How to equip the roof garden with your own hands? Advantages and varieties of the green roof \\ Useful advice

The green lawn on the roof is becoming increasingly popular. Now it will not surprise anyone with green plantings, flowers and lawns growing on the roofs of houses. Gardens located on the roofs of multi-storey houses are particularly popular.
Green lawn instead of a boring, standard roof or blooming early spring fruit garden, not only aesthetically beautiful. The role of the rooftop garden is to help distract from everyday fuss, relax among the green plantings and even collect a small harvest.
Pluses of garden arrangement on the roof of the house
Green gardens on the roofs of houses and high-rise buildings have long won popularity for a number of reasons:
- Environmental environmental situation improves. This figure is especially important for people living in large cities, a megapolis, which surround solid buildings and bricks and concrete. In big cities, it is impossible to break the park and plant trees nearby with a place of residence. The winter garden on the roof, first of all, effectively purifies air, delays malicious bacteria, and substances that are available in the atmosphere by about a quarter. The greenhouse effect from the arrangement of gardens on the roofs of houses allows to reduce the effect of the greenhouse present in the cities.
- The roof garden reduces the noise of the metropolis. This is important for people living near highways and highways. And also, in the house where the garden was planted on the roof, in the winter it will be much warmer, and in the summer - on the contrary, cooler. These indicators talk about reducing heating costs in the cold time and cooling the room in the heat.
- Roof roofing will serve much longer than the standard roof. Soil and plants will save and protect the roof from weather impact and precipitation. The roof serves two times longer than the usual one.
- If the local area does not allow landing the garden on Earth, it can be compensated by performing roofing.
- Such a problem of large cities, as a large throughput of storm wastewater, is successfully solved by arranging the garden on the roofs of houses. Green lawns and other plants will be able to partially absorb precipitation and will not allow them to get to the sidewalks.
- If the roof of the house is absolutely flat - this is the perfect place for the additional rest of all people living in a high-rise building.
- The lawn on the roof is beautiful, it always attracts people's attention and is becoming increasingly popular.
Types of Garden on the Roof
In Europe, where the arrangement of the garden on the roof was the norm, the houses are designed and lined with the placement of green plantings on the roof. In our country, projects providing for landscape design on the roof, very little. The roofs are divided into the main two types:
- Extensive. Gardening provides for the use of lightweight soil, thick from five to 15 centimeters. This option is considered the most acceptable to ensure the protection of the roof from atmospheric precipitation. With extensive landscaping, plants are planted, which do not require special care, regular irrigation. With extensive gardening, the roof looks like a green carpet and an additional recreation area is not expected. This type of gardening is used mainly on the roofs of single-storey houses, arbors, household buildings and garages. The weight of such a "green carpet" is no more than 20 kg per meter square roof, respectively, additionally to strengthen the root is required. Among the varieties of extensive gardening roofs are widely used seasonal landscaping, when plants are planted into large boxes and put on the roof in the warm season, while the roof should be perfectly even. With this landscaping, it is possible to arrange an additional recreation area, but it is impossible to say about 100% of the roof lawn.
- Intensive. It provides for the arrangement of the roof with a seating area, paths, small water bodies and arbors. Such a type of gardening implies a reliable basis that can withstand a larger load. The thickness of the soil with the intensive form of landscaping more than meters. The roof garden is equipped in multi-storey houses and offices. Before planting a garden on the roof of an apartment building, you need to get a document in which it will be, according to experts, is written that the roof and bearing walls will withstand the load. With this form of landscaping, a load per square meter is allowed not more than 700 kilograms.
According to the roof form, landscaping is divided into two types: flat, where both types of gardening are used; Scope when gardening is permissible only scope.
Safety technique
According to safety safety standards, with extensive gardening, which is used both on flat and inclined roofs can be widely used under the condition of the roof of no more than 30 degrees. If the degree of inclination is higher, respectively, the soil, the waterproofing layer and the drainage will not be able to stay on the surface. The soil itself will be constantly washed with rainwater.
The second weighty argument of the safe placement of the green roof is the strength of the roof. The plane roof must withstand the load of about 100 kilograms per square centimeter.
It is impossible to miss such a nuance, in winter, when snow accumulates on the roof, the load on the flat roof will increase.
Greening specialists recommend placing massive trees and install heavy items (pool, tables, benches, bans with plants, etc.) in those places where construction structures are located.
With the arrangement of the garden, the roof is taken into account and additional protection against wind, reliable parapet around the perimeter of the roof, accessible input-output to the roof.
Stages of garden arrangement
For the arrangement of the garden on the roof you need to adhere to all the rules. Consider them in order of order:
- Concrete plate.
- Layer of waterproofing.
- Layer of heat insulation.
- Special membrane to protect against root system.
- Geotextile canvas.
- Layer drainage.
- Snop canvas geotextile.
- Layer of soil.
- Green plants.
- At the first stage of the arrangement of the garden on the roof, an accurate understanding of the strength of the roof is necessary. The durable smooth roof has a slab overlap from concrete, scope - roof crate. If the tile is laid on the pitched roof, it must be removed.
If your roof is flat, you need to equip a small slope. It is necessary for wastewater. One, one and a half degrees of inclination. You can perform this with sand and cement.
- Waterproofing. To this stage, it is also necessary to approach responsibly, otherwise it is possible to penetrate moisture into the premises. Experts are recommended to lay waterproofing material from bitumen, polymer or mixture. The first layer must be attached, subsequent - will be filmed on each other. Seams need to be carefully soldered. On the edge of the roof, the waterproofing material is slightly wrapped up.
- The third layer is thermal insulation. It can be performed using a slab made of cork tree, polyurethane or other polystyrene foam materials. The insulation is placed tight and connected by a special adhesive mixture. Additionally, to attach the plates is not necessary.
- Fourth stage - protection against plant roots. If you do not plan to plant trees, there will be enough waterproofing layer. Otherwise, experts recommend on top of the heat insulation layer to impose and strengthen the special membrane, which will protect the roof from the penetration of the roots. The best option is a porous polymer film or a special film coated film.
- Fifth layer - laying geotextile. It is sold in rolls and stacked with stripes with a small overlay. Through the hetaekstille roots can easily "go through", so do not forget about the membrane layer.
- Drainage. Its thickness must be up to 10 centimeters. It is necessary to keep moisture in hot time and remove excess water. Use lightweight materials: ceramzite or gravel clay, pimet. Ordinary gravel, as well as sand will create an additional burden on the roof. It is possible to build tubes perforated to improve the water drain.
- The seventh layer is again laying the geotextile canvas, which will filter out small particles that are washed out of the soil.
- The eighth is a soil layer in which plants are planted. A special lightweight mixture is used as a soil into which sand, perlite, clay, ceramzite, peat, etc. added. The thickness of the soil, depending on the plants planted, should be from 5-7 centimeters, to half a meter. The mixture is distributed over the surface of the roof. Ordinary garden land Use for the arrangement of the garden on the roof is impossible.
Features of growth and selection of plants on the roof
And only after laying all the eight layers, the most interesting thing is - plant landing. It should be borne in mind that they will all grow in unusual conditions. And you need to choose it is unpretentious. If you want to plant trees - they should be small, dwarf or decorative, who do not have a big root system.
It looks beautiful on the roof of the garden, which is planted with flowers that do not require much care, grass frost-resistant and small shrubs in height.
Do not forget that the higher the plants are located to the sun, the more they begin to bloom. The same flowers landed at the same time on the roof and on the ground will bloom in different times. Consider this when combining plants.
Do not forget about the compatibility of plant species and shrubs. Do not require much attention in the care of pine and thuu, juniper, maiden grapes that will be beautiful on the walls and canopies.
Green roof decor
Without the help and councils of experts, approach the roof arrangement undesirable. But, you are quite able to provide such recommendations for specialists:
- On the usual roof you can place vases with plants.
- Arrange woven furniture, if the place allows - to hang a hammock.
- Establish a place for a fire, install a brazier.
With a great desire, you can buy a finished gardening system, which already has all the layers. This service provides a company from Germany Zinco. Ready lawn can be easily "deployed" on its roof, it is enough to allocate for this occupation one day.
Well, if your dream is to have a real roof garden, then contact professionals for help, builder masters will fulfill preparatory work on layers, and landscape designers will create a unique green and beautiful roof garden. And then, you will rest after a busy working day in your own garden on the roof of the house.