How to adjust plastic windows with your own hands Window

Modern double-glazed windows are equipped with massive and durable accessories designed to ensure reliability and functionality during the operation of the window. But accessories, like all devices, requires maintenance. Due to the coordinated design, independent adjustment of PVC windows will require minor efforts.
Main Profile Settings
Initially, it is necessary to consider situations when adjusting the accessories of the plastic window is required to determine the fault and certainly know how to properly adjust the plastic windows. Only after that you can proceed to independent repair or setting up PVC profiles.
Required toolkit
To perform all types of work on regulating and repairing a plastic window profile, requires such tools:
- standard cross screwdriver;
- passatia;
- 4 mm hex key;
- star-like nozzles for screwdriver, marked TX or T;
- machine oil.
The main tool for setting up the window is the hex key, often it has the form of the letter "g". Masters Repairmen use a slightly modified type that has an additional small bend on the top, but the usual standard key is quite suitable.
A set of star-like nozzles may be needed for some types of fittings, but it is still to keep them at hand. Bolts are suitable for fixing accessories directly to the profile.
If the standard adjustment of the sliding window is needed, the procedure is simplified as much as possible and in this case you will need a set of crusades. Since the work will consist in adjusting the distance between the roller carriages, on which the movable sash is recorded.
Seasonal adjustment of the climate mechanism
During the operation of the plastic window, the sealing layer, laid around the perimeter, is often sophisticated and it provokes the appearance of the gaps. As a result, the tightness of the device is disturbed, cold air falls into the room and extraneous sounds from the street. The cause of such a phenomenon can also serve as thermal distortion of PVC windows in the warm season. To adjust the plastic windows yourself, there is no need to fully change the seal. The mechanism of fittings is designed in such a way that it allows you to adjust the accessories and the presser mechanism at the same time.
The window sash at its end has oval cylinders, which are inside the slots of iron plugs. Such devices are called pin or eccentric. They are attached to the frame at the expense of response eccentrics mounted in it and when turning the window handle, the sash arrogantly adjacent to the frame. You can adjust the clamping force by scrolling the pin.
If you need to adjust the closing of the window sash, you should rotate the protruding part of the pin into the inner part of the window, and it is necessary to deploy to the outside.
Setting the eccentrics can be varied depending on the manufacturer and type:
- cylinders on the end can be discharged using pliers or manually and then scrolled;
- if there is a slot on the pin, you should check it with a flat screwdriver;
- eccentric can be turned with a little effort with the help of the passage.
If the eccentrics are not regulated, you do not need to apply excessive effort to avoid damage to the structure. In this case, you need to adjust the position of response cylinders. They are fixed by two bolts. The following manipulations must be made:
- hexagoned key to loosen the clamp bolts;
- shift the hook in the direction of the room - to reduce fit;
- shoot the hook in the direction of the street - to enhance the clamp.
After adjusting the fit, you can start adjusting the mounted side. This will require:
- Remove the plastic cover of the platband from the lower canopy;
- Configure the position of the sash with the help of two visible bolts and one hidden in the canopy.
If you turn the hexagon in the direction of the clockwise direction - the pressure will increase in the opposite direction - weaken. Regulation must be carried out with a closed flap to certainly learn how to adjust the windows and not damage the mechanism.
The top segment of the sash is fixed on the design, which is called scissors. To get to the right bolts, you should open the window sash. Then make such actions:
- find on the face of the blocker and click on his lever;
- check the window handle to the ventilation mode when the block is pressed;
- their top angle, the sash will come out of the groove and hangs on scissors and the lower awn;
- find the head and adjust the adjacent of the top segment of the sash. Slightly rotating the head of the bolt, you can adjust the strength of the clamp similarly to the setting of eccentrics.
To see clearly how to adjust plastic windows on video here:
Horizontal fittings
In order to move the window frame or remove a small softener, you need to make horizontal regulation of PVC windows. To regulate, you should work with two loops that have the grooves under the hex key.
The easy key to turn the key in the direction of the clockwise pulls the window frame to the loop, at the same time lifting the bottom of the window. By analogy, when the key is rotated in the opposite direction - the window sash will move away and the bottom windows drop. The shift value should not exceed 2 mm.
Vertical adjustment of fittings
The vertical setup of PVC windows occurs by adjusting the bottom loop. To do this, you need to remove the platband and find in the paze loop under the hex key. Watching it in the direction of the clockwise, you can raise the sash, and the rotation in the opposite direction is lowered. You can shift no more than 2 mm.
Plug in the window frame
If the sealant passes air, this problem can be eliminated by adjacent to the window sash. You can adjust the fit with the help of the axes and response eccentrics. Depending on the type of fittings, you can use either those mechanisms or others.
In the shut-off cylinders, it is necessary to find the hexagonal groove turnkey. If such is not detected, then you should resort to the assistance of the passage. Then you only need to turn the eccentrics so that they approach the sealing layer. This procedure must be repeated for all cylinders, which are located around the perimeter of the frame. The main thing is to follow the uniform of the fit.
Troubleshooting window handles
The main problems that may arise with handles:
- shaking the handle;
- jealous;
- replacing the handle;
- jumping.
Elimination of loosening of the window handle
To get rid of this trouble, you just need to pull the tightening of the mechanism. This operation is done in such a sequence:
- find a rectangular view under handle;
- make a little on the edge of the edge and turn the entire component on 90 °;
- get to two bolts having grooves under a crusading screwdriver;
- tighten the bolts.
Do not sue a plate with any tool, in order to avoid deformation or damage.
Replacing a broken knob
Often, the owners of the glass packs face such a necessity as an independent replacement of a broken handle. To know how to adjust the PVC windows and dismantle the old handle, you should remove the plug and unscrew the two bolts, by analogy with the previous point. Then you need to slightly brighten the handle and remove from the opening. The new handle is mounted in a similar position and fixed by two bolts.
A visual manual for the installation of hands can be seen here:
Shining the handle
The jingle of the handle is a more serious problem and its appearance is preceded by several reasons. Often, the mechanism of fittings simply needs cleaning and lubrication. And if the handle closes with great strength, then it is obvious that it is necessary to reduce the clamp on the sash.
For cleaning and lubricating the handle, it must be dismantled. Then you should make such actions:
- With the help of a vacuum cleaner and a soft tassel, clean the mechanism from dust and contamination.
- Grease machine oil moving components of the mechanism.
- Collect handle back.
In case the handle is difficult to close, you need to weaken pressing. To do this, you need to find special troughs on the side of the handle and bolts on the hinges on the back side. Washing the eccentrics is similar to the adjustment of the summer / winter clips.
wedging the handle
Often the blockage occurs window handle in the open position. This is not a significant problem and most likely the problem lies in the tripped blocker. It is available in most of the modern fitting systems and is designed to prevent accidental breakage of the window. But sometimes it happens that the device is not activated in time. And often it is due to too rapid a change handle position. Unlocking depend on the brand and type of accessories.
If the window is equipped with the fastening of the "Aubi" brand, then the window sash freezes vertically. For unlocking it is necessary in the area of \u200b\u200bthe handle to find the iron plate with a small spring. It must be pressed with fingers to the sealing layer, and then turn the handle.
If the window is equipped with fasteners "Maco", "Roto" or "GU", you need to find a small iron tongue under the handle. It is usually located at an angle to the window frame. Then you should press it with your fingers so that the tongue becomes to the sash in parallel and turn the handle.
If these manipulations did not bring the proper effect, it should be checked for a blocking mechanism with response grooves on the window frame. Sometimes, due to the action of temperature and deformations of the frame, the block itself can slip by. To resolve the problem you need:
- open the window sash and find the component on the frame to which the block is attached;
- unscrew the locking bolts;
- put the lining from plastics between the frame and the element;
- press the blocker to the frame.
Thus, the lock on the sash should again be concluded with the response element. If this manipulation did not help, you should seek help to professionals.
See the process, how to regulate plastic windows yourself here: