanied by complicated weather conditions.
2. Movement independent, man only coordinates and adjusts the direction of the track.
3. Two-stage special machine. Running auger made of metal represents the first step. Makes grinding and hacking toes. The second stage is represented by an impeller. Creates a length of exploration up to 15 m, increases productivity and reduces the duration of the treatment work.
Advantages of models:
- powerful engine, allows you to use the machine without limit time;
- high performance for clearing high snowdrifts, suspended snow;
- ease of control, the operator simply holds the handle and sends the machine.
Snow removal machines. Characteristics of internal configuration
The schematic design of a snow blower, which is attached, gives a visual understanding:
1. Engine. The fundamental factor for selecting a snowmobile model is the engine. Manufacturers of special equipment for snow-reading processes use mostly engines BRIGGS & STRANTON, HONDA, TECUMZEH, adapted for work in adverse frosty areas. Operation of the machine in extremely heavy environments increases the load on the main nodal parts and parts. By purchasing special equipment, pay attention to the engine marking, it should be supplied with the Intek SNOW or Snow King logo. For these engines, when designing, the consumption of high-octane high quality, synthetic or semi-synthetic oil with a necessary viscosity is envisaged.
- gasoline models are released with installation of a starting cable or electrical start with battery or network. The starting start is made by connecting the engine to the outlet and pressing the button. This is at the same time plus and minus models with such a launch. Start is made directly near the source of electricity, that is, in the garage. Distilled a snow blower will have to be self-propelled by spending gasoline not for its intended purpose;
- more rational starter battery, it allows you to start the motor anywhere. The recharging of the battery of the starting system is made by a special charging or from the auto-tier;
- to import models with an electric starter and voltage of 110 b, you must purchase a regulatory starter or a lowering transformer. These additional spending and inconvenience as a result greatly make it easier for the engine launching of the engine instantly on any frost.
2. Tires. Modern snowmen are equipped with winter tires Snowhog. Figure Tread V-shaped and X-shaped. The high protector gives a good brake effect on off-road even with ice.
3. Shnekie. All manufacturers pay high attention to the forms of the working screw strip. We produce a smooth edge or a toothed kaym. The number and configuration of the teeth among each model differ ordinary small, rectangular peaks, teeth resembling the circular disk edge. The latter are installed on powerful two-stroke models, provide fast swollen in suspended, iced out. Such edge is not typical for household models, it is used in industrial specimens of snowballs. In single-stage snow cars, the augers are mounted with the possibility of rotation close to the soil, such models are ideal for private rollers, public stadiums with ice arena. The auger is performed by whole, rubber-plastic or metal rubberized. Rubber-plastic is more reliable, it is better to transfer unexpected obstacles in the form of stones or ice brees, it does not break, not deforming as metal.
4. Shnek gearbox. The motor torque is transmitted to the working system using a clinorem and power selection shaft connected directly to the rotor. The auger is connected through the gearbox. Rotor speed high. There are served and maintenanceable gearboxes, with a case material on a household model from aluminum alloys. Cast iron is used in professional models.
- gears and gear gears are made of metal with soft properties, protecting the engine from breakdown in this way in case of jamming of auction. The fasteners of the screws with the shaft produce high-quality strong bolts for preventive engine protection from possible accidents. Snowmobile engine road, in case of breakdown, replace the gearbox will be cheaper;
- for users planning independent maintenance of special equipment, it is worth buying a snow blowing machine with a serviced gearbox. The advantages of these models in the production of high work resources, affordable supply of spare parts, the simple design of the internal nodes, attached by the detailed description of the device of a particular gearbox.
5. Supporting skis. Designed to hold the bow of the snow-clearing machine. The height of the screw arrangement from the ground is regulated by bringing the support skis in upper and lower positions, enabling to exhibit a minimum thickness for clearing the snow layer. Ski short service life as compared with the rest of the rig. When selecting a model should choose to focus on bilateral skiing. On this model supports working both sides appear when wear one piece, turns and runs backward, the whole party. The service life is extended by half.
6. The discharge chute. Available in models with plastic and metal trough. Plastic is less subject to corrosion, pushes the snow. Metal chute reduces vibrations and provides a more accurate ejection of snow array. On the other hand, it creates a vibration itself clean on plastic.
- all models are provided with an authorized direction snowthrower and emission height. The direction is set by rotating the discharge chute. In a simplified version - a handle rigidly bonded to the barrel. A more sophisticated variant - handle worm gear. Less regulator mounted to the lever, and rope blocks. The device is installed at the top of the trough, and less clogged with snow obledenevaet crumb. Heavy snow machines are constructed with an electrically controlled;
- discharge height is specified on a special visor trough bottom position visor is designed for horizontal output. Top forwards emission upwards. A simple model height is adjusted manually. Professional models equipped with levers, controlled by the operator panel while driving. Automatic lever allows you to quickly change direction and lead the work on the parking lots, parking lots;
- the amount of ejection range declared by the manufacturer, indicates the maximum. At length affects wind direction and strength, consistency of snow.
7. Transmission. Self-propelled models snowthrower auger-rotary. The drive mechanism and the number of speeds vary within the brand and modifications. Simple models have one speed - front. Complex machines have several front 5-6 and 1-2 reverse gear. Professional models are equipped with hydrostatic transmission with continuously variable option.
Electric snowblower
Snowblower with electric motor - option for well-equipped and well-maintained area, with warm winter, powder snow, without nastovoy peel.
The advantages of the snow-clearing the electric machine:
- Compactness and maneuverability.
- It produces no emissions during operation.
- Is equipped with a screw of rubber, it gives a good result in the clearing sensitive to mechanical damage the surfaces of the tiles, polished paving slabs.
- The model has a light weight, easily controlled by the operator.
Disadvantages elektrosnegometov:
- Low productivity.
- Shallow width.
- Attachment to the mains supply.
- Not possible to operate at a temperature below 5 C.
- Not operated on an ice crust, slezhalomu snow formation.
Selection electric snowthrower recommended for famous brands. The more popular the brand is, the more service points located in the region, quickly being replaced and the selection of spare parts.
The most well-known manufacturers Partner, Stiga, Texas, Forester snow machines offer a capacity of 2.7 hp just $ 114. Work machines from conventional 200 V mains with a high turnover of rotation of the screw, convenient handle and a broad line of models. Nice design and high performance models combined with quality parts.
Domestic snow machines. Price from manufacturers
Popular models of snow plows for the household, presented by manufacturers Honda, Husqvarna, MTD, Huter, Craftsman.
1. Company of America and the Craftsman MTD, known to release reliable snowthrower as a class-economy, and professional models. Modifications of models under the brand Champion is available on the Chinese lines. Build on the side does not affect the quality of the fall of specialized equipment, but is due to cheaper prices for the products. When buying Chinese models manufacturer says in recommendation to check all threaded connections wheelbase and driven pulley. Cost models in the range $ 550-1970. Attachments for $ 400.
2. Domestic snow-plow, snow blower Huter. Special machines for snow clearance from the German manufacturer. They have a reputation as a reliable machine with outstanding internal and external configuration. Best indicators of performance in the line of similar equipment. The average price of the model output of 5.5 hp about $ 600-890.
3. Snowball Husqvarna, Honda. Models from well-known manufacturers are considered among the most expensive high-quality eco-friendly and economical machines. Advanced reviews about the work and operation of the equipment Husqvarna and Honda celebrate a long working resource, the reliability of the workflow in difficult situations and the simplicity of control of special machine. The cost of incommable models Husqvarna and Honda from 1600 to $ 3200. The cost of self-propelled models from $ 7200 to $ 16,000.