Laying paving slabs 50x50 do-it-yourself: Step by step instructions Tile,Building materials

Paving tiles today is one of the most practical materials used to cover various surfaces. Surely, many have seen huge streets covered with this material, and sometimes even passage parts. Practice shows that paving slabs is a truly successful material, but having certain disadvantages. In fact, if the tile laying occurs within the private territory, then often problems are not found at all. Often the situation is in such a way that it takes work on laying tiles only after careful analysis of the territory and many surrounding factors. Often you can find unexpected moments that threaten all planned work.
An important advantage of the paving material is the fact that with the help of non-good actions, products can be produced in limited conditions. This is definitely good news, as they simply do not need to buy tiles from companies that artificially overestimate the price of their products.
You can find tiles of different dimensions and other characteristics on sale, and everything is limited only to creative thinking of the owners who collect this material.
In this article, we will consider the main features associated with the production and laying of paving slabs with a size of 50x50 cm. You can confidently say that after studying the subtleties of the technology, it is possible to obtain a truly ignarious result associated with the creation of a platform from tile material.
Features of paving slabs
First, it is worth noting that the pavement tiles every year becomes everything common. This is especially noticeable if you pay attention to the country or garden areas. Around these sites, it is often possible to detect a platform created on the basis of paving slabs. Such a choice is at least logical, as the pavement tile is substantially cheaper than the asphalt, but at the same time it is distinguished by a number of advantages that do not even have the familiar side canvas from asphalt for many. First of all, it is necessary to understand that the tile is an excellent decorative component for many territories. Moreover, you can, without any particular problems, decorate the plot that looks completely unattractive because of the simplicity of the materials used.
The appearance of the tile, as well as many other characteristics, can be safely set in production. Of course, numerous companies have already created this material for individual orders for many years, but at the moment we have a picture at which even in handicraft conditions it is relatively easy to produce quality material.
As for the direct our article, we will analyze the situation associated with the use of tiles with dimensions 50x50 cm. Practice shows that such products have been considerable success in recent years, and it is often associated with the overall simplicity of tiles, and the relative elementality of the material laying. In addition, it is not necessary to think that if the product has equal parties, it will not be a decorative component here. In practice, you can realize various textures on the surface of the material, use dyes and many other technologies, allowing the material to make a decorative style. Again, it all depends directly from the possibilities, as well as on the money question if the material is purchased from a particular manufacturer.
If we talk about the use of such a tile, then the spheres are practically not limited. It can only be noted the passage of the parts on which the paving slabs shows itself not from the best side. Most often, such a surface occurs on sidewalks (obviously from the product name), around houses, various venues. Most often, people resort to the production of this product when you need to transform a little territory. It can be the creation of garden tracks, or the arrangement of the site around the house. Practice shows that no problems associated with the use of tiles in all these cases are simply not.
Despite this, it is worth considering all the pros and cons of paving slabs to accurately plan all the necessary construction and repair activities.
Strong and weaknesses of paving slabs
- Price. As you know, today wealth has fallen significantly, so everyone is looking for an opportunity to save on something. Practice shows that a more economical option, except to use paving slabs, today there is no. Of course, the range of this product is simply impressive, however, and the cheapest options for tiles are attractive outwardly. Accordingly, applying some savings when buying paving slabs, you can slightly expand your budget for the purchase of other products. Competitors from paving slabs, of course, a lot, however, in terms of pricing policy, there is simply no equal.
- Strength and reliability. The paving slabs are made on the basis of concrete (mixture of cement, sand and rubble), so you can be sure that the material for many years will delight with its integrity. It should be understood that the tile also has an excellent frost resistance, but on the passage parts, the cars will quickly lead unusable even the most reliable surface. The essence is that during frosts, when contacting with the material, concrete is actively destroyed, so it is precisely asphalt on passage parts. If we are talking about a small road near the site where the car will stop, it is also a good and even reliable solution.
- Range. In this article we consider tiles with dimensions of 50x50 cm, but now it is possible to release products with completely diverse dimensions. It is worth understanding that this will not create any difficulties, especially if the tile has a well-thought-out geometry and other components necessary for practical surface operation. In addition, various dyes and additives can be used in the production of tiles, which significantly affect the appearance of the material. These are also inexpensive solutions that allow you to extract the maximum benefit from a limited monetary budget. It is worth understanding that the multicolored tile is not always good. It is extremely attractive to the surface that does not have extra details. Therefore, it is often possible to meet the most ordinary gray tile with sufficiently familiar to all with dimensions and other parameters.
- Practicality of use. The process of laying paving slabs is really elementary work, with which newcomers can easily cope. However, it is not necessary to think that without prior preparation you can easily create a high-quality surface. There is a technology about which we will speak further, which includes many subtleties of the process. After a slight analysis of the specifics of laying the tile, it becomes clear that the process is really simple, and this is especially noticeable against the background of other materials used for laying on the surface. In addition, the practicality of the process consists also in the fact that here we have the material that can be safely used in almost any conditions. There is no need to use any specialized techniques and other things that require additional cash costs and workers. Again, this is an extremely important aspect, if it comes to saving and conducting such events in a sufficiently modest monetary framework.
- Ecology. As you know, many people deliberately refuse to use numerous coatings, as it is about ecology. The usual asphalt for many in this regard is not the best solution. In turn, if we talk about the paving slabs, the material is a truly eco-friendly product, which is produced on the basis of all known components that do not harm the environment. It is safe to say that thanks to this aspect, the paving slabs was used in many places and territories, where the ecology of the materials used is important.
- Slipping surface. It should be understood that the surface of the concrete at a minus temperature becomes unsuitable for the movement of people. The situation is such that the surfaces created on the basis of paving slabs must be sprinkled with sand or salt. Of course, on the scale of a small area is not a problem at all, since if necessary, you can completely secure the territory. If a slippery material is a serious problem, one should look at other resources that will be more practical in this matter.
- Shrinkage tiles. Often people face problems that are associated with shrinkage tiles. This situation is based on non-compliance with some features of the tile laying technology. In this case, it is necessary to do everything possible so that the base on which the laying of the material does not have a single flaw. However, in certain cases, much depends directly from the existing site, and the situation may be associated with problematic soils or quality of resources used.
Once again I would like to mention that the presence or absence of certain features of the material depends on the place where the product will be used. Again, it may be specific soil, some external factors. It is necessary to analyze all existing aspects of a particular question, and after that, to make substantiated conclusions.
Shot Tile Stacking Technology
general information
First of all, you need to know that the laying of the tile occurs in three ways:
- on a wet sandy surface;
- on the mixture of sand and cement;
- on a liquid sandy cement mixture.
If we consider each of these options, it makes sense to pay attention to the fact that it is the laying on wet sand - the best choice for the country area where a garden track or a small playground can be created. With this situation, the site will be distinguished by the excellent absorption of moisture, as well as a common pleasant decorative view.
If we talk about the second embodiment, then a mixture is created with a sand ratio to cement 5: 1. This mixture is evenly distributed throughout the site, after which water is filling. It is also worth paying attention to the fact that such a surface is characterized by high durability, and this is the best basis for sidewalks on lively streets.
The third option, according to experts, is even more practical and durable. All this is because the created mixture should provide high surface quality, and the clutch with the tiles here turns out to be almost perfect. The layer of liquid mixture should be about 3 cm. Accordingly, if the site is large, then a lot of mixtures will be required, which, of course, will cost it somehow.
As for the options for laying tiles, then in the case of the size of 50x50 cm, we have sufficiently limited possibilities. Despite this, this situation does not constitute any problems if it is required to create a conventional surface. The decorative component can be gained by purchasing material with various patterns and color solutions.
Laying material
- First of all, it is necessary to remove the upper layer of soil. This is necessary for the reason that the surface has many problems associated with sufficient density. Accordingly, if you put the material on top to the soil, there is a high probability of the tile failure. The top layer of the soil is only 15 cm, so there will be quite ordinary tools used on the site. If the soil has serious flaws, it may make sense to carry out a deeper removal of soil.
- Next, you need to ensure some surface inclination. It should be understood that during precipitation the water will be in one place, and for paving slabs it is an extremely negative situation. At a minimum, the accumulation of water will begin to destroy the tile, to make it unsuitable for use after a short time after laying. Accordingly, when removing the soil, you need to provide a minimum slope. It can only be a few degrees, but no problems associated with precipitation should not be. It is better to choose a slope to the side where there is some kind of flower bed, or just a sector where the grass grows. This will not only provide comfort when moving on the road, but the water will move to the place where it is necessary. If a narrow garden track is created, then no problems should be at all. Often the hosts form and longitudinal, and transverse slopes that create the most suitable conditions for draining.
- Now you need to mark the territory. It can be done even earlier, but there is no particular difference in this case. For high-quality markup, it makes sense to use the rope stretched between the stakes. It should be borne in mind that in this situation, when marking has already been marked, you can visually assess whether the project exists some problems. For example, it can be different stones or plants, which cannot be removed from the site. If the area of \u200b\u200blaying the tile is small, then sometimes marking does not make much sense.
- Next occurs the creation of a sand pillow. As we mentioned, often sand and is the main material for laying paving slabs. Obviously, this is an economical option, and, as practice shows, quite economical. The sand layer should be approximately 7 cm. It is necessary to do everything possible so that the surface is perfect smooth. In some cases, when you need to lay a tile on a huge area, vibratinglitis is used. This installation is a better solution for high-quality sand seal. It should be understood that if we are talking about the need for a qualitative result, then without vibrating plates it will be difficult to do. Conduct the seal with the help of numerous remedies. If high quality sand is used, there is often no problems with the seal.
- After that, it comes time for laying cement-sand mass. In this case, it will be necessary to use the construction level, with which you can control the surface of the surface. At the same time, you should not forget that all the time the site is controlled so that there are no problems with precipitation.
- As already mentioned, it is possible to lay the liquid cement-sandy solution. It is worth understanding that this process will require a concrete mixer, and all the necessary activities are carried out quickly, since the mixture is gaining strength at high speed.
- Well, now it comes time for laying paving slabs. It should be remembered that the location of the material must be accurate so that after that it did not have to carry out mass permutations. With the help of rubber inquiry, you need to hit a little on top of the tile so that the material is highly delighted in the base. It is important to pay attention to the fact that often the tile is fragile (for example, if the material has a small thickness), so too strong blows should not be made. All tiles must be put in such a way that their level over the entire area is the same. If the source size of the tile is too large for some places on the site, you need to use the grinder and produce cutting.
- The seams between the tiles are filled with a dry cement-sandy mixture. If everything is done correctly, the surface will look monolithic and really reliable.
If everything was done exactly according to this instruction, then you can be confident in the excellent work of the work. It is also necessary to understand that today there are all the conditions for carrying out all the necessary repair and construction activities qualitatively and without problems. However, as we have already mentioned, there are situations where the specific area has significant flaws associated with the soil or other factors. Often, conditions are too specific to personally take some decisions. Therefore, it makes sense to refer to specialists who will not only give a good advice, but also point to thinner details that can have too serious influence on the final result of the works carried out. Often, special problems when laying paving slabs are not found.