How to bring the foundation under zero Construction

The foundation is the basis of any construction. It is on it that the load of the entire design is transmitted. So that the foundation is reliable and durable, it is necessary to equip it correctly.
What is the output of the foundation under zero?
To withdraw the foundation under zero - means to ensure that its surface in all places is in a single plane located horizontally.
As mentioned above, the foundation assumes the load of the entire building. The withdrawal of this structure under zero is necessary so that it is uniform evenly and does not affect its strength.
It will be easier, faster and more reliable, if you do this in the process of fill, and not when the solution has already begun to be seized. But still sometimes you have to correct errors with a delay, there are several ways for this.
And in the same time, it is necessary to make measurements extremely carefully and carefully so that the base be perfectly even, and the whole design is as strong as possible and reliable.
Alignment is necessary not only when the solution is poured, but also when the brick base is laid out. Due to the uneven surface of the earth and the uneven distribution of concrete, in the future, the entire building can turn. While work is not completed, it is necessary to constantly check yourself with the help of a hydraulic level.
In order for you to independently withdraw the foundation for zero, photos placed on the page illustrate this process, make it more visual.
How to remove the foundation for zero in the process of filling the solution?
Before the start of work should be stock:
- cement;
- sand;
- reinforcement;
- boards for making formwork design;
- ax;
- shovel;
- workshop;
- hammer;
- cord;
- hydrorem;
- burning a hose.
Works are carried out as follows:
- First find the zero point. To do this, from the inside of the formwork, in one of the corners of the foundation, apply a marker with a marker denoting the planned surface level. Next, using the hydroelectric system, find the same points in the remaining corners of the foundation.
- If you do not have a hydraulic level, use a flexible hose to find points. Thug it from one corner to another and fill with water. It should be observed that inside the hose there are no air bubbles. One edge of the hose is lift to the level of the planned surface at the starting point. Change the location of another completion of the hose until the water in it stops at the level of the edges, but it will not be poured. When this happens, lock the hose and make a mark on the formwork - this is the second desired point.
- Acting in the same way, find and designate points in the remaining corners.
- Now it is necessary to cut the formwork in the vertical direction at all corners of the foundation. Propilov needs to be done two, positioning the foundation in the middle of the walls, lead them down to the level of the fill of concrete.
- Take the cord and stretch it through the supreme places. With the help of these actions, you designated zero foundation.
- The next step is to pour the solution prepared in advance to the height marked with cords passed through propyls.
How to withdraw zero on the foundation that is ready?
- Using the hydrorem or hose, the method described above, take the position of one of the corners for the original. Mark all the angles so that the position of each relative to it becomes obvious. For example, the mark "+40" will mean that the level of this angle exceeds the level of the original 40 mm, and the mark "-20" will indicate that the angle is 20 mm below the original one.
- Mount the formwork. It should consist of a pair of boards, the lower edges of which cover the foundation on two sides, and the upper connects are connected by spacers. Their length should coincide with the thickness of the foundation.
- Find zero points over all corners and mark them on the inside of the foundation. At the same time, it follows from the real level of finding angles. Know that the layer of the response solution should not be less than 3-4 cm. If it is too thin, it will not provide sufficient structural strength.
- Now drank formwork, acting in the same way as described in the fourth paragraph of the previous section.
- Insert the reinforcement into the formwork, prepare the solution and lay out into it, pre-silent the surface. By doing this, focus on the cords stretched through the cuts in the formwork.
If you are looking for zero points using a hose, then remember the inertia of moving water inside it. Before fixing its level, wait a bit until it finds the final position.
When you root a solution and you will wait for it to dry, make sure that because of the little thickness it does not dry and did not crack. To do this, periodically moisturize the surface.
Zero foundation with brick
In this case, the foundation is poured to the surface of the soil. After that, learn the time for frozen. After that, you can begin to build zero, which will subsequently get the walls of the structure.
It is better to choose an ordinary red brick, not afraid of humidity and salt sediments. Start laying bricks in the first row perpendicular to the wall of the wall. Now you need to perform a task to align zero relative to the horizon line. To achieve this, use the level, plumb and rope.
The last row of bricks cover the runway strip in order to provide the necessary insulation from moisture. Fix the material, scoring nails around the perimeter of the foundation. It is necessary to do this before the solution will freeze.
At the last stage, it is necessary to sprinkle the land that section of the foundation that is visible from under brickwork.
Now the works are completed and you can begin the construction of walls.
Of course, it is possible to remove the correct surface of the foundation and after the solution is dry, but it is best to do it right away. Then you will have much less time and strength, and then you will not have to doubt the reliability of the design.
Foundation under zero - video: