Interior Bathroom Baths, saunas and pools

Today, the demand for the construction of bath is actively growing. It is not surprising, because bath procedures are not only a great way to spend leisure in the circle of friends and loved ones, but also a huge health benefit.
At the same time, its own sauna gives a lot of opportunities and freedom. Therefore, every amateur relaxed with a light steam dreams to have even a small but my bath. When building a bath, it is important to take into account every detail, since it depends not only comfort, but also the safety of vacationers. Special attention is paid to the internal device bath.
As a rule, the bath consists of several rooms: pre-tribades, changing rooms, washing and directly the steamer. Depending on the size of the bath, the washing can be combined with the steam room, and there is no pregnant, especially if the bath is in the house.
If the bath is a separate room used in winter, then the presence of at least a small pre-banker or a narrow tambour necessarily, as it prevents the penetration of cold air into the premises.
- Therefore, the pre-banker must be well insulated, as well as inside it should be a good natural due to windows or artificial lighting.
- In the pre-tribades, it is necessary to equip a place for brooms, buckets, firewood or put a special box with a cover for coal, if the stove rises to them, and also install a hanger for things, stand for shoes and a bench for changing clothes.
- In addition, quite often the pre-training is also a rest room, so it is installed a table and a comfortable sofa, a TV, a fireplace, a refrigerator and a small kitchen. The main thing is that the size of the premises allowed to compact all what you have planned.
Washing is the following room in which the door from the pre-banner leads.
- It should contain a soul pallet or shower, tanks with cold and hot water, bucket for drenching, towel hangers, shelves for detergents, wooden benches or a laying for massage, if necessary, washing machine, etc.
- Sometimes in the same room there is a small pool with cool water, where you can dive after the adoption of the bath.
- The washing is connected to the steam room with a light partition with a door.
Parry is the main premises in the bath to which large requirements are subject to maintaining high air temperature and uniform heat distribution.
- Therefore, the walls, the floor, the ceiling of the steam plars are insulated, and on top are trimmed with natural wood, most often with a clapboard made of hardwood wood, namely linden or aspen.
- Inside the steam room, a wood or electric furnace-heater is installed, the choice of which depends on the size of the room, an affordable energy source and the required power.
- Of particular importance is the height of the ceilings in a steam room, which should not exceed 2.3 meters so that the pair does not rise too high.
- In addition, there are two levels of shelves for lying and seating inside such a room. The first level or the lowest is located approximately at an altitude of 45 cm from the floor, and the upper one is 90 cm. The length of the shelves must correspond to the growth of an adult, so that he can be comfortable to lie.
- The floor in the steaming is made of wooden grids or put the ceramic tile and a warm floor under it.
Basic Bath Equipment Requirements
In order for the bath not only the pleasure of the fun time of transmitting, but also has contributed to improved health and was comfortable, there are certain requirements for its equipment for ventilation, temperature regime, lighting, etc.
Ventilation in the bath is designed to provide the influx of fresh air into the room. This is especially important if the electric furnace is used, which in its work burns oxygen. In addition, thanks to properly equipped ventilation, it is possible to ensure good air circulation.
- For these purposes, two ventilation holes should be provided in the bath, one of which is located at the height of the floor meter, and the second is right under the ceiling.
- They should be connected between themselves with a special box and derived out through the attic or in general ventilation. Cold air, entering through the bottom hole heats out inside the bath and rises up, leaving the outside through the top hole.
- To adjust the intensity of air flows, both ventilation holes are additionally supplied with lattices with valves.
Temperature and humidity
The bath is the place where a certain temperature must constantly be maintained.
- To control, in the steam room it is necessary to establish a thermometer, which is fixed at the level of the eye of the standing person.
- For safety reasons, it is forbidden to use a mercury thermometer due to mercury toxicity.
- In addition to the thermometer, a hygrometer should be installed in the bath - a device that measures air humidity.
- Experts argue that the optimal level of this indicator at air temperature is 60 degrees Celsius should be approximately 90%, if it is a Russian bath. For the Finnish sauna, for example, the humidity is only 10-15%, but the temperature here is above 110 degrees Celsius.
If the air humidity is less or, on the contrary, more specified numbers, it may adversely affect the health status of vacationers in it.
For more information about the internal device of the bath can be found in the video: