Wolter for dog do it yourself Construction,Plot.

The dog is the same family member. So that and to her and the owners was a comfortable joint living, the dog needs his own corner - a permanent place, where neither she people nor people interfere with her. The device of the enclosure for dogs is also needed so that it does not attack guests, because it is a watchman who considers it a duty to drive all strangers from the territory that they trusted to guard.
There are many ideas for aviary, you can take advantage of any, based on financial capabilities and wishes:
- choose ready;
- place an order and then it will make it as you want to see it.
But how nice to do something yourself, for example: build an aviary for a dog with your own hands.
Well, build an aviary for a dog?
Appropriate place
Before building, you need to find a comfortable place. Just free at the moment may not come up:
- if he is located behind the house, the dog will feel discomfort and it will be restless from this;
- wolter overlooking the street is also an unsuccessful idea: each passerby will be the area, and if someone will try to tease the dog, then she wishes to jump over the fence. Perhaps someday she will succeed;
- a good location is a platform near the gate. Here the dog has all the events under control, it feels comfortable.
Waller Plan
Building at home begins with the project, the same in the case of the aviary. It is best to first draw a wagon diagram for a dog on paper. It should be in it:
- the place that your friend and the defender uses for walking;
- the house with the roof, in other words - the booth, where it is necessary to sleep in the cold time;
- a permanent place where feed will be served without entering the aviary itself.
Determine the size of a dog house
The size of the enclosure for the dog limits the magnitude of your yard. You can take as much space under it as it does not feel sorry, but still there are restrictions at a minimum area, which depends on the breed, or rather from the growth of the animal. It is accepted by dogs to divide into 3 categories, in relation to their growth:
small no more than 500 mm;
averages have an increase of 0.5 to 0.65 m;
high - above 0.65 m.
The smallest Volumber Square for these categories:
- for small, low dogs - 600 cm square;
- for medium - on 2 square M greater;
- for high - minimum 10 m square.
Keep in mind that the sides of less than two meters in the aviary should not be. This area and even less will be enough if it is possible to take a dog at night to take a walk, and if not, then you need a rager more. And also: if you have a girl, then she will ever be puppies, and they also need to run and relax somewhere, so think about it.
There are many projects of enclosures for dogs. Consider a variant of the capital aviary, calculated for years, with the foundation and roof. We define its cost, at least approximately and prepay everything you need.
Acquire materials
For the capital avoire, it will take:
- cement;
- sand;
- board;
- metal profile: Channel, corner, bar;
- profiled pipe;
- roof material.
Because it will be a massive design, heavy, it is better to make the basis for it, otherwise the bottom can start refusing, tolerance.
When the foundation is not necessary to invent any difficulties. The most optimal choice is when the aviary will stand on the foundation of the tape.
- rOOM Sleep trench: about half a meter;
- we make the simplest formwork at a height of about 20 cm;
- i smell a layer of gravel;
- pour the solution;
- when it freezes, we put waterproofing, at least from a plastic film or runner.
Now the metallic elements of the aviary is not terrible corrosion, but a wooden - fungus.
Our sex will consist of several layers:
- first, we put the channel for the foundation;
- weld on them a rectangle;
- we swell the inside of the rectangle boards;
- we proceed with an antiseptic;
- stream insulating material, in this case it will be rubberoid;
- we make a subtle. Can be gravel;
- pour concrete solution;
- when the solution will freeze percentage of 50, we lay wooden lags, sleeping slightly in concrete;
- stelm board floor. Mounting boards will be only self-drawing, it's dangerous nails, the dog can be born.
Since there will be a gap of centimeters 15 between the base of the floor and the earth, namely, we raised the foundation, then there will be free air circulation, and the moisture, if it falls, will evaporate quickly.
On a note: the floor in the aviary is a bit: degrees are tilted towards the door. In the same the direction must be treated and boards. So you facilitate the process of cleaning.
Often, trying to simplify the task, use the chain-chain as walls for enclosure. But, having accepted this option, you will have additional work in the future. See what these walls will turn in a few months:
- the grid stretches;
- if the dog often jumps on it, it will be bullied;
- during the dog jumping on the grid, it is very rattling.
What is the most unpleasant, in these fights with a grid - the dog will inflate the wounds.
Construction grids Those that serve as fittings are also not very suitable. Welded seams that can be sharp on them, and sometimes they diverge, which is also unpleasant.
It is better for the Waller Walls for a dog at home to do: and reliably, and safely. So to the case:
- we take a profile tube and weld it to the chaserler in every corner. It is possible to take bolts instead of welding for fastening. We get bearing structures;
- from the corner to the corner of the aviary, we lay the bar. Horizontality control the level;
- fix the vertical rods, checking the verticality of the plumb. Leave the distance between the rods, focusing on the size of your favorite. On average: from 5 to 10 cm. It turns out a durable frame;
- do not forget to leave the opening under the door.
Note: Parok with square cross section it has greater rigidity, than round.
The next step will be:
Testing wall
At least one wall should remain not covered.
- We are wearing the walls outside with any material that you have;
- from the inside, we warm. You can take minvatu or foam;
- we perform the trim inside using a tree.
Wolter requires a roof with a slope. We arrange it like this:
- around the perimeter of the vertex of the enclosure fix the profiled tube or a bunch corner;
- from one to the other side wall in the center, we set a chamberler to give stiffness of the roof structure;
- we will fix the board with a thickness of at least 5 cm;
- cover, or with slate, or a profiled sheet.
Keep in mind: rain, falling on the roof of slate or profile sheet creates noise, and if mounting soft roof, then the dog will be calmer.
Safe feeder acts about this:
- the lattice provides a window closing on the castle. Height from the floor: 250 mm;
- rotary mechanism allows you to open the window and fasten the holder rings;
- in the rings inserted tanks with food and water;
- the window is closed, and the food turns out inside the aviary.
House or booth?
With a warm house in the aviary there may be two options:
- stationary, high-cost house for a four-panel friend;
- portable booth.
In case the first option is selected, part of the enclosure is composed under a dog house with warmed walls, a window, a door, and of course the entrance for the dog cutting into the wall. In the summer, the dog housing must be tired, so:
- we make separate frames for indoor and outdoor sheat;
- fix them with bolts and nuts;
- in summer, this design can be removed.
When choosing a 2nd version, you will have to build a booth. However, this is a creative process and can deliver a lot of pleasure. Buing an aviary for a dog. Booth drawings can be performed in the style of the entire structure. But first: Determine the dimensions:
- for a shallow dog, you need a house 50x70x60 cm;
- for the average - 80x1.2x80 cm;
- for large - 100x140x100 cm;
- the size of the door is determined on the basis of the breast width plus to this more centimeters 7.
- take the board no thinner 25 mm;
- bar 4x4 cm;
- we carry out a frame of a bar, not forgetting to strengthen it with rigidity ribs: vertical and transverse;
- leave a place under LAZ;
- make the bottom of the booth;
- we are wearing walls;
- we proceed to the roof. It is better to make it so that you can take off for cleaning;
- we impregnate the walls only outside Olifa;
- we protect LAZ with a sipped foam rubber or cloth.
How to make an aviary for a dog in the apartment
Little dogs, usually not placed in aviaries on the street. They live with the owners. Wolter for a dog in the apartment is small. These apartments for a shaggy family member can be purchased, and you can also build yourself. Design is not fun, it will take:
- soft mesh 0.4 m high;
- bed;
- dishes for food;
- a toy.
Here is a separate dog corner.