Restoration of wooden windows do it yourself Window

When there is no desire to install plastic windows, and old look awful, the exit is only one - the restoration of wooden windows. The price of such a service in construction firms is high. Having a set of necessary tools and an idea of \u200b\u200bhow to renovate the window, you can cope with this task yourself.
The technology restoration technology includes several stages:
- Removing old paint.
- Replacing fittings
- Shplanke.
- Staining.
- Insulation
- Replacing and sealing of glasses.
Before the start of work, carefully inspect the frame. A half-jammed tree does not make sense to restore.
Ways to remove old paint
The restoration of old wooden windows begins with the removal of old paints and varnishes. Select the suitable way for you.
1. Mechanical.
The paint is removed by scraping the scraper, a rigid spatula, a metal brush or a special nozzle on the grinder. Wire brush crash is used as the nozzle.
After removing paint brush-crawling, sew the tree with sandpaper.
Fully clean the frame from paint with a spatula and a conventional metal brush is impossible. The spatula removes only the peeling paint, which holds badly.
Paint is cleaned with the help of chemicals. Solvent, alkali or acid is applied with a brush to the surface. After a while, when the paint starts soften, it is scraped by a spatula. For complete cleansing frame is processed several times.
Cleaning the frame with chemicals does not give good results.
3. Thermal.
The most effective way is to remove paint with the help of a construction dryer.
Paint coatings are heated by a hot jet of air, after which the scraper is removed. The surface needs to be cleaned as soon as the paint starts to be bubble. Cleaning is made in small sections.
Fen hold at a distance of 10-15 cm from the surface. During work, check the apartment.
How to work properly industrial hairdryer is shown in the video.
How to replace the fittings
- Check the geometry of the sash.
- If necessary, adjust the sash and replace the corners.
- Unscrew old handles, loops, spiing.
- Replace hinges, set the handles. Check the installation.
• Remove the handle to not spoil it during subsequent work.
How to rush
For sealing small cracks and irregularities, we use putty on the tree. Spaklyka is sold in jars. The color of the putty does not matter, but it is better to use white.
- Before starting the shtchev, the frame is treated with a primer.
- The putty is applied with a rubber spatula. Fill in the recesses, excess immediately delete - the dried putty is difficult to rub.
- Deep yams go through 2-3 times, achieving a smooth surface. Get out all the recesses, then prcribpt the front side of the frame. Places adjacent to the window box in a thorough shtcloth do not need.
- Leave for drying for 24 hours.
- Seaside the surface of shallow sandpaper.
- Run it again.
Window staining
- For coloring wooden windows use oil paints, alkyd or acrylic enamels. Choose a paint on a tree, designed for external work. For paints are not afraid of temperature differences and humidity, and you will last longer.
- Put the paint from the can and spread it. The thick paint falls on an uneven layer, bands remain from the brush. Liquid will stack. Try to make a small amount and check how the paint will go to the surface.
- Paint brush and small roller thin layer.
- Staining is performed twice.
- Before re-staining, wait for the previous layer to completely dry.
Warming windows in Swedish technology
The disadvantage of wooden windows is a loose adjuncing frames to the window box. In order to keep warm in the apartment, the shock is clogged with cotton wool, sack. It looks not very beautiful.
Restoration of windows in Swedish technology using the Euro-Strip sealant helps to get rid of drafts in the apartment and reduce the noise level from the street.
• Check how free the flaps are closed. Remove the excess wood layer with a chisel or chisel. Folds should be freely closed.
• Remove the sash with a window frame.
• On the perimeter of the sash, make a deepening at an angle of 45º to the ovelast.
• Remove sawdust and chips from the finished channel.
• Install the seal. EURO-STRIP material is a tubular profile with a chiller.
The sealer can not be glued or fixed with brackets. Cant of the seal must be pressed by a special roller in the cooked canal.
The finished sash should look like.
Operating procedure
- Prepare a place to work.
- Discover the strokes and remove the glasses from the sash.
- Remove old paint and varnish coatings.
- Remove the sash, replace accessories. Unscrew new handles for a while.
- Remove dust and dirt.
- Drive the frames and cover.
- Collect the surface.
- After re-primer, proceed to staining.
- Perform warming on Swedish technology.
- Apply silicone sealant on the sash and insert the glass.
- Install the flaps in place, screw the handles.
Restoration of windows. Swedish technology. Video.