Doors for the fireplace: Features of choice and installation Useful advice

For many centuries, the home focus served to maintain heat and cooking. Modern fireplaces are mainly a decorative function, allowing you to admire the flame and warm up the fire. Often the owners of the open fireplace are set to improving the safety of its operation, and sometimes to increase heat in it. For this, the fireplaces are equipped with various protective doors from heat-resistant material.
Types of fireplaces
Depending on the design, two main types of fireplaces can be distinguished:
- open - such fireplaces allow you to observe an open flame without any obstacles;
- closed - fireplaces with installed protective fuel doors of various types.
The traditional open fireplace is characterized by certain advantages, among which you can mention the following:
- such a coolant construction looks very harmonious and allows you to observe an open fire without any obstacles;
- immediately after the extras, the open fireplace begins to give heat;
- from an open flame, radiant heat is easily propagated - more useful than convection;
- it is convenient to use the open firek as a home focus - for cooking on the grid, in Kazan either on a spit.
Among the disadvantages of open fireplaces, it should be noted that they differ not too high efficiency - practically do not accumulate heat, create drafts through the fireplace tube, consume a significant amount of air and often smoke the room. In the cold season, heat the house with the help of open fire is hardly real. This design is characterized by low security, since the flying sparks may well cause a fire, besides, if there are children or pets in the house, the presence of open fire in the room can be a real threat. If you want to get rid of these problems, it is realistic, installing the door for the fireplace.
Advantages of closed fireplaces
Currently, many owners of open fireplaces are leaning towards the need to install the heat door. In this way, to safely protect the room from the burning products in the form of caustic smoke, carbon monoxide and soot.
In addition, the closed fireplace firebox saves wood, the combustion of coal in it will be more complete. The design of the closed type is able to produce and accumulate a much larger amount of heat compared to the open fireplace. Having equipped the forced convection of hot air or by connecting to the water radiators system, the fireplace can be used as a backup heating source to a large area of \u200b\u200ba large area or as the main one for a small cottage house.
Modern fireplaces can be equipped with a primary air supply system - with its help, you can adjust the intensity and duration of burning according to your needs. The carbon monoxide system contributes to its complete combustion.
Adding various functional options can significantly complicate the process of installing the fireplace - may, in this case, it will be appropriate to seek help from specialists. With the installation of the protective door for the fireplace of a simple design, it is quite possible to cope with your own.
Doors for fireplaces: varieties
Certain requirements are presented to the door for the fireplace - it is necessary that all the structural parts of the product are made of refractory materials withsting long-term heating. The fireplace of the fireplace serves as a fire protection.
Currently, a fairly wide selection of these products is available, among them the following main varieties can be distinguished:
- the deaf metal doors made of steel or cast iron are not distinguished by a stylish design, although they provide high safety of the fireplace - in fact, turning it into a mini-oven. Allolished or prefab steel doors are heavy enough and durable, quickly warmed and perfectly keep warm. Cast iron as a material for the manufacture of the fireplace door, sufficient jigshattakes is distinguished by a low cost, as well as less durability compared to steel - to increase it, manufacturers cover cast iron doors for fireplaces heat-resistant enamel;
- forged door for the fireplace, mainly made of steel are an openwork lattice, which serves as a peculiar decoration of the fireplace. Such a design may look very decorative, although it is not a full-fledged protection against the smoke of the room and the sparks from open fire fall into it. The service life of the door metal is extended by applying refractory enamel on the lattice;
- transparent heat-resistant glass doors are widely popular, as they provide fireproof fireplace and at the same time allow you to unhindered to admire the flame. A fairly high demands are presented to the glass door for the fireplace - for its manufacture, it is necessary to use only high-quality refractory glass.
Various combinations of forging, casting and glasses provide the ability to choose the product for almost every taste. The price of the door for the fireplace depends on the material of manufacturing, the level of complexity of constructive design, as well as design.
Glass or steel doors are suitable for heated firewood fireplaces, in the case of mixed fuel, coke and coal can be used cast iron products.
If you are planning to buy a fireplace door from a foreign manufacturer, it is worth considering that these products, as a rule, are equipped with piece glasses, which will be replaced with damage quite difficult. Domestic manufacturers offer replaceable glass screens.
How to choose doors for fireplaces
Depending on the constructive design, you can purchase a fireplace door, equipped with a flat or convex single-layer glass, segment (in three layers of glass), as well as a circular panoramic option suitable for island fireplaces.
Pay attention to the glass thickness, heat resistance indicators, as well as on the manufacturer declared by the manufacturer's warranty period. The qualitative refractory door for the fireplace will serve in the heating process several thousand hours, withsting the temperature of about 600 ° C. This material, in fact, which is transparent glass-ceramic, is distinguished by increased strength and special heat resistance, ensuring complete safety during operation. Quartz heat-resistant glass can withstand heating to 1000 ° C.
The glass in the design of the fireplace door is combined with a metal (most often - steel) frame, applying various forging and casting options. The fireplace door with refractory glass is heavy enough - for its opening and closing you will need to make considerable efforts. This problem is easy to decide by setting a special opening mechanism that allows you to easily and completely silently perform the necessary manipulations with the fireplace door. In this regard, the most convenient in operation is considered:
- vertically closed fireplace doors ("guillotine");
- mounted on the loop of the door, opening the side;
- double-sided doors fixed on side loops and opening in different directions.
In solid doors for the fireplace, as a rule, an opening is provided to ensure the influx of air necessary for the flow of the combustion process. Adjusting the air flow on the furnaces of the furnace and the coin of the fireplace, you can create optimal conditions for combustion of fuel.
Useful advice
Most conveniently mount the door for the fireplace in the process of its construction and assembly - in this case, it is made in advance, the place for its installation is provided for design. It will only remain to secure the door in a specially prepared laying.
If you wish to equip the door to the finished fireplace, put into operation, the task is somewhat more complicated, however, it is quite realized without the help of professionals.
It is possible to avoid unnecessary trouble with the help of careful planning, taking into account the following features:
- first you need to decide on the size of the door for the fireplace. To do this, measure the dimensions of the existing opening, should be repeated when selecting a suitable product. It will be necessary to choose the door in accordance or a little wider of the fireplace opening - so you will have the opportunity to fit it as tight as possible;
- it is worth noting that aluminum frames suitable for various types of fireplaces are usually made in the form of a prefabricated design of four parts. As a result, in the furnace with uneven walls, the installation process of such a door will be sufficiently long and may be difficult, it will take the use of regulators. Steel products are usually solid, so they can be installed much faster;
- the glass part of the door is mounted into the metal frame with small gaps - they are provided for the glass not cracked due to the expansion in the heating process;
- the fireplace door with glass will require the most accurate circulation - before installing the door, it will be necessary to temporarily remove the glass so as not to damage it in the process of performing work. As a rule, it is attached with bolts, and pull it out of the frame is easy;
- it is possible to eliminate the discrepancies and the slots between the door frame and the fireplace masonry using a layer of fiberglass or an asbestos cord, painted in a heat-resistant mixture and wound around the perimeter of the door until the desired effect is achieved.
How to install the door for the fireplace
Installation of the furnace door is made depending on its design. With a desire, having prepared suitable tools and fixtures, the installation of the fireplace for the fireplace is quite realistic to implement it yourself.
In the process of conducting work, you will need:
- bulgarian with a diamond disk;
- asbestos cord;
- heat-resistant chimney;
- shock drill (perforator), as well as a suitable drill;
- screws and screwdriver;
- marker for applying markup.
To secure the door in the manpower, you will need to do the following sequence of actions:
- "Scroll" the door to the fireplace and make sure that its frame corresponds to the fireplace. Apply markup on the brickwork, respectively, places of fasteners placed on the frame, and then remove the door from the opening.
- Cut the grooves in brickwork will be required by the grinder. Such work will be enough dusty, so you should prepare safety glasses and respirator in advance (or gauze bandage). Equipment properly, do the seam in the brickwork, and then you can use the chisel and the hammer, chopping small pieces of bricks.
- Using the perforator, do the holes in the places of the future fastening of the frame to the fireplace. Install the door in the opening and make sure that the mounting locations on the frame coincide with the drilled holes in the fireplace masonry.
- Prepare according to the instructions heat-resistant solution and feed asbestos cord in it. Mix around the perimeter of the door several layers of the cord, seeking her tight fit to the imaging. Insert the door to the permanent placement location, boding the rubber hammer. In the presence of discrepancies between the surfaces, it should be filled with their asbestos cord, moistened in a heat-resistant solution - to sink it into the slot using a screwdriver and align the surface with the same mixture.
- Insert the appropriate screws or dowel, fix the frame.
- After drying the solution, insert the glass in the door and lock.
After 3-4 days, you can proceed to the control furnace. Make sure the fire burns quite intensively, there is no smoke to the room. It may be necessary to expand confused either to bring the air to the fireplace from the street.
If the result of the work performed fully satisfies you, you can start decorative facing of the fireplace.
Fire doors - Photo
Design features of the fireplace door - video