Kitchen furniture do it yourself Useful advice

Buy a ready-made kitchen headset in our time will not be a lot of work. It is enough to visit one of the dozen furniture salons, where you can find hundreds of kitchen options for various models, a wide range of colors made from materials for every taste and wallet size. In order to save funds, kitchen headsets are manufactured independently.
Basic moments
The problem in choosing a kitchen is always its integration in the ready-made room. The fact is that in most apartments, especially in those used gas, gas appliances must stand in certain places, according to fire safety requirements. Also in small-sized apartments in the kitchens, washing machines may be located if there is not enough space in the bathroom. In this case, choose a standard set of opportunities not. The fact is that manufacturers, as a rule, make furniture standard sizes, and it is not always possible to choose the items sold to correctly place them in your kitchen room.
In this case, the buyer has two outputs:
- Order Furniture from the manufacturer on an individual project. This option is the easiest. For its implementation, it is enough to dial the number of the phone and after a while the measurer will come, which will make the project, coordinates the color and texture of the facades headset, the location of cabinets and Tumb, etc. A little later, on approval, you will be presented with a ready-made sketch, which will be made kitchen. Resorting to the manufacture of a kitchen to order, it is necessary to understand that all measurements, manufacture, assembly and installation are already laid in price and make up about 50% of the total cost. Many private masters come much easier. By drawing up a sketch, they consider the cost of materials and simply multiply on 2. Therefore, to save in this case will not quite work.
- Make furniture yourself. For many, this task seems more difficult to "launch a space missile." However, this is not the case. Suppliers of materials for the manufacture of furniture for a small fee can cut them on the size provided, paste the end edge, cut the grooves under the loop, etc. All that remains to do is to collect this "constructor". In modern conditions, the most important stage in the independent manufacture of furniture is the selection of the material and the preparation of the project. About how to update furniture in the kitchen with your own hands - hereinafter.
Optimal choice of material for the kitchen
In the manufacture of a kitchen headset, it is important to correctly pick up the materials. The most optimal choice will be budgetary, but, at the same time, wear-resistant and attractive material. Naturally, use natural oak or a red tree for an inexperienced wizard there is no point, it is very expensive, but the MDF will be just right. But it is not worth buying a cheap chipboard. It will not last long, especially in the conditions of high humidity of the kitchen room.
For the facade, the laminated MDF is best. Facade details are not made independently, they are ordered separately. Suppliers of facades offer a wide selection of colors and textures, and can also apply any milling at the request of the customer. However, when planning the configuration of lockers, namely their widths, it is necessary to remember that the facade parts have a standard width and order the facade of the width, for example, 65 cm will not be possible. MDF - very practical material. It is easily clean (a simple damp cloth), does not absorb fat (there is no need to use detergents), and most importantly, moisture is not afraid. Facades from MDF can last long enough with proper and timely care.
For side walls, shelves and Tumbers are better to use laminated chipboard. The color of the material is selected based on the color of the facade headset. An excellent option can be combining colors, such as dark nut and bright linden.
The rear walls, the bottoms of the lockers can be made of laminated fiberboard. This material is not too expensive and is characterized by good wear resistance. As a rule, for the bottoms of the lockers and the rear walls of the cabinets and the tube use white laminated fiberboard. It comes to absolutely all colors, so there should be no problems with this. The advantage of laminated fiberboard, in addition to the price, is that its surface is quite easy to wash, which is very important for kitchen boxes and Tumb.
What should not save, so it is on the fittings. Permanent opening and closing of the boxes and the door can detained poor-quality accessories, especially domestic producers. In this question, it is better to overpay a little and take a quality product than to repair the future. Of course, you should not fall in extremes and buy German or Italian models with closers and pneumatic cylinders - for making a headset with your own hands it is for nothing. Quality products of the average price category are the rightmost choice.
For the headset will be needed:
- Pens for lockers and the door (they must have the same appearance).
- Loops for doors.
- Fittings for drawers.
- Kitchen sink. Kitchen washing is one of the most important devices in this room. It depends on its correct choice not only the convenience of its use, but also trouble-free. A poor-quality washing can simply flow into the most unfortunate moment, which can lead to sad consequences. The most optimal choice for the kitchen headset will be a stainless steel car wash.
- Countertop. The table top is the coating of the working area. Most often, countertops are made of stone or wood with a special coating. Stone models are very expensive and heavy, which requires the manufacture of an enhanced frame.
Kitchen furniture do it yourself. Drawings and project
In order to task with collaborators, you need to make a detailed project with sketches of each part. The more correct will be the provided drawing, the less waste will be waste with a string. Typically, the openingrs cover the stove in such a way that it was less substantive pieces.
The size of the kitchen headset affects the size of the room and the location of the main technique. When drafting a sketch, it is necessary to take into account that the placement of the gas stove should be as close as possible to the gas riser, so that the hose length is as little as possible. Washing, dishwasher, washing machine should be located closer to the point of water and sewage tube, each meter of which should be located at a large angle.
The refrigerator is installed as far as possible from the gas stove, as the heat released by the latter when cooking will create an additional load on its compressor. Stretch cabinet must be located strictly over the stove, it must be considered when planning suspended boxes. Next to the sink usually have a storage box to store the dishes so that it is more convenient to fold it.
The kitchen project can be made in two ways:
- Armed with a ruler and pencil. This method is not too good. Firstly, not everyone knows how to draw correctly, and secondly, with this method there is a high probability of error, which can express the project.
- Use computer programs. Now among the designers and manufacturers of cabinet furniture, the PRO100 program was very popular. This is a fairly simple tool that has a large database of various structural elements. Using this program, any person having elementary computer skills can make a kitchen headset design depending on the configuration of its premises. This will especially help in the manufacture of furniture for a small kitchen.
To do this, you must enter the sizes of the kitchen, lay the window on the drawing and the door, and then using the standard items of the program database, score them in the desired order. An excellent feature of this program is that by choosing a certain element, there is an opportunity to see its drawing. It is very useful for accurate cutting material. In addition, the program is available to the use of coloring, which will allow you to evaluate the project as it will be in the finished form. Using this program, you can create several projects from which to choose the most suitable.
After the project is selected, you need to print it, including all drawings of structural elements. Then they should be attributed to the company that sells building materials so that its specialists make cutting material. When printing drawings it is necessary to mark those edges of the parts that will need to be stuck. Specialists thanks to modern equipment with ease will make it.
Assembling furniture with your own hands: kitchen
After everyone did the future headset "come," it remains only to gather. For this, drill, screwdriver, fastener and fittings are used.
Order of work:
- When all the details of the headset (stands and suspended boxes) are collected, they are installed in place. In order to expand the stands in exactly, it is necessary to use the level. To align each of them, the adjusting legs are used. When the stands are aligned, through holes for a tie tie are drilled in them. For this use special fasteners - screeds. They are screw and sleeve with head and internal thread.
- Next is installed and attached a countertop. It uses furniture corners and screws for its attachment. At the installation site of the mortise sink in the tabletop with the help of an electric bike make a hole along the sink contour. It is attached using special brackets.
- The last stroke in the installation of the kitchen headset will be the installation of suspended cabinets. They are mounted on special guides that will allow you to adjust the position of the cabinet. This will make it possible to align it if necessary.