Highlights of Wooden House insulation Climate,Construction

The popularity of wooden construction in our country is constantly growing every day. It is not surprising, as wooden houses are one of the warmest and comfortable among all. Despite this, the problem of insulation is also as acute as other types of structures.
Wooden houses, like any other, are insulated in two ways: outside and inside. So, consider them more detail.
Outdoor insulation at home
Outdoor insulation involves the insulation of the facade of the building, which is most often carried out in a summer period or early autumn. The main requirement are dry walls of the house and stable temperature and humidity indicators.
- To begin, it is necessary to process the facade of the house with special solutions that premature aging processes and wood rotting.
- After that, I constitute walls and strengthen them.
- The next stage of work is the installation of the insulation, which is the most popular polyurethane foam, mineral wool, polyurethane foam. They not only perfectly retain heat, but also soundly insulated walls. Krepim insulation on special dowels to the facade of the building on the type of brick masonry.
- At the end of this work, you can proceed to finishing work. We use any finishing material, such as facing tiles, plaster, brick, stone and others, which are attached to the outer standing of the foundation of the building.
- There is one secret that will help avoid the appearance of condensate and its accumulation. This is a ventilation arrangement. In the process of fastening the insulation, leaving a small gap of 6 cm between the insulation and the facing material. Then the air will be able to freely circulate, thereby not giving accumulating moisture.
Inner Wooden House Warming
Not always outdoor insulation may be possible. For example, due to the reluctance of the home owners, change the appearance of the building, as well as if insulation needs to be carried out during the cold season. Then the inner insulation of a wooden house remains.
To reduce heat loss, experts recommend warming not only the walls, but also the ceiling and floors in the house.
Inner warming of the walls of a wooden house
- For a start, we will conduct preparatory work on the sealing of walls. Such a need is caused by the fact that during the shrinkage of the house between the logs there may be small gaps. Visually, they are practically inconspicuous, however, through them you can get significant heat losses. In order to get rid of them, it is carefully every one of them to cross with any material suitable for these purposes, for example, tape palas, jute or linen felt.
Or you can fill the cavity with a foamed insulation, and after the sealant.
- The next stage of the insulation of the walls inside the wooden house is the installation of a crawl clad.
- Free gaps between the bars fill in the insulation. To do this, choose the most practical and safe for the health of the surrounding materials that manufacturers are offered today. For example, basalt mineral, foam, glass gamble or insulation plates "Isoplat".
- On top of the insulation, we laid the waterproofing material, which is necessary to protect the walls from moisture and steam.
- And at the final stage, we produce installation of a finishing material, which, together with the protective, also performs a decorative task, creating a beautiful and finished look of the room. In this role can be plasterboard, veneer of valuable wood, lining or eurry card, wooden panels, plates from natural and artificial stone, glass, vinyl siding and other types of finishing materials.
Wooden house ceiling insulation
Experts note that through the ceilings the house may lose an average of up to 10% of all heat. Therefore, in the process of insulation, you should not forget about the insulation of the ceiling. This work is done in several stages. First of all, insulating floors in the attic or on the second floor, if it is a two-storey house. Then they go directly to the ceiling insulation on the first floor.
- First, it is necessary to ensure reliable vapor barrier, for which you fix the vapor insulation material and only on top of it insulation.
- Then, on top of the insulation, we make a layer of waterproofing and finally finishing work.
Wooden House flooring
The insulation of the floor in a wooden house is another important stage as a whole complex work on insulation at home. It is starting with the insulation of the foundation from the outside because the concrete has a high thermal conductivity. Do not forget about the insulation of the basement or the ground floor. In addition, an important point is the level of gender that should not be lower than the waterproofing layer between the brick and the foundation.
Floor insulation is made in several stages.
- First of all, the crushed stone is placed on the soil, the layer of which should be at least 10 cm., And on top of it the same layer of sand.
- Then there are heat-insulating plates and a layer of waterproofing.
- After pressing the floors is done and the flooring is made.
Finally, it is worth noting that the effectiveness of the Wooden House insulation will be significantly higher, if you do not forget about the installation of double-glazed windows on the window. More detailed process of wood insulation of a wooden house Look at the video.