Light foundation with your own hands Construction

As you know, the construction uses a wide variety of foundations corresponding to the dimensions and other characteristics of the future structures. It is not a secret that the foundations of the foundation must meet a variety of requirements, otherwise it is impossible to avoid problems during operation.
In this article we will talk about the easy foundations for small buildings. It should be noted that in modern conditions it is this basis that is the most practical and really relevant. Of course, and a light foundation has its own characteristics, as well as important details related to the selected materials. Moreover, it is impossible to exclude the properties of the soil, which actually depends a lot.
I would like to note in advance that the light foundations are erected only for small houses and other structures, so in a matter of fact you do not need to risk. Again, these are responsible building events, so it is best to seek help from specialists who will qualitatively do all the work, and will also provide a guarantee that in our days means a lot.
According to experts, there are actually an increased interest in easy foundations now, but it should be borne in mind that only a small weight houses are erected on such a basis. Most often we are talking about wooden structures. It should be understood that in modern conditions, the tree is not so often applied, so it is desirable to conduct additional consultations with specialists before making a choice in favor of a light foundation.
It should be borne in mind that under a light foundation it means a design that is quite easy to build, but all its features should be taken into account. Despite the fact that the house can be wooden, inside it can be placed the equipment or furniture, which will have an impressive weight and negatively affect the basis of the basis.
If you understand that in the future you will expand your structure, it makes sense to immediately equip a durable and durable foundation, but not easy. If in the future there will still be an expansion of space, then you will have to start with the modernization of the foundation, or it will be necessary to start construction from the very beginning. Thus, a light foundation is far from the most correct solution in many modern conditions.
Risks when arranging a light foundation
It becomes clear that the risks when creating a light foundation definitely exist. For example, there may be serious problems if we use the room under a small warehouse. As already mentioned, when the house expansion, the load will unambiguously increase, respectively, at one point the foundation may not withstand and starts to deform (or will collapse at all).
- Especially bad if the owners decided to add one or more floors for the house. With such a situation, an emergency will be practically guaranteed. If we are talking about the most ordinary extensions, then from this situation it is quite possible to exit by creating an additional foundation. However, in this case, it is advisable to strengthen the main foundation if it is really necessary.
- In the event that it turns out that the strength of the light foundation is not enough to safely operate the dwelling, the base is required. Accordingly, it will be necessary to spend huge money to carry out the full volume of construction work. And here, without specialists, it will not work out.
- In the event that we have a small gazebo or a small garden or country house, you can safely choose a light foundation, since large loads are not foreseen for the base. However, it is still necessary to consult. Even the most basic parameters of the future building specialist will quickly analyze and make some conclusions.
Choosing a type of foundation
If we are talking about a light foundation, then we mean a rather modest building. Accordingly, it is from this information that you need to repel when choosing the type of foundation.
It should be noted that in this situation almost all types of foundations can be applied, but their designs may have some features related to the specifics of construction.
Thus, it is necessary to analyze all the factors associated with the future building, and after that, to make a choice in favor of one or another type of foundation.
Foundation columnal
Most often, the columnar base is erected for those structures that need to be strengthened as reliable as possible. The thing is that the poles can cope with many specific soil features. Moreover, due to some tricks, a columnar foundation with ease opposes moisture and water.
But at the same time, the base base is quite low cost. Moreover, it is often used to strengthen wooden structures, so it will be an excellent option for light houses.
Economical this option also for the reason that the most diverse building materials can be used to create pillars:
- bricks;
- concrete poles;
- stones.
The most difficult part of the construction of such a foundation can be called the transportation of pillars. For example, if it is concrete pillars, then it may be necessary for a cargo car. If the pillars are small, then you can restrict ourselves to the usual passenger car with a trailer.
Poles are installed throughout the perimeter of the future structure (the distances between them should be about 1.5-2 m), and deepened by 1.5 m (depending on the existing construction project, the values \u200b\u200bmay vary). In this case, the most important to observe the verticality of the position of the pillars, since any breakdown can mean further deformation of the entire structure.
If the construction occurs on the basis of bunching soil, it will not be extension to the arrangement of a sandy pillow, the thickness of which should be about 20 cm.
Fine-breeding foundation
The small-breed base is characterized by a low weight, as well as the simplicity of construction work. Of course, such a foundation is far from the most reliable, however, for a small wooden structure, this is an exception.
There are many requirements, as well as important features relating to this type of foundation:
- Waterproofing. By itself, the foundation has a small area, so it will not be much difficult to ensure reliable and durable waterproofing. To do this, use a special coating that is best to apply two layers.
- Avoiding the fruit of the foundation. Specialists recommend in winter to avoid freezing the fine-breasted basics. The thing is that gradually such a base may lose its most important properties. It will also not hurt to create a load on the foundation throughout the winter, and then the reason will be sufficiently immersed so that after the cool period, no problems in terms of operation arise.
- Basement dimensions. If we want to additionally create a basement, you should definitely know about its dimensions. Indeed, the height of the cellar will be small, but at the same time do not forget that this is a light foundation for a small wooden house.
- Conducting construction work. Again, returning to the freezing of the soil, it must be said that in the winter it is better not to carry out a building process. All this applies to the small depth of the foundation, which is why when warm it is time, the foundation may be unsuitable for existing conditions (deformation, blocking problems).
Pile Fundam
Piles are the best solution for small construction, where there is a need for a truly reliable basis with a small amount of building materials, as well as modest financial expenses.
The main part of such a foundation is a pillars with pointed ends. The good news is that there are now in construction a huge number of piles options are used, and they can all become the basis for concrete, wood or metal frames.
Durable piles should go deep into the soil and ensure the maximum strength of the base. Accordingly, the pointed pillar breaks through the strong and loose soil, but ultimately the base is characterized by high strength.
In many ways, such a foundation is similar to a column, but metal piles clearly inspire more confidence.
Experts argue that one metallic pile can withstand enormous loads that exceed 5 tons. When creating a foundation, we use several piles, so almost any single-storey private house may have such a base.
To install piles, special installations are often used that make their work as high quality as possible. Such a foundation is sufficiently light enough, as well as relatively inexpensive.
Ribbon foundation
This type of foundation is often used under light buildings, but it should be understood that this reason will have to spend a huge number of building materials. Accordingly, the ribbon foundation is distinguished by tremendous weight and high difficulty in construction.
At the same time, builders note that this base is the most simple technology, which means that even newcomers can understand with it.
By itself, the foundation consists of a reinforced concrete ribbon located around the entire perimeter of the structure. At the same time, it is necessary to focus on the fact that it is based on this foundation a basement or cellar is created, which is incredibly important for many owners of private houses.
The ribbon base must be put on a depth of 20 cm (below the depth of the freezing). As for the thickness of the belt foundation, this value depends directly from the thickness of the walls of the future housing.
For wood structures, it is customary to use a small-breeding version of the belt foundation. Moreover, experts recommend that this reason to use when built on weakly soils.
Slab foundation
Despite the fact that the slab foundation implies the use of a large number of concrete resources, this base has its own positive parties. Quite often, the slab foundation uses for small houses, while the concrete base can act as a floor.
The main feature of the slab foundation is its versatility. This base can be safely used on different soils, and groundwater often does not carry any threat to the slab foundation.
As for the design, this type of foundation consists of a solid concrete layer together with reinforcement. Also does not prevent additional waterproofing.
As already mentioned, for this foundation you need to apply a lot of building materials, and not everyone will venture on large financial spending, if we are talking about a small country constructure.
Other features of the creation of light foundations
To make a choice in favor of a lightweight foundation, you should pay attention to the following factors:
- The height of the structure. Even if we have a wooden house, it should consist of no more than two floors. Otherwise, save on the strength of the base is categorically not recommended. If the house is brick, then even one-story building may be too massive.
- Specificity of structures. Most often, lightweight foundations are applied under small arbors, bathrooms, as well as under the humble overall household buildings. As for a residential building, it should be carefully analyzed together with specialists.
- Price issue. Even when creating a light foundation, it is necessary to pay attention to the financial component of construction work. Perhaps the owner already has some building materials, so on their basis and will be built. The cheapest will turn out a columnar base, which, moreover, is distinguished by high reliability.