How to insulate an angular apartment Insulation

We all want in our house to be warm and cozy. Especially about this we remember long autumn and winter evenings, when the heating system does not cope with the mission entrusted to it, and at the same time an angular apartment is also. That is why, already today, while on the street is warm and there is time to spend all construction work, you need to think about the insulation of the walls.
Corner apartments in a panel house
The feature of the angular premises is that not one, and two walls are in close proximity to the street. Of course, as a result, there is a significant heat loss. Most of all, it is noticeable if there is a window on each of the walls. And even the fact that such rooms have two batteries - does not save: the thermometer column is stubbornly lowered down.
The same thing is the corner of the room, located between the outer walls: it is freezing, wallpapers are departed, the paint is becoming survived, the plaster crept on and, as a result, the fungus or mold starts. It is worth noting that the disputes of mold are very harmful to the human body, therefore, in addition, it will be cold and raw in this room, there will be also dangerous.
To avoid various kinds of trouble, you need to engage in the insulation of the walls. Only then an angular apartment in Khrushchev or in the panel house will become warm and cozy. And you forever get rid of the cold and dampness indoors.
What to insulate the angular apartment
Insulation, today there is a huge amount, while some of them are applied only for internal insulation, while others are exclusively for external. It is worth considering the fact that the universal insulation does not exist - they all have both advantages and disadvantages.
What are the main properties of materials that are used for the insulation of the walls, it is necessary to pay attention to:
- Thermal conductivity (the thickness of the material indicates the characteristics and coefficient of heat transfer).
- Moisture absorption (the smaller the coefficient, the better).
- Air permeability (you need to choose a material with a lower coefficient).
- Fire resistance (the higher the combustion temperature is indicated, the worse the material is on, which is, of course, it is better).
- Durability (the use of the material should be long).
- Ecology (the safety of people and their health depends on this).
Consider the most popular insulation today.
Corner Intraction: Mineral Wool
- Mineral wool today is the most common material for the insulation of the walls.
- Minvatu is made from basalt and other similar rock rocks.
- This is the best material from the point of view of fire safety, as the Minvat refers to non-combustible materials. In addition, with active interaction with fire there is no caustic smoke that eats harmful substances.
- With the Minvata work is one pleasure, as it is very elastic and well adjacent to any surface.
- The lack of minvati is that this material accumulates moisture over time and loses its original form. Accordingly, the ability to maintain heat too, alas, is lost.
- There is a version according to which minvat leads to diseases of the upper respiratory tract.
- Minvata weighs a lot, consider it, building the supporting structures that must hold the insulation.
Hearth Corner Apartment: Glasswater
- The glass gamble is made of quartz sand.
- The glass gaming has all the advantages and disadvantages of Minvati, only the only question that causes the alarm is the safety of man and his health, so it is impossible to use glass gamble for insulation of rooms inside.
- Ideal all glass wool with various industrial premises.
- The advantage of glass gamblers in front of other insulation is that it gives good sound insulation, as it has increased elasticity and vibration resistance.
Harvesting Angular Apartment: Polystyrene Foam
- Polystyrene foam (often the material is called the second name - foam) is a well foamed polystyrene.
- Polystyoltilol today is a popular insulation, as it is inexpensive, but easy to use and environmental.
- Polystyrene foam is the safest insulation for human health, as in its composition 90% is air.
- Polystyrethyol retains warmth well, it can be used for the insulation of apartments both inside and outside.
- Polystyrethillets perfectly copes with very low (-180 ° C) and very high (+ 80 ° C) temperatures.
- The polystyrene foam is very light, it can be mounted for any material.
- Polystyetilol is durable - you can be sure that the insulation faith and the truth will last for many years.
- It is not desirable to use polystyrene foam for the insulation of wooden houses, as it can create inside the condensate, which will cause a rotten rot. But, in the extreme case, you can try to ensure reliable ventilation for these purposes.
- A huge lack of foam - he is a fuel, so it can be used in conjunction with belts from the foam glass.
Warming Corner Apartment: Polyurethane Foam
- Polyurethane foam is also called foam. It uses oxygen or carbon dioxide.
- 98% of the volume of polyurethane foam is gas, so this material is so good to maintain heat.
- The cost of polyurethane foam is low, so this insulation is tremendous.
- Spraying polyurethane foam is in liquid form, but as soon as it is applied to the wall, it solidifies, creating good thermal insulation.
- Polyurethane foam does not allow not only water - even a couple cannot break through it through it.
- This material gives good noise insulation.
- Polyurethane foam is durable - it will last for more than 30 years.
- Polyurethane foam practically does not burn.
- Polyurethane foam is environmentally friendly and completely safe for human health.
- Polyurethane foam is perfectly coping both with high (+ 150 ° C) and low (-150 ° C) temperatures.
Harvesting Angular Apartment: Natural Materials
All of the above materials are not quite natural, therefore, adherents of life in Eco-style do not even consider them for insulation. If you feel about such a category of people, then you can offer moss, hemp or flax as insulation for the walls. These materials are not only 100% eco-friendly, but also bactericidal. True, they are mainly used to insulate wooden houses. At the same time, Flax most often make the pass, thanks to which the material is easily distributed over the surface of the walls.
All these materials do not accumulate moisture and do not create condensate, they can be used both inside and outside the room, and they will serve faithfully to 70 years.
As disadvantages, I would like to note the fact that all eco-materials easily flammify and burn quickly.
If the apartment is angular: how to insulate the wall
The insulation of the apartment is an important thing to which it is necessary to approach with full responsibility. Today there are several options for this work: the walls are insulated both outside and inside. Which method is suitable for you - to decide is individually.
How to insulate an angular apartment outside
Experts argue that it is best to insulate an angular apartment outside, as the wall will be inside the insulation layer, which will warm it. In addition, due to this method, it will be possible to avoid creating condensation.
True, this method has only one big minus - you will only manage to cope only under one condition: if you live on the first floor. To fulfill all the works on other floors, there will have to attract climbers specialists who know how to engage in the insulation of apartments at the height.
If you are lucky and you have the first floor, then work is not difficult for you. It is worth noting that outside the foam apartments (polyurethane foam or polystyrene foam) are most often insulated.
- Get insulation. Previously, you will need to calculate the area you will warm up to not be mistaken with the amount of material.
- Buy glue for tiles, fiberglass (cell 5 mm), galvanized profile, dowel-fungi (umbrellas).
- By level to attach the starting profile.
- Apply glue to foam and press the wall.
- The perforator with the help of a dowel fix the foam additionally (5 "fungi" will be quite enough).
- If the apartment is very cold, then you can lay a foam in two layers (closing the seams).
- Slop foam glue.
- Drown in a solution with a glasswork.
- To cover the top with fiberglass adhesive.
- Sharpen foam.
- Apply plaster or paint using paint for facades.
- Attach the casting wall (optional).
How to insulate an angular apartment from within
Heat the wall in the corner apartment from the inside, even a newcomer in construction. The most effective material specialists recognize, again, expanded polystyrene foam.
There are two methods that are used for insulation of walls from the inside.
Method number 1.
- Calculate the exact amount of foam.
- Treat the wall with a special material that will serve as a protection against fungus.
- Installing first the guides of the metal frame horizontally, securing them on the walls, on the ceiling and on the floor. Distance from the wall do not more than 60 cm.
- Install the profile (distance to 60 cm).
- Between the wall and profile to lay the mineral insulation. Watch that there is no empty place.
- Install the profile so that a solid metal framework turns out - this will be the base for drywall.
- Plasterboard to fix on the frame, setting one-piece sheets, and where it is impossible to do, cut the desired figures.
- The resulting wall must be primed.
- Shakes stick with paper tape (or sickle).
- Calve the joints of the gypsum putty (so that there is no cracks).
- Shaw the whole wall twice - first starting, and then finish putty.
- Progress the wall.
- Bloom the wallpaper or paint the paint chosen by you.
Method number 2.
- Prepare walls to work: Remove wallpaper, paint, putty, etc. so that nothing bothered.
- Glue the foam glue for tiles to the walls (it is best to buy polystyrene plates with grooves so that there are no slots on the joints).
- Apply stucco on polystyrene foam, align the surface of the walls.
- Apply putty, polish and drive the wall.
- You can break the wallpaper or paint the wall.
How to insulate an angular apartment: tips finally
- Before you warm the walls, treat them from fungus and mold. Such drugs can be bought at any construction store.
- So that you do not do, always use the level.
- The insulation of the walls outside is much effective than from the inside, so if there is an opportunity, it is better to hire climbers who could do all the necessary construction work.
- Before you begin to warm the walls, try changing the wooden windows to plastic. Or at least replace the seal in its old windows. Glazing and insulate the balcony.
- In order for you in the corner apartment, it is really warm, you can make a "warm walls" by analogy with such a phenomenon as "warm floor". In this case, the electric heatel is not fitted on the floor, but in the wall - it warms the wall and does not give condensate.