Stone wool insulation: step-by-step instruction Useful advice,Construction

Recently, more and more often consumers choose stone wool as insulation. This is a fairly new material, which is based on basalt fibers. It is used in construction for isolation of various designs, walls, ceiling, roofing.
Characteristics of stone wool
This insulation is made of rock, which under the action of huge temperatures and blasts form fibers.
The main characteristics of stone wool are thermal conductivity, hydrophobicity, density. Let's talk more about each of them:
1. Thermal conductivity. In this regard, the stone wool is very effective due to its structure, porous and air. Long ago, scientists found that gases are the best obstacle to heat transfer, and there are a lot of fixed air between the fibers of this insulation and in its pores. A pleasant bonus is that stone cotton wool is also environmentally friendly and fireproof.
2. Hydrophobicity. For the material used as a heater, a very important parameter is moisture-resistant, because if it is notified with water, it will not be able to adequately perform its function. Stone wool fibers have a property do not wet and not absorb water. But in order to extend the life of its service, it is better at the arrangement of the cake to cover the insulation of the layer of vapor and waterproofing.
3. Density. The above features are undoubtedly very important, but the density also plays an important role, since The insulation must preserve its structure and thickness during construction. This is necessary because:
- if the insulation loses the form and doubts, its quality will worsens noticeably;
- it is impossible to allow the material under his own weight downed down;
- the homogeneous structure should be preserved over the entire surface of the insulation plate.
Stone Wat meets all these requirements due to the following features:
- material fibers have a different direction, because of this, it is not crushed and not sitting down;
- the fibers of the insulation have good stiffness and flexibility, and as a result - forms memory, which makes it impossible to compete and crumpled during mechanical exposure;
- the material contains synthetic binders that prevent it from breaking and loss of form;
- the density of the stone wool does not allow it to be deformed, even slightly.
After consideration of the main features of stone wool, it becomes obvious that it has high efficiency, environmentally friendly, and is also excellent sound insulation.
Warming house stone cotton outside
Work on the insulation of the house should be carried out in good faith, remembering that it will be directly dependent on heat and comfort in it. The insulation that will be laid on the outside, it is necessary to protect from the winds with a glass magnesium, chipboard, a construction fibrolite or windproof film.
It is necessary to work in such a sequence:
- First of all, you need to take care of protecting the insulation from rodents. To do this, at the bottom of the walls install metal cornice. A pleasant bonus will be the fact that the material will fall on it much smaller and better.
- Now you can proceed to the installation of the stone wool itself. On her back side, apply polymer glue and fix on the surface, acting in the bottom up and pressing them is not too much. In addition to this, drive plastic dowels in the slab. While working, make sure that the sheets of the insulation are sharpened tightly and did not form the slots among themselves.
- After assembling the surface, carefully inspect it. All defects in the form of bugs and protrusions align special grinding brushes.
- Now it remains only to lay windproof film from above and apply soil.
The advantages of such thermal insulation:
- the insulation of the walls of stone cotton with the outside protects the carrying structure from the action of winds and other natural factors;
- with external insulation, space is saved inside the building;
- during work on external isolation, it is possible to change the design of the facade of the house.
Before making the facade of the stone cotton, it is necessary to remove protruding nails, pieces of fittings and other foreign objects that can damage the insulation from the wall surface. If this happens, then the temperature difference from the inside and outside the house will provoke the appearance of condensate, under the action of which metal parts of the design will begin to rust. In addition to foreign objects, it is also necessary to remove traces of mold and fungus if they are.
Next, divide the wall into several zones. In vertical, horizontal and diagonal directions, place the categorous cords on it, through which it is possible to study the correctness of the warmed surface.
Ground the wall before sticking the insulation is necessary, so that these two surfaces are closed as reliable.
The process of thermal wool insulation is sometimes complicated by the arrangement of crates from metal profiles. She attached to the wall of the dowels. The distance formed between the wall and profiles is filled with the insulation of the corresponding thickness.
Glue best use the one that is designed for glass gambles and mineral wool. After the material is glued to the wall, the glue composition should also be applied to its outdoor side. It is necessary for a TV to fix the construction reinforcing grid on it. Upon completion of this stage, it is proceeded to decorate the surface of the insulating structure with decorative plaster.
Warming at home from the inside
Warming on the inside is produced in cases where for any reason it cannot be done with outdoor. In this case, the presence of metal or wooden profiles is a prerequisite. In addition to them, the design will include stone cotton wool, putty, plasterboard.
The process consists of three stages:
- installation of the crate on the wall;
- filling the gap between it and the wall insulation;
- facing work.
If wooden rails are chosen to arrange the crates, do not forget to open them with varnish. So they will be protected from the effects of adverse factors.
If the choice is made in favor of metal guides, then lock them on the wall with a leaving. In this case, the plates of the insulation will enter this extrusion and will sit in it tight and reliably. Between the material and the wall, always leave a gap of 20 mm. It is needed in order to create a layer of air that will give an additional effect. In order to achieve this, the adhesive composition is not solid layer, but non-fools.
On the one hand, the process of warming the stone wool is extremely simple, but on the other hand - very responsible. The main thing at all stages is to work carefully. After the insulation design is mounted, you can proceed to the arrangement of vaporizolation. It is attached to a two-way scotch for the guides.
The last step follows the finish. Most often, the surface is sewn with drywall, and after spanking with the use of reinforcing grid. After all the seams and irregularities are eliminated, proceed to decorative trim.
An illustration to the above process will be the following video: