How to get rid of condensate on windows Window

The appearance of condensate accumulating on the window glass is a problem, familiar to the owners of PVC windows. With the onset of cooling, in many residential premises, the windows begin to collect moisture, puddles are formed on the windowsill, and dampness begins to be felt in the apartment. A similar phenomenon worsens the comfort of living, so the need to get rid of glass from fogging.
The nature of the appearance of condensate
At the heart of the fogging of the glass lies a physical process when under the influence of temperature regime, the liquid moves from one of its state to another. Warm air contains some moisture in vapor form. When cooling occurs, the liquid changes its state, which provokes its sediment on the surfaces with low temperatures. Since the window in the apartment is the coldest place, steam is settled on it.
With high moisture content, condensate on the windows can become a serious problem, since the fogging moisturizes building structures, and the resulting mold fungus appears. And in winter, condensate quickly turns into hoarfrost.
Concept of dew point
The dew point is a temperature value in which the cooling pairs takes the condition of the liquid. This point can be located anywhere in the heat insulating layer of the wall. The dew point is impossible to adjust. It can not be seen in the double-blade or windows. It can only exist on the schedule. And most importantly, it is worth remembering and clearly realizing - the temperature factor and humidity is equally affected by the condensation. The lower in the room the moisture content, the lower the dew point.
The factors affect the dew point:
- the temperature of the external environment;
- density of wall cake materials;
- temperature and humidity of the room;
- humidity of the external environment.
Danger condensate
Installation of hermetic glass package not only provides comfort and heat indoors, but also deprives ingestion of fresh air in the home. For this reason, the owner independently worsens the microclimate of the room.
Condensate on plastic windows - evidence of an unfavorable atmosphere in the apartment. High humidity facilitates the emergence of various types of bacteria, mold and fungal formations.
According to SNiP 2.04.05-91 in the residential space, the temperature should vary within 20-22 ° C, and the moisture content should not exceed 30-45%. These conditions are optimal for a comfortable stay of a person in the room and there is no risk of moving windows. Therefore, condensation on the windows is the first sign of disruption of the microclimate of the room.
Causes of condensate
The fogging appears due to lack of warm-up when steam begins to condense on the surface of the window. The reasons why condensate can be somewhat on windows:
- The temperature difference inside the residential space and the outside, and the high moisture content of the air inside the room. These causes of condensate on the windows are most noticeable.
- Allocation of moisture with low-quality hotter materials, such as paint or plaster in the process of repair work.
- Unfair installation of window slopes, when the tightness of the structure is disturbed. As a result - a tangible decrease in temperature indicators and fogging windows. Often such a problem appears when installing slopes.
- Installation of wide windowsill, which form obstacles to get warm air from the heating system to the window to the window. At low temperature of the external environment, condensate is collected on the window.
- Installing a double chamber with one camera. Such structures are inferior by the properties of thermal insulation by two-chamber counterparts.
Condensate and wooden windows
Condensate on wooden windows is absent for the reason that they are able to pass the air due to the natural material of the manufacture. In addition, they are not so sealed like plastic windows. This ensures maintenance of a normal level of indoor humidity.
Modern plastic bags ultrahemutic and prevent air inflow. Such parameters overlap natural ventilation in space, which has been laid earlier in the design of residential premises.
To maintain natural moisture content, it is necessary to air the room daily. Modern double-glazed windows also provide for the option of delicate ventilation. It implies that air flow between the room and the external environment is carried out through the air valve.
Prevention of condensate sedimentation
Before starting the fight against the problem of fogging windows, the appearance of dampness, fungus and mold in the window opening, it is necessary to consider several simple ways to prevent moisture sediment on the windows. The appearance of condensate on the windows and what to do when it first donkey on the glass, you can prevent such measures:
- maintaining a comfortable temperature regime in a residential room;
- providing natural ventilation and forth air in the room;
- building insulation outside;
- reducing moisture content indoors up to 50%;
- the elimination of all sources of moisture in the residential space: elimination of dampness in the basement area, repair of the protected roof and others;
- increase the heating of the glass unit by means of installing a powerful radiator under the window or cutting the windowsill;
- lack of plants from the windowsill.
Condensate elimination methods
- To prevent condensate on window glass, you need to conduct regular ventilation of the room. This measure is especially necessary when the automatic system does not provide air exchange in the room. Many glass package manufacturers equip the valve type ventilation design to solve this problem.
- An efficient method of preventing moisture condensation on the glasses is the use of winter ventilation option, which are equipped with almost all modern windows. The opening part of the window in this position leaves the frame only a few millimeters. This allows you to delay the getting of cold to the room, while carrying out the room.
- Location on the windowsill of burning candles - one of the ways to eliminate condensate on the windows . If there is frosty weather on the street, and the windows sweat and covered by Founding, you can put burning candles near the glass. Thick candles will be the optimal option, as they are burning for a long time and there are 8-10 hours of use. This is the easiest and most time consuming method of combating moisture sediment on the glasses. The methodology is based on the principle of air convection, which is manifested as a result of heat from the burning of candles. Safety measures should be clearly observed and not to put candles close to Gardin and other easily flammable items.
- The use of the fan to create a movable air flow near the window. To this end, it is recommended to use the device at minimum power and fix it in this position so that it guides the air simultaneously into several windows. The fan is preferably located on the windowsill.
- Use convection screens. This design is special plates that guide warm air flow to the window from the heating system. Shields have a certain width and fixed to the windowsill. The recommended mounting angle is 30 ° -60 °. If this method is effective, the screens can be decorated under the interior of the room.
- Auto chemical agents. To combat fogging windows, various sprays and anti-recovers intended for automotive glasses are often used. It is recommended to thoroughly rinse the window glass, dry and then apply a chemical agent. This method can only facilitate the problem of moisture condensation, but not eliminate it.
- Use of electricity. Among the extraordinary ways to solve the problem of condensation on the windows, the use of foil, nichrome thread or conductive film, which are attached to the perimeter of the window and operate under voltage at 12V-24V are possible. Due to this heating, the windows are protected from freezing and fogging, respectively.
- Using ventilation supply valves that are focused on providing air exchange in the room. With their help, it is quite easy and effectively eliminated by the problem associated with the tightness of plastic windows, when the stuff is formed, moisture on the glasses and mold. This device is fixed at the top of the window opening to provide a natural influx of air into the room without the appearance of noise and draft indoors.
Learn more about the reasons for fogging windows and methods to combat this phenomenon, you can watching the video: