Impregnation for stone: choice and use paints and varnishes

Today, such material as a stone is often used to finish the premises. In particular, it is used to make a plurality of decorative structures, floor tiles and for facing the facade. This became possible due to the combination of good operational properties and appearance. Nevertheless, he has its drawbacks. In particular, due to precipitation, this material may be destroyed. To this not happened, the stone is impregnated with special means.
Product specifications
In general, impregnation for natural stone is needed not only to protect the coating from precipitation. The scope of application of such funds is actually very diverse. That is why today there are materials that differ in composition. These mixtures make it possible to create a protective film, imperceptible to the eye, which is useful for tabletop, floors, windowsills and other surfaces exposed to frequent friction. Without such protection, effort will appear with time, which significantly worsen appearance.
Today, you can find a special impregnation of "wet stone", allowing not only to protect the surface, but also decorate it. After applying, this mixture gives the surface of the attractive effect of wet gloss, which makes the color of the stone more saturated. In addition, there are compounds that penetrate sufficiently deep into the rock surface, which allows the pores and polymerizing the material. Thanks to this stone, the impact of moisture, petroleum products, reagents and other solutions becomes not scary. Such mixes are very well protecting the surface from the effects of ultraviolet.
It is due to the impregnation of a white stone tile over time remains white, and does not fade. The protective film also allows for a long time to maintain the initial texture of the stone. In particular, the appearance of chips, chosen and other defects is prevented. At the same time, the base becomes more dense and durable. In addition, there is a latex impregnation for stone. It is applied to the grounds that will be painted further (usually a polyurethane enamel is used for painting, as well as alkyd or latex paint). Thanks to the means, the stone does not destroy even under the influence of adverse climatic conditions, so that these decor elements can be used in the regions with a harsh climate.
This impregnation is used for any stone products. It can be used even for coatings from concrete, brick, slate and reinforced concrete. It is indispensable in the processing of a stone of artificial origin. Loose stone surfaces, such as limestone and porous asbestos thanks to these tools are strengthened. Nail impregnation for stone can be applied almost on any stone surfaces.
These funds can be treated with walls, stairs, marble floor, laid out in the garden of the track, monuments, stone countertops, small stone statues and many other products. They are especially good for coating facades and bases of houses. In addition, impregnation can be used to handle a stone area in front of the pool, which will increase its service life. And in original appearance. These solutions are still used to handle roads and pedestrian tracks.
How it works: Protection Method
Protection of natural stone with the help of this means on the principle of action something like the umbrella. It also allows moisture without problems to evaporate from the surface, and at the same time does not give her to penetrate inside. Why it happens? The fact is that these tools impregnate the pores of the stone, and the molecule contained inside the drug create something like a chemical grid, through which water will not be able to penetrate inside. However, natural humidity is able to leave the pore of the stone in the form of evaporation.
It should be said that protective impregnations with the basis of water are ineffective against oil spots. The fact is that they are just able to penetrate the chemical grid. Therefore, to protect the stone in such conditions it is best to use solutions based on and oils that will be much more efficient in this case.
Need to apply protective
Stone surfaces can be both inside and outside the room. And in that, in another case, they are definitely subjected to various types of harmful effects. Thus, in the room on the stone surfaces, various kinds of liquid mixtures with a caviar composition can fall. For example, in the kitchen it is liquid food, various drinks, fats, oils, and bathroom - water and detergents. There are often stains from liquids that can hardly be removed completely.
An even more intensive contamination, the stone is exposed to buildings of various commercial organizations. Often the owners of such premises do not even think about the protection of stone surfaces, as they consider a stone durable and wear-resistant material. Although if it is not protected from harmful effects, after a few months there may be spots of different origins on such surfaces. Moreover, they are so entrusted that they often fail to wash with the help of household cleaners.
It is known that the stone after processing absorbs much less fluid. If the stains still appear, then they can be easily removed. It is worth remembering that products containing acid and household chemicals with chlorine are capable of leaving traces on the treated stone surfaces.
Surfaces lined with stone outside the room, due to more devastating factors need to protect more. They are increluent exposed to sunlights that destroy the coloring pigments, which is why the stone is discolored. The pallor of the material burned in the sun is especially noticeable on a contrast marble. Another destructive factor is adverse climatic conditions. The fact is that the moisture that fell into the pores, during freezing increases in volume. Because of what the stone literally destroys from the inside. That is why it is necessary to prevent the occurrence of these processes.
Another problem of external stone surfaces is mold, moss, fungus, algae and other plants. After all, many of them are capable of destroying the rock. Therefore, the appearance of such phenomena needs to be avoided in every way. No less dangerous for the salt of the salt, which come out of it. They eventually crystallize, because of which the material is destroyed.
Buy impregnation for stone today is not a problem. Thanks to processing with such means it is possible to reduce the ability to absorb moisture to about 8 times. This allows a spilled liquid to be on the stone for a long time and not harm him that, in turn, gives an extra time for which you can remove moisture from the surface until it leaves stains.
In general, it is not difficult to protect the stone with these means, for this you do not need any special knowledge. The most important thing is that it should be remembered that it is necessary to handle only a well dried and purified surface. In addition, the protective agents should be applied to a thin uniform layer. All surplus after applying should be removed as quickly as possible. You should also know that natural stone is unpredictable material. Therefore, before using this or that protective agent, it is desirable to apply it in a small amount in some kind of incomplete place to look at the reaction.
Organic solvents, such as ketones and hydrocarbons, serve as a basic ingredient of protective agents. As an example, you can call impregnation for the "Olympus" stone. That is why these funds have such a sharp smell. When solutions after applying dry, they lose their toxicity, even if there is contact with food. However, to treat stone surfaces inside the room already used, it is best to use protective solutions, the basis of which is such an inorganic solvent like water. She, as you know, has almost nothing smell.
Protective agents cannot protect the stone surfaces forever. Over time, they still lose their properties, which is mainly due to the impact of external factors. For this reason, to support the stone in good condition, you will have to apply such impregnations regularly. It is much less expensive to re-process the surface than to completely restore it. How often it will have to do, largely depends on the texture of the stone. So, materials with greater porosity and frequently used surfaces are recommended to cover at least once every 2 years. Stones with great porosity and density enough to handle once in 4 years.
Property types of protection
Distinguish the following types of means to protect the stone:
- Impregnations without effects. They are special chemical compositions that penetrate the pores of the stone. At the same time, no films, traces and elevations are left on the surface. Thanks to these substances, a protective layer is formed inside the stone. When the applied composition finally dries, the processed stone will not differ from the untreated. The difference will be noticeable only in the case of exposure to the surface of various harmful factors, such as moisture, oils and various contaminants. Thanks to the impregnation, they do not penetrate inside, but remain on the surface, which makes it possible to easily remove them.
- Impregnation for stone with wet effect. These are solutions that make up the color and emphasizing the texture of the stone. Such impregnations have the so-called "effect of wet stone." They are used for surface treatment. This effect allows not only to protect the stone, but also give it a natural saturated color. At the same time, there is no shine and lacquer films on its surface. An example is the impregnation of the wet stone "Optimist".
Any of these means is easy to use. They are applied using brushes or pure fabric. For drying, just about a quarter of an hour is enough. With a solution, if desired, you can process the surface after a while. This is especially recommended for large material porosity.
Protection of stone from graffiti
Today, graffiti in the city can be seen everywhere. Despite the fact that some drawings look like a work of art, in itself paint, which is applied to the surface, can be harmful to stone. Moreover, most of these graffiti is quite difficult to remove from the surface.
To protect the stone surface from paint exposure, it is recommended to process it in advance with special means. For this purpose, the compositions are applied that are marked as "anti-graffit". The stone surface treated with them will not absorb harmful paint. What will make it easily wash it off with the help of ordinary detergents.
How to use impregnation
As you know, impregnations are used for different purposes, for example, to protect the facade tiles, seven and sandstone, as well as lime surfaces. In any case, you should know the method of applying data tools:
- The first thing to be done is to prepare the basis that should be cleaned of dirt, dust and garbage. Hydrophobic impregnation for stone It is advisable to apply with a brush, sponge and roller. In this case, the air temperature should be at least 11 degrees, and humidity more than 67%.
- When the base is prepared, you can proceed to applying the mixture. It must be done evenly.
- Next, you should not allow any moisture to enter the treated surface of any moisture within 13-14 hours. After applying the solution, the stone will have the best water repellent properties only after 38 hours, which then, according to manufacturers, will be maintained for 9-10 years.
- During applying funds to the work surface, it is important to comply with the basic precautions. In particular, it is necessary to wear rubber gloves to protect hands and special glasses to protect your eyes. If you get a means on the skin of the hands, it is necessary to thoroughly rinse them with warm water.
- The remaining material after the work cannot be stored, it must be disposed of.