How to build fish breeding pond Baths, saunas and pools

Any landworker would like to have in its portion with a water. A small pond creates a special microclimate, serves as a source of watering, collects excess water from the site, finally becomes a place of recreation and relaxation. Avoid fishermen will be happy to dig a pond for breeding in it, the more technically it is not difficult, although it requires a large amount of work. To such an event, it is necessary to treat with all the responsibility, because the pond created by you will need permanent care, without which all his advantages will quickly run out and it will be sick and dry.
Varieties of ponds
Ponds for breeding fish are:
- exported;
- winter;
- carved;
- spawning.
Distinguish ponds with artificial and natural lies (bottom).
Ponds with artificial bottom are reservoirs, equipped in areas with sandy soil, poorly delaying water. In such a situation, after the penetration of the pit, it is necessary to make its waterproofing, and then form an earthen bottom pillow. More often ponds with monolithic or precast concrete bottoms.
Ponds with a natural bottom usually do not need additional manipulations with arrangement: for their construction, it is enough to dig a pit and strengthen the slopes. This option is possible on the basis with thin, clay and sampling soils, few water conductive.
The most simple in the device view of a pond for breeding fish with a natural bottom is a copan.
The suitable folds of the terrain is selected and expanded, or digging the pit under the water. The outlined ground goes to the damp of the dam or dam for collecting precipitation and melt waters.
With the close in the underground waters, within 2-3 meters, the copan additionally equip the specialty catchment trench (it is also called "lock"). It prevents water leaks from the pond.
With the device of ponds in the floodplains, old and dry rivers of rivers and streams, two dams are built, filling with the reservoir.
During the construction of ponds with artificial lies, preference is given by the channel or stalked. Such a fish breeding pond can be made with water supply.
Kotlovan focuses the size of more than one or two meters than those declared in the project, developed before the construction of a fish breeding pond. For the bottom, the clay layer is arranged and it is rambling, or a waterproofing film is used. The formwork is built and the reinforcement grid is stacked with cells 30 * 30 cm. At this stage, water pipes are fixed. The whole "pie" poured concrete. After that, the primer layer of the pond is satisfied. To choose a soil, also come responsibly: when the carp is diluted, it is worth making it more dense, since he likes to dig a bottom in search of food, making water muddy.
Before the fill, an artificial reservoir is withstanding for two or three weeks and washed several times (up to five times), leaving water for two days. After that, you can land plants, pour the pond with water and run fish.
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How to plan a pond and choose a place
To create a pond for fish breeding with your own hands, some conditions should follow, thanks to which you can achieve the best results.
Natural reservoir can be built if natural recesses are present on the site (ravines, streams of streams, including dry), and low-cost raids are also suitable. If there is no whole listed, then it is not trouble: the pond can always dig.
When planning the location of the pond, consider that it should be well covered in the morning - up to 11 hours. From 11 to 15 hours, it is better to arrange it in the shade or a half, because in warm water, algae multiply in warm water, and the fish may suffer from lack of oxygen.
The sizes of the pond for breeding fish count depending on the total area of \u200b\u200byour site, as well as your personal goals. So, for amateur fishing, a lake is suitable with a diameter of aqueous mirror 5-10 m, well, and for breeding fish on an industrial scale, lakes are used much larger size - up to 200 meters in diameter.
The most important thing when building a pond is the presence of the necessary land area and the water source (flowing nearby, close soil waters, artesian well).
Water must pass a number of preliminary tests on its suitability for breeding fish in it. They can be made in sanitary and epidemiological services or fish farms laboratories. It should not contain harmful chemicals (such as methanol, chloric, etc.), risks and other contaminants.
Water supply is arranged depending on the selected type of water supply: by pipes or channels of gravity with the use of slopes or pump. There will be a good option to place a pond in the center of the drainage system of the site.
The pond should be not too far from the house, but not quite close - this figure should be calculated on the basis of the functions laid in the device of the water branch.
Before construction, it is necessary to investigate the soil on the land plot relying under the water, to carry water. This analysis is carried out in this way: soil samples are collected from the entire surface of the site where the pond is planned, then placed in the tank and poured with water. After that, the mixture is shaking and defend, and in the ratio of sand and clay make conclusions about the waterproof of the soil. If the share of clay or loam in a 30% sample or more, then this soil will serve as a good bottom for the pond. Such indicators must be throughout the surface of the future bottom, otherwise you will have to build artificial waterproofing, strengthen the slopes and build the dam. Another aspect of this study is to inspect the thickness of the clayey layer and the proximity of its location to the surface. The thickness of the layer should be at least half a meter, and the occurrence - as close as possible to the surface.
Clay, as a natural waterproofer, is very good for the bottom of the reservoir. For these purposes, it is possible to use clay produced by an industrial method. Such natural material will help prevent water leakage, balance the temperature and nutrients in the pond.
The only thing that should be done when using industrial clay is to take it when laying on the bottom.
fish breeding pond scheme
Tips when applying a pond for breeding fish and its use
Decorative ponds differ from fish ponds with demands that are not only for their design, but also to the structure of the bottom and placement. Fish ponds often do not differ in the sophistication of decoration, their main role is to create comfortable conditions for growing and catching fish.
- In order to avoid revelation of the reservoir, take care of the construction of the catchment channel, which is suitable on the canopy of the pond. Its bottom must be at a level of normal water level in the pond, and its width is an average of 0.5 m. The slopes are strengthened with turden, rubble, and sometimes coated with concrete slabs (depending on the values \u200b\u200bof the reservoir).
- Drive under the pond pour with a maximum depth of 3 meters, optimal and for wintering fish and for swimming people. In addition, at this depth, the most comfortable water temperature is maintained.
- In the fish pond, there is no need to organize a multi-level bottom, as in decorative, but a third of its square should be shallow, a depth of 0.5 meters to 1.5 meters. Its function is the provision of a pond to the feeding and spawning of fish.
- The coast - priority, but if there is no possibility, then try to do so at least one. The presence of sectors of different types is also useful for a diverse world of aquatic plants and for fish and its catch.
- During the construction of a fish breeding pond, give preference to the type of water drain water. To do this in the center of the bottom, make a deepening. It will serve for the rapid catch of fish.
- Periodically (in the spring before the flood), clean the bottom from the ral with the help of water supply. In the natural ponds you can pump off the water by the pump, leaving a small amount of its number at the bottom, and collect Il-shovel. IL - useful fertilizer for the land.
- All over the perimeter of the reservoir, it is necessary to carry out work to remove old stumps and clean the shores.
- The soil departed from the Kopani can be used to enhance the shores. Fertile soil is removed from them and the embankment is made to which the removed soil is returned.
- In case of dry summer, try to have the minimum water level in the pond not lowering 1.5 meters.
- The pond is better to make an incorrect oval shape. For Sadkov prefer the right rectangular shape.
Dams and dams
If there are suitable lowlines or ravines on the site, then the pond is constructed, expanding the available recesses and the construction of the dam or dam.
Principles of use of dam and dam
Dams are built to detention for melting and sediment waters and filling the pond with water. Also, they are arranged for the permitting of streams of streams or small rivers to create a dam. The dams protect the entire area of \u200b\u200bthe pond, its main function is the accumulation of precipitation and control over the water level.
In the form of these dams make trapezoids, but they have them in the very narrow place of the dam.
In order to protect and filling the ponds, these structures are built from the soil, clay is best suited.
Construction of dams and dams
Clay is used for the body of the dam, and the coverage is suitable suits and loam. Delicate dams and dams are strengthened by turf, gravel or concrete slabs. You can land on them moisture-boring shrubs and plants. During the construction of dams on sandy soils, they carry them out additional waterproofing. Failure of the soil produce layers and every 20 cm will be taught.
The height of the structures is the minimum meter above the surface of the pond.
Given the strong sediment of the dams in the first year after construction, it is made above 10-15 percent.
The comb is arranged in the area of \u200b\u200b4 meters, and the dam is already within two meters.
Construction of a dand video
Water supply and waterproof
And those and other structures are essentially protected by water from overflowing water as a result of floods and excessive precipitation, and also serve to quickly release it from water to catch fish and preservation of a pond for the winter.
Water - structures that are reducing excessive water in the open way - through the channels. These are drops and speeds. They are built in the form of wooden or concrete stairs and tray channels.
Water supply - for them, use closed pipes from reinforced concrete with fusey connections. In fish farming they are installed on the bottom of the pond, closing the input of the grid.
How to make a pond do it yourself video