Laying PVC tile Tile

The modern diversity of construction and finishing materials allows builders and those who make repair with their own hands, search for various ways to perform work, and also makes it possible to largely choose various design solutions. Selection of an option of flooring is currently really great. A variety of both natural materials, such as parquet, board, stone, and synthetic, such as laminate, linoleum or PVC tile. It is about this interesting material that is capable of changing any room, betraying him a new appearance, as well as how to lay PVC tiles, let's tell later.
What is PVC tile
PVC tile, in fact, no different from linoleum. However, it is produced, unlike the rolled linoleum in the form of small squares, which are pasted on the sexual coating. As a rule, such material is manufactured on a special self-adhesive basis, which markedly facilitates the work of work.
PVC tile is a multilayer material that consists of several layers. The first layer is the basis that can be both vinyl and insulation. On the second layer of tiles are applied pattern. Modern PVC coating is released with various ornaments, thanks to which you can greatly harmonize the walls, ceiling and floor. Next, there are several protective layers of polyurethane and other substances that provide a tile for a long service life even in extreme conditions. The thickness of the product reaches 6 - 7 mm, but one-layer materials are available on sale, the thickness of which is only 1.5 - 3 mm. This applies to the self-adhesive PVC tile.
Advantages and disadvantages
We list the advantages:
- The unconditional dignity of PVC tiles is its price. In comparison with other coatings, such as parquet or laminate, such a material is much cheaper, which favorably affects the overall estimate of the repair work.
- The second most significant advantage is the practicality of such tiles. It very well tolerates temperature differences and high humidity, while not losing their excellent properties. Due to which it can be put in places of high humidity, such as a bathroom or kitchen.
- In addition, this material is unpretentious to care, it is enough to wipe with a damp cloth. It practically does not scratch, so very well suited for the coverage of the children's room. Even if the child decorates the coating with paint or woven, it can be easily flushed with special detergents. This is a rather soft material that practically does not create additional noise when falling any objects. When damaged, the coating does not need to disassemble the entire floor. It is enough to carefully dismantle several damaged PVC modular tiles and stick new ones.
- A variety of drawings and colors. In this aspect of PVC tile on a par with linoleum is an unconditional leader among floor coverings.
- Easy installation of PVC tiles. This is the main advantage for those who decided to make repairs with their own hands. Such a tile is perfectly stacked both on special adhesives and on a self-adhesive basis. Due to its flexibility for laying this material, it is not necessary to have a perfectly smooth surface. Mixed even on the uneven surface of the vinyl tile will hide all its disadvantages. It is very easy to cut, which will make interesting applications from it, embodying the most bold design fantasies. When laying glue tiles, PVC does not necessarily leave special gaps.
From the disadvantages you can select the following:
- Such a coating cannot be mounted on the heat-inside system. After all, the adhesive basis heated from the inside may simply collapse, which will cause the detachment of the floor material.
- The tile comes into disrepair when solvents, acetones, acids appear on it. They leave big spots on it.
- Also, some doctors do not recommend using such coatings in the premises where people suffering from allergies on polymeric substances will be. However, over the years of operation of PVC coatings such as linoleum, and tiles, in various buildings, it has not been proven by its harmful effect on human health.
- Another significant disadvantage is considered a relatively short life. This coating may be guaranteed to live for more than 10 years, however, subject to the condition of hearing operation, this period may be much longer.
Choose PVC tiles. Basic moments
So, what to pay attention to when choosing PVC tiles:
- First of all, it is necessary to make sure that the material from which the coating is made is suitable for use in residential premises. Each seller must have a certificate of conformity in which all operating conditions of this coverage are indicated. Often manufacturers use substances that reduce product production costs, however, at the same time harmful to humans. Such coatings can be suitable for production or technological structures, but they are not suitable for home.
- The second point to pay attention is the class of wear resistance of the coating. When laying tiles in residential premises, PVC tiles are usually bought with marking 21-23, for public buildings - 31-33, and for production and warehouse premises, it is best to use a stack with marking 41-43.
- An important indicator of the quality of PVC tile is a group of abrasion, which is labeling on the label with letters T, P, M and F. The material of the first group is considered the most resistant to abrasion.
- The class of wear resistance and a group of tile abrasion must be chosen at least recommended. If desired, the use of the highest class material is allowed, however, it is worth noting that its price will be almost twice as high. The remaining characteristics of the material: color, thickness, drawing, the base is selected individually.
Buy a tile is needed with a margin of at least 10% of the laying area. She will go to clouds. The residue can be used if the coating is damaged. Therefore, carefully specify the sizes of PVC tiles when purchasing it. It is better to take a small margin, because if the scale of damage is great, it will be difficult to choose a similar tile on the tone, because each party differs from the previous one. Accordingly, the material from another batch will stand out.
Laying PVC tiles on the floor
As we have already told above, this material is unpretentious to the surface on which it will be fed, so it can be put on his own personally. Moreover, you can mount PVC tiles and to the paneur.
Stages of work on laying:
- First of all we are preparing the surface. Although, the PVC tile laying does not require an ideally smooth surface, it is desirable to eliminate all the defects in advance. To do this, laid on the floor a tie of cement and sand. If there is already a screed, it is necessary to remove extra highlights and close the gaps. The elevation is removed with the help of a sharp spatula, pits and cracks close up with putty with the same tool.
- When putty dried, you need to sand all irregularities. After all the work on surface preparation, dust should be removed from it. After all, it is the most common cause of a poor clutch coating with a surface, which is why it starts to lag behind and deter. Dust, as a rule, is removed by the construction vacuum cleaner. For this, of course, a household appliance can also be used, but it is worth a disposable bags. If not, then there will be a simple rag, a bucket with water and the power of the Spirit.
- After drying the floor from cleaning it is necessary to progress. We make this job with a roller who roll on the surface of a special primer. After its drying, we check the surface for the presence of defects.
- Before laying the tile, it is necessary to check the humidity of the floor. Make it with a special device. Humidity should be within 5% -5.5%. If it is higher, the floor must be dried, if below - on the contrary, moisturize.
- The next step is putting marking on the floor surface. To do this, it is necessary to determine what order will lie tile. As a rule, laying such a coating is beginning either from the center of the room or from the red corner. The front door usually acts as a red angle. At the same time, whole tiles must be labeled in the center, and on the edges - cutting.
- To find the center of the room measure the length of opposite sides and find them middle. Through them, with the help of a chalk lace, we lay the straight. We also do the most with perpendicular sides. Check the angle between the printed lines, ideally, it must be 90⁰.
- Next to the floor lay down the tile to determine its optimal placement and cut extreme parts. After it is decomposed, it can be noted from the back of the marker to make it easier to lay.
- We apply a special glue for PVC tiles. Other formulations are not desirable to use, as they may well penetrate the structure of the floor and, accordingly, it can cause the tile dug. The glue is applied by the optimal layer specified in the instructions and smoothes with a spatula. The layer must be homogeneous, without spaces.
- Tile is glued in a checker, tightly pressing it to the surface. After the end of the work, the remnants of the glue, which went to the surface through the joints, we remove the cloth moistened in alcohol. According to the laid material, you can walk and wash it after 48 hours. The correctly mounted tile will delight you and your guests for a long time.
Laying PVC tiles on the wall
Recently, such material is rare enough to finish the walls of the residential premises. However, this tile is quite popular for facing production and warehouse space. Its laying on the walls is no different from the same work with the floor. True, it is worth noting that it is necessary to lay it with rows from top to bottom.