Ribbon foundation for fence with your own hands Construction

It should be understood that the foundations are erected not only for full-fledged structures, but also for the most ordinary fences. If the fence has impressive dimensions, then without a solid reason, it will not be possible at all. Most often, the owners create massive fences in order to ensure reliable protection of its territory. Even with a strong desire, a solid fence will not be removed.
In addition, we should not forget about various weather conditions. The bottom line is that during the strongest wind, fences are often falling, which differ in large weight, but have no foundation.
If you create a really high-quality foundation for the fence, it will decorate the entire territory. Moreover, separately it is possible to set decoration and protruding over the soil part of the base. This will make a plot in fact modern and attractive.
In this material, we will analyze the main stages, as well as the problem moments of the process of creating a tape base under the fence. It must be said that this event may not be easy for many, but here the main thing is to comply with technology and some recommendations.
The main features of the fence under the ribbon foundation
If you plan to create a foundation for the fence, the fence unequivocally has large dimensions. Accordingly, the fence will first of all will perform a protective function, and in this case the foundation will be the most important assistant.
The reason often evenly distributes the major weight of the fence, so during the entire period of operation, the fence will be in the same position. The deformations can be simply eliminated. If the foundation has the necessary reliability, the height and thickness of the fence can be almost any. Of course, experts before starting the construction process create a detailed project in which all parameters are taken into account so that no problem points occur during operation. The most important thing is the absence of deformations, since, in the case of a fence, really dangerous processes can begin until collapse.
Most often, the following fences are created under the ribbon foundation:
- on the basis of professional flooring;
- based on brick columns;
- based on wood.
It is especially serious to treat the mass of the fence under the foundation. Of course, there is simply no need for a completely monolithic concrete foundation, since in this case we only get problems.
As for directly belt foundation, it consists of reinforced concrete tapes located around the perimeter of the site. Immediately I want to note that the strong side of such a foundation is the simplicity of its construction. Thus, the entire construction process can also hold people with a lack of experience.
Requirements for a belt foundation
- The use of quality materials. It should be borne in mind that when creating a foundation should never be saved on building materials, since at one moment it can be strongly regretted. From the foundation, in turn, the state of all fence, as well as nearby objects, depends. In addition, the base is conceived as a truly eternal object, which should serve as faithful within decades.
- Compliance with technology. On the Internet you can find a lot of instructions regarding construction work. In the case of the foundation, everything should be much more responsible. Thus, it makes sense to refer to specialists who will provide complete information about creating a belt foundation. With such a situation, people with experience will take into account all the features of the existing soil, and also do not ignore other important details.
Use of building materials
The main building material when creating a ribbon foundation is a concrete mixture. It is worth noting the fact that today it is best to order the desired volume of this product from a particular manufacturer. So we will have to save a lot of financial resources, and a lot of "precious" time will be liberated.
First of all, you need to pay attention to the cement brand. Only with a high-quality construction mixture we will get durable and durable concrete. Specialists advise you to choose the cement brand M250 or higher. There are no special requirements for the rest of the materials. However, it should be remembered that when creating a concrete mixture, it is necessary to use pure water, as any dirt can significantly affect the overall condition of the future design. Water to create a mixture should be cold, and it is best to recruit it directly in front of the construction process.
The process of creating a ribbon foundation for fence
Digging trench
To begin with, we need to place the territory. To do this, you can use the most common ropes and lighthouses. Accordingly, with the help of marking, we will install which dimensions will have the whole design, and also make sure that the fence will not pass through important objects.
After the markup has already happened, you can safely take a shovel and dig a trench. The big depth for the foundation is not needed, since the structure itself does not imply heavy loads (as in the case of a residential house). In addition, you should navigate the width of the fence to determine the width of the trench.
After we broke the trench, it should be cleaned high quality, and the walls should be made as smooth as possible so that during construction it was easy to navigate in the location of all building elements.
It does not hurt and create a sandy pillow, which is placed on the bottom of the trench. It should be borne in mind that such a base will be really dense and tough for concrete. In addition, the surface needs to be highly loosen, since any deviations negatively affect the state of the future foundation.
If the ground is loose, then it is possible to strengthen the bottom of the trench using a certain volume of rubble. This is a fairly budget option, however it guarantees the excellent quality of construction work.
Creating formwork, as well as reinforcement and waterproofing process
- It should be borne in mind that it is the creation of formwork that is the most responsible process in the construction of the foundation. The formwork must be smooth, as well as durable, so that under pressure from a large weight of concrete, the design did not collapse, or did not begin to deform.
- The formwork most often consists of large boards. Just a peculiar container for concrete, which should not have large cracks and gaps. In addition, the creation of special supports for each of the sections of the future belt foundation does not prevent. Even if concrete is strongly loaded the design, the supports will still be easily supported, and the foundation itself will be just perfectly smooth. In the case of the foundation under the fence of special threats should not be, but still should be on the check as construction work in any case is notable. If the perimeter of the future fence is really large, then a lot of concrete will go to all construction work. I would also like to say a few words about wood, which will be applied to construction work. Experts recommend using deciduous rocks that differ in the greatest strength.
- To protect the foundation from the action of moisture or water, it is best to use full-fledged waterproofing. Even in the case of the foundation for the fence, there is a need for such protection, since under the action of water the design is actively destroyed. As for the choice of waterproofing, it is necessary to pay attention to the rolled waterproofing, which is easiest to post on the inner surface of the formwork. However, it is worth spending this process most responsibly, since any gaps between the strips of waterproofing will be felt. Directly the foundation itself can be submitted by mastic, and it is this option of waterproofing that is highly efficient and quality. In addition, it is possible to use and spraying, which has a lot of common with the past is a variant of isolation from moisture and water. In fact, there are still a lot and other options for waterproofing, however, for a ribbon foundation under the fence, you can choose any method that it will be easier for the owners.
- Reinforcement is also an important component of construction work. Despite the fact that we are only dealing with the basis for the fence, in some cases such a fortification may be incredibly important. Accordingly, for this case, fittings are used, the thickness of which should be up to 12 mm. In the case of the foundation for the fence of too serious requirements for this element. Despite this, we need to make a complete reinforcement frame consisting of a variety of elements. First of all, metal rods are driven into the ground with a certain step. It is impossible to allow any deviations, so each installed reinforcement needs to be checked on horizontal or vertical. If we talk about the reinforcement, located horizontally, then a certain amount of metal elements should be used, based on the overall height of the base. For the reinforcement connection, the most common wire is often used. However, the strapping process is responsible, since during the fill of the concrete part of the structure can be disconnected. It should also be remembered that too much reinforcement for a small foundation is inappropriate, as often it takes a very small strength. The design of reinforcement around the perimeter should be the same, this principle should be adhered to.
Already after all the above items are made, the overall state of the design should be analyzed. First of all, we are talking about formwork strength. Despite the external invulnerability, wood can give slack, and then a lot of strength and money is invested. Therefore, builders advise additionally strengthen formwork after reinforcement and waterproofing. To do this, you need to use the boards that will connect the walls of the formwork on top. This procedure is done all over the perimeter of the future foundation and with a small step - 2 boards per meter. Of course, it is worth remembering that the concrete is actually a huge weight, so even the smallest flaw flare can suddenly be apparent.
Pouring concrete
Despite the fact that the concrete mix itself can be quite high quality, some newcomers will avoid any problems. First of all, it is worthwhile that various emptiness is often formed in the concrete mixture, from which you should get rid of. Many experts recommend using vibration equipment, but not everyone has access to it.
You can also only pour concrete in a small dosage, which will allow you to identify any disadvantages of the mixture.
Already after we made a fill of concrete, it should be understood that the mixture still remains some drawbacks. It is, first of all, about air bubbles that negatively affect the foundation state. Next, it is best to use a deep vibrator, which easily removes all the problem areas. The top of the foundation should be aligned using a spatula and rule. If everything is done correctly, the foundation will actually be durable and durable.
However, do not forget about some of the most important details on which the final quality of the foundation depends. Concrete is gaining strength for a month, so during this period should be seriously referred to the state of the foundation. Specialists recommend covering the concrete base with a polyethylene film at least during concrete grasp. Literally a few days after construction work, it is safe to dismantle the formwork. After a couple of weeks, it is possible to start the construction of a fence, for which the foundation was converted.
Over the course of several weeks, it is necessary to observe the state of the base, as it is impossible to exclude the occurrence of cracks and other flares of concrete structure.