How to make a metal staircase with your own hands Ladder

Metal stairs are pretty in demand today in construction due to their versatility. They are used to raise to the upper floors in various buildings, as well as for the arrangement of the front or fire inlets-outs, attics, etc.
The main advantage of such a design, first of all, in its ease, reliability and durability. In addition, metal stairs can have a different design, they can be decorated with artistic forging or chasing, thereby writing in almost any interior or architecture of the building. And what is the most amazing, the staircase from the metal can be made with your own hands, it is enough to have small construction skills and a certain set of knowledge, which will be talked further than.
Basic requirements for metal stairs
The metal staircase, like any other, must answer, first of all, the safety requirements. Since not quite high-quality work can lead not only to injuries, but also risk to life, especially if children grow in the house. Therefore, it is necessary to think over its design in advance, each item to in the end to get a solid and reliable staircase.
- Steps, handrails, fences and other structural elements should be carefully polished, it is best to get rid of sharp corners and any irregularities that can be in the future causes random injections.
- As a rule, all parts of the metal stairs are connected between them with welding. Therefore, it is important to pay great attention to the Fortress of the seams. To do this, it is best to use the most reliable electric arc welding, which can be entrusted with an experienced specialist in this area.
- It should not also forget that the metal, one way or another, is subject to corrosion. To extend the life of the metal staircase, its surface can be treated with a special moisture resistant composition, which will protect for a long time from any adverse conditions.
Metal ladder manufacturing process
Preparatory stage
Before proceeding directly to the manufacture of a metal staircase, it is important to think in advance its design, the number of marches, steps, design, shape, and more. Based on this, you can calculate the required amount of materials and tools for work.
- The simplest design of the metal staircase consisting of a carrier frame made of a chapellery or a wide pipe. The channel is installed in the form of a cow, and then metal steps are welded to them parallel to the floor.
- For the manufacture of such a single-hour staircase, two channels of the same length or a pipe rectangular electric welded width of about 80 cm, square steel, and metal corners, smooth steel with slots for steps, primer for metal, welding electrodes, wheels welding or grinding, etc .
- Drill, Bulgarian, welding machine, protective mask or glasses, pencil, roulette, etc. are useful as tools. When everything you need is ready, you can move to the process of the construction of a metal staircase.
Main works
The process of creating a metal staircase starts from the manufacture of a frame.
- To do this, they take a chaserler of a given length, put them on the edge and with the help of electric arc welding welded corners or "Film", which will act as the basis of the ground.
- From above, metal steps from smooth steel will be mounted with slits or from any other material, for example, wood or glass. In this case, to observe direct angles, so that the steps are parallel to the floor surface.
- Next, they make railing and fencing from the square metal pipe, after which they are attached to the place with the help of the same welding.
- At the end of all the work, the staircase is installed in the pre-prepared opening and securely fix the anchor bolts.
- If you need to make a ladder into several marches or with intermediate sites, it is worth noting that they should be placed on vertical supports or attached to the walls.
Finish finish
Making a metal staircase frame and its installation is far from the whole front of work. Of great importance is the finish finish, which is designed to ensure reliable protection of the finished design from metal corrosion, as well as to give it a complete appearance.
- At this stage of work, it is necessary to conduct the final processing of all welds, as well as protruding parts, any roughness and sharp corners. To do this, use the grinder with the emery circle and carefully we clean everything.
- Next, we carry out the anti-corrosion processing of all metal surfaces. First, they are degreased, then treated with a special composition or a rust converter, after which they are applied to the dry surface of the primer for metal.
- The final stage is the ladder decor. Here you can use various options for the original finish, for example, elements of art forging, wooden railing, unusual painting, etc. It all depends on the tastes of the home owners, as well as the interior of the room, if it is an internal staircase, or building architecture, if the staircase is located on the street.
More detailed about how to make an independently metal staircase, you can learn on the video: