Raising pump installation scheme Plumbing

The increase in the water supply must be present in any water supply system, especially if we are talking about those cases when the pressure is critical or not centralized water supply. The pump for injection of water pressure allows you to fully use household appliances (washing and dishwashers) and in general, to fully use water on the upper floors of high-rise buildings. However, such a technique is in great demand in the private sector, since the good pressure of hot water improves the efficiency of the heating system. In this article, we will consider all questions regarding the choice and installation of rising pumps.
Types of rising pumps
The problem of weak water pressure in the crane is familiar with many residents of high-rise buildings and private houses. This is especially noticeable in winter, when it is impossible to touch the batteries on the first floors, and they are barely warm in the apartment, not to mention hot water from the crane. And if there is a washing or dishwasher installed in such an apartment, problems arise with their work - because of the low water pressure, they simply do not turn on. Outputs from a similar situation are somewhat - look for more comfortable accommodation or install the rising water pump. Naturally, the second option is cheaper and more practical, but before you run to the store behind the device, you should understand how it works.
The pump is pumping pressure in the plumbing pipe, approaching it to a comfortable norm - close 4 atmospheres. In most cases, in high-rise buildings, this indicator stops at about 1-1.5 atmospheres, so it is not surprising that the washing machine simply refuses to turn on, because for its operation it is necessary for a minimum pressure in 2 atmospheres. Today, many change cumbersome baths on compact and multifunctional shower cabins, and then wondering why they do not correspond to the stated characteristics - they lack water pressure. However, it should not strive for excessive increase in pressure. With an indicator in 7, the atmospheres of the pipe may not withstand, especially if the apartment is located in the House of Soviet buildings. It is enough to create that very rate in 4 atmospheres to fully enjoy all the benefits of the water supply.
The species of household rice pumps are very much, and the injecting person will be difficult to find the desired option. Models differ in the method of control, water temperature and cooling method.
Classification by control method:
- Manual - the pump includes or turn off manually by controlling the presence of water in the system. So, if there is water in the plumbing, the device will be stably downloaded, and when "in dry", it can malfunctions or break. This is the biggest drawback of this lineup - you need to constantly monitor water so that the pump does not overheat.
- Automatic - switching on and off the pump is automatically carried out by triggering a special sensor. In fact, this sensor replaces the caretaker - if there is no water in the system, it turns off the pump, not allowing it to overheat, and vice versa.
Raising water pumps should be selected depending on what water you want to download - cold or hot. There are pumps specifically for cold, hot water or mixed type (universal). It is impossible to use the apparatus to increase the pressure of cold water for the "hot" pipes, otherwise it will quickly fail, since its parts and coatings are not designed for such operation. Universal devices are convenient that they can be used for any pipes, but the price of the rising pump of this type will be higher than the narrow-profile.
Even if the pump shakes cold water, it can overheat, so in each device there is its own cooling system. Some models are cooled due to water flowing through them, but in this case there is a risk of overheating in the absence of water in the system. There is another option - cooling "dry rotor". Such pumps have a shaft with blades, the rotation of which blows the motor and winds it. The first models "on the water" work almost silently, but require constant control, the second emit strong hums, but more productive.
It is useful to know: To reduce the noise level of models with a "dry rotor", this rotor is placed in pumped water, turning the machine into a device with a "wet rotor".
Self-priming pumping station
It is very convenient to live in the city, but as practice shows, it happens not always. In many houses of the old building, a very weak water pressure, and the tenants of apartments on the upper floors rarely boast a good water pressure from the crane or the silent heat of central heating batteries. Many solve this problem by installing a self-priming pumping station. The principle of operation of the rising pump is simple: he pumped water into a small tank, from where that under the predetermined pressure goes to the shower, washing machine, a gas column and other watershed points. To set the right pressure, you need to use a special relay.
Useful advice: There are self-priming stations without batteries, but it is better to pay a little more and buy a pump with a accumulating tank. The more the volume of this tank, the longer the equipment will be more efficient, because it is not too frequent inclusion of the pumping pump.
When the pump downloads water into the accumulatory tank, the device is turned off. But the water in the tank is, therefore it can be used even if the plumbing is absolutely empty (turn off the water due to an accident, for example), which, you see, very convenient.
Before you purchase a station, find out the maximum possible water pressure that it is capable of issuing. For example, the installation of Grundfos JP Booster 6-24L is designed for the maximum pressure of 48 m, and the large tank per 24 liter will allow you to easily wait for any accident or another unplanned water shutdown.
How to choose a pump
So, we have already found out that pumps allow to significantly improve the life of a city resident, but what criteria should be guided by choosing?
What questions should be asked to ask the sales assistant in the store:
- What is the power of the pump - it is clear that the more powerful the device, the better, but the stick is still not worth it, especially if the old pipes are in the house. First you need to measure the current water pressure in the water supply (buy a pressure gauge), and only then install higher frames. When determining power, it is also necessary to take into account the number of cranes and plumbing equipment.
- Whether the pump is very cozy - we have already found out that the pumps with the "wet" cooling water work almost silently, and with the "dry rotor" can cause discomfort to residents.
- Is a model for crossing pipes in your apartment - some pumps are designed for a certain cross-section of pipes, so it will be useless to measure this indicator before entering shopping. If you install the pump with an inappropriate cross section, it will experience overload, and the water pressure will not increase.
- What height should be raised by water - if you choose too weak pump, it simply will not catch up the water to your floor.
- If the installation takes place in a small room, the size of the pump must be appropriate.
- And the last one should pay attention to the service station - the reputation of the manufacturer of products and the availability of a quality certificate.
Review manufacturers
Almost all household pumps are characterized by compactness, which allows you to easily place them on a pipe in any apartment or private house. At the same time, most models provide only an insignificant increase in pressure, but usually it is enough to improve the work of the technique and the movement of hot water in batteries.
Useful advice: It is best to choose the models of pumps of well-known manufacturers specializing in the production of specifically this equipment. That is, if the company produces pumps, mobile phones and pillow covers, it is better to look for something else.
We will look at the products of the most popular manufacturers presented in the domestic market:
- Wilo PB-088 EA is a small pump for a pipe installation capable of pumping both cold and hot water (universal). The cooling system operates due to fluid flowing through the device, so the noise level is minimal. The pump is equipped with a stream sensor, which includes a mechanism at the time of water consumption. It is able to work in two modes: automatic and manual, while it has protection against overheating and work "in dry". It gives the maximum pressure of 9.5 m, the temperature range from 0C to + 60C, the capacity is 2.1 m³ / h, the diameter of the compound 15 mm. At the same time, the model consumes quite a bit of energy - only 0.09 kW.
- Grundfos UPA 15-90 - Compact dimensions and low weight makes it easy to install the pump on the pipeline in the apartment. The device is designed to work with water of any temperature, equipped with protection against overheating and work "in dry". The pump is covered with an anti-corrosion composition, almost no noise, has 3 modes: non-working (water circulates in the system yourself), forced (the device works constantly, and the protection against dry running is not activated), automatic (the pump is turned on independently with a large water consumption from 90 to 120 l / h). The maximum pump pressure is 8 m, the temperature range from + 2C to + 60C, the capacity is 1.5 m³ / h, a compound with a diameter of 20 mm, electricity consumption of 0.12 kW.
- JEMIX W15GR-15 A - the pump is designed to maintain the optimal pressure of water in the system. Cooling is carried out by means of a "dry rotor", that is, the noise level is higher than those of the models listed earlier. Works in two modes: manual and automatic. Gives a maximum pressure in 15 m when power consumption at 0.12 kW and performance 1.5 m³ / h. The diameter of the connection is 15 mm.
Installing pump
The place of installation of rising pumps is very important and determines the effectiveness of their work. A streaming sensor can work on the inclusion only if water is underway through the pump, therefore, to supply water to the first or second floor, the machine should be installed in the basement. At the same time, full-fledged work is possible only in a complex installation with another pump, which will ensure the lifting of pipes in pipes.
The working circuit of the rising pump is easy to understand and help the correctly establish the unit. The injection device must be mounted on the pipe before water intake points so that with weak pressure it can turn on and supply all consumers with water. When you run one of them (you turn on the washing machine or open a crane), the water moves, and the stream sensor immediately responds to this movement, including the pump (usually it takes no more than a second). If you live on the 4-5 floor and install the pump in the basement, then its power will not be enough to raise water to the desired height.
Raising pump connection diagram:
- On the pipe to which the pump will be connected, make the markup in accordance with the length of the pump and adapters.
- Early water in the apartment.
- Cut the pipe on the markup.
- At both ends of the pipe, make an external thread.
- Screw adapters with internal threads on pipes.
- Screw the fittings to adapters that must go bundled with the pump. During the installation process, check with instructions for the device and look at the arrow drawn on the housing (they indicate the direction of flows).
- Swipe a three-core cable to the pump from the electrical panel. It is recommended to organize an additional outlet not far from the installation site, and the pump itself is connected through a separate RCO.
- Swipe the test test of the pump, paying special attention to all places of junctions - there should be no hint of the flow. For high-quality sealing, wound on the thread of the FUM tape or the pass.
Useful advice
As you can see, the installation scheme of the rising pump is not so difficult, but to do everything correctly, you need to have minimal plumbing skills - to be able to cut pipes and make threads.
So that the pump served you for many years, when installing, follow the following rules:
- So that the pump has been working longer, it is desirable to install a mechanical filter at the entrance. In the city, the water is pretty dirty, and the pipes are predominantly old with perennial sediments on the inner walls, so it will be a shame if a piece of solid-tipped rolling from the pipe will fall into a new pump and ruptures it.
- Install the pump in a dry heated room. If the temperature drops below zero, water inside freezes, and the device fails.
- Installation of a shut-off crane should occur to the pump installation point so that it is necessary to carry out prophylactic work, breaking water access.
- Anyone, even the most silent pump, vibrates in the process, and this vibration eventually can disrupt the stability of the device - to break it. So get used to time from time to time to check the strength of the fasteners and tighten them if necessary.
The pumping pressure of the water pump is capable of raising the quality of life in an urban apartment or a private house. Let for this you have to put some money and spend a little time, but in the first winter you will feel the fermentation changes - the rooms will become warmer, and the hot water will flow from the crane immediately, and not after 5 minutes of waiting.