Wood brash do it yourself Useful advice

Artificial giving the tree of the aged species is today one of the most popular technologies for designing furniture objects and other interior parts. In the metal dungeons of the stone jungle, the human eye clings to the islands of the winds-raised winds and the treasured tree in the sun! All the secrets of wood browse technology will learn in our article.
The tree is a constant leader among finishing materials. If with the knowledge of the case, combine the aged wood with a fashion finish, you can achieve a stunning result, and your home will acquire original beauty and uniqueness. Do you know that the mechanical composition of the tree, or brash, can master everyone - there would be a desire!
Wood brushing: the essence of the method
The natural process of aging tree takes not one year: some sections begin to uneven wear, and structural pores are gradually weathered. The so-called annual rings on the cutting cut, which, in fact, are early and late wood of different shade, they acquire not only the contrast color and density, but also visible volume. You, most likely, you know how the surface of the old wood looks like: its wave-like texture is heterogeneous and resembles sandy waves. The most attractive in this place the wood of ate, ash and larch.
Braching (translated from English. Brush - a brush) - a method based on the mechanical processing of the brush of early wood to remove its soft fibers and thus show the natural beauty and volume of natural wood pattern.
The trunk of the tree consists of different layers on hardness, which is well noticeable on its cross-cut. Wood fibers with various physical characteristics form an individual for each tree pattern. Products created from natural wood are unique.
The brush, removing the soft layer of wood, exposes its solid fibers, emphasizes their beautiful relief and gives the processed material an aesthetic decorative look. In the conditions of the natural environment, this process is similar, only it takes not one year, while on the walls of the joinery workshop can be wood in a matter of hours.
Artificial structuring of wood is ideal for processing soft and solid wood, an array of which is distinguished by a clearly expressed texture and well-visible layers of different density and hardness. It is pine, oak, larch, walnut, ash, wenge.
The method is ineffective when it comes to beech, maple, tick, birch, cherry, alder. These trees have a fine-fiber and insufficiently expressed structure without obvious lamination. Such wood is not bragged.
Braching technology is very popular today, since structured wood is used everywhere. It is used in the production of furniture, the manufacture of floors and various decorative elements for the decoration of the room. In whatever form it was not presented with natural wood indoors, it will organically fit into any style of the interior.
Wood winning tools do it yourself
The inexperienced master of the browse method may seem difficult, but in fact structuring wood die for everyone who has a home workshop and a certain set of equipment. That's what you need to make a natural material with your own hands:
- A set of metal brushes for wood brush with varying degrees of rigidity. They are designed to purify the wood surface from a layer of soft fibers.
- "Stacker" with different graininess. It is used in the process of rough grinding and for completively polishing.
- Morida. With this means, wood give bright decorative notes.
- Varnish. It is used to open the already processed product at the shut-off stage of structuring.
Eliminate and accelerate the work on decorative wood processing, which means to make it more productive, will help the mechanization of the process. To do this, you will need a drill on which you can adjust the speed, or a specially designed machine with a set of flat and wide brushes. The enroll mill, as a rule, is equipped with three nozzles for wasting wood. Each of them has specific functions:
- steel Wire Brush for Braching;
- pumping synthetic brush for intermediate grinding;
- sistelle brush for completing the surface of the blank surface.
In fairness, it is worth noting that special machines and machine tools for wood winning are relevant and beneficial when you are in the plans to work yourself on large sizes of the surface (for example, wood formation for floors). Clearly adhering to structuring technology, with the help of mechanized tools you can achieve immaculate results.
Wood brash do it yourself: instruction
- Lightly moisten the workpiece with water - so you get rid of yourself from the woody dust flying around the workshop. First, pass on the pattern with a metal wire with a brush. Its rigidity is selected taking into account the strength and hardness of the selected wood. The brush must be sufficiently solid in order to belong the upper fibrous layer from the workpiece, but at the same time moderately soft, so as not to damage the solid fibers, because of the beauty of which, in fact, brashing and do. Move the tool along the fibers by selecting a moderate pace of work so that you can scroll through the workpiece as much as possible. By increasing the frequency of revolutions of the mechanical brush, you can bake the wood, which is extremely undesirable, so for each sample, the individual pace of work is selected. If you manage the usual hand tool, it is easily determined, at what speed to process the workpiece most effectively. True, handmade takes more effort and time.
- After the initial rigid processing of the part, change the brush on the polymer nozzle with an abrasive coating and polish the workpiece to remove the unnecessary roughness and residues of the fibers from its surface. Only after the wood is polished, you can objectively assess the quality of your work, see how deeply structuring was made. If the amount of work done seems to be insufficient, the grooves that appeared on the surface of the wood can be a little deepen. The main thing is not to overdo it. At the same stage, the workpiece can be additionally decorated: with the help of the chisel, make a deepening of a natural form. After the primary grinding, slightly adjust them, giving them the primordial natural type of cracks, which could be applied to the tree of nature.
- The nozzle equipped with a sisalam brush will go into the course for the final polishing of wood. This procedure will give the failure of the billet missing gloss and uniqueness. If you handate the sample manually, use the fine-grained emery paper to get the perfectly smooth surface of the workpiece. The combined sample is prepared for staining and coating with varnish: completely dried and cleaned from dust.
- To give the details a special spike of noble and luxury, after painting it can be patched (paint deep cracks) or don. If it is generously applied to the work surface of the veil and quickly remove the excess, the soft fiber plots will absorb the paint, and the solid fibers will remain light. It looks unrivaled on a natural background of a gold paint gold paint in microcracks. After painting with a pigment makeup, the workpiece is once again polished, which smoothes all the irregularities that appeared after staining.
- Varnish is used when the billet is carefully cleaned, washed and sucked. In the processing of the brushed elements for a parquet set, a parquet lacquer specially intended for this purpose is used, then ready-made floors for a long time will maintain its original appearance.
Braching with chemistry
Chemical agents in the process of artificial composition of wood are used to facilitate work. With the help of some chemically active solutions, it is possible to achieve easy removal of a soft fibrous part of the wood: the substance softening or the conclusion of the surface of the workpiece, so that only scraping the unnecessary part of the wood will remain.
Acids, alkali and various caustic agents are used for operation. The higher the concentration of active substances in the "chemistry", the stronger it decomposes the fibers of the wood. This means that metal brushes for initial sample processing may not be needed - it will be enough to apply several times and wash the remedy from the workpiece.
With chemical brushing in the air, caustic volatile substances fall into the air. In order to prevent chemical poisoning, such work is carried out not in the room, but on the street. After removing the layer of soft fibers with the help of "chemistry", further decorative works are performed in the same way as with a mechanical way to make wood.
Using the use of brimmed wood
The technology of artificial composition of wood is widely used in the creation of stylish items for the interior and in the design of various premises. You can explain such popularity with high decorativeness and availability of this method. The composition of the wood perfectly falls on the fireplaces and the shelves, it looks great on the ceiling beams, columns and wall panels, filling the living rooms and halls, restaurants and clubs in the unique spirit of sophistication and aristocracy.
Furniture decorated with elements made of aged tree, in any interior looks sophisticated and strictly. Especially appreciated by the workpiece, over the appearance of which borefields were in due time. According to the cabinetry, in a similar way to handle an array of wood manually cannot be - there is no equal in nature. Wooden products created using brash technology are an excellent design solution for designing any interior.