Repairing a warm floor with your own hands Floors

The warm floor in the conditions of our harsh climate is just a salvation, especially in country houses, where it is a full heating. In addition to a comfortable heating, the warm floor creates a favorable microclimate in the room: there is no dryness of air, drafts and circulation of dust, heat is evenly distributed. As nice morning, getting out of the blanket, get up on a warm floor. There is no reason for concern when children play on the floor or run by barefoot. In general, the warm floor fully justifies all costs and efforts. According to the design and the principle of operation, there are several types of warm sex. Unfortunately, any technical device can fail, the warm floor is not an exception. In simple situations, it makes sense to try to fix the floor alone. To do this, you need to know the warm-alone device and determine the malfunction.
Warm floor - the collective name of various types of heating system built into the floor. There are electrical, water and liquid electrical floors.
Electric floors
Electric floors are more often used in separate areas of the apartment or private house: kitchen, bathroom, balcony. A tile, marble, porcelain tiles are used as a coating of electric floor. By design, electric floors are:
- cable
- film
- rod.
Cable floors are made in the form of sections, mats and wires on the coil. These types of sex differ in the installation method. The heating sections are mounted in a concrete screed, the heating mats are placed on the old screed and covered with tiled glue, but the principle of the device is the same:
- a heating element,
- thermostat
- temperature sensor.
Electrical system The warm floor works as follows: When the system is turned on, the cable is heated. The surface of the floor, or rather the thermal sensor, reaches the temperature installed on the thermostat. After leveling temperature, the power is turned off, the light or indicator goes out on the thermostator. When the temperature decreases, the heating is automatically resumed. The reason for the malfunction of the electric floor is a violation of one of the heating system units.
Repair of warm electric floor
Damage to heating cable
If the floor does not heat up at all, and the thermostat and the thermal sensor workers are likely disturbed by the integrity of the heating cable. The damage could occur as a result of the brave of wire or mechanical cliff during installation or later during the repair work by a perforator or a grinder. In this case, the system is disconnected from the network, and the cable from the thermostat. To check the cable, the resistance of the cable and insulation resistance is measured first and compared with the technical indicators. The resistance must comply with the data in the technical passport with an error within 5%. Too much resistance (mega), uniquely indicates damage to the cable. When the cable breaks, the insulation resistance often falls, namely. Resistance between residential and braid wire.
Special devices are applied to search for the breakdown: high voltage generator and audio detector working on the principle of metal detector.
To establish the breakdown site, thermoplasties are sometimes used. This method is applied when a conductive bridge appears between the cable veins. With low voltage, the cable section is heated, and you can calculate the location of the cliff, applying thermoplasties.
Warm floor cable repair
After clarifying the cause and localization of the cliff of the cable of the heated floor, the site in the place of alleged damage is dismantled, the tile is removed, the screed is revealed. The torn veins are cleaned, connected by the sleeves and compress the press tick. For insulation, use a heat shrinking clutch, heated with a construction hairdryer. When cooled coupling, the coupling is compressed and seals the damaged area, after which the repair point is filled with concrete solution.
Repair of the thermal controller of a warm floor
First of all, check whether the connecting terminals of the heating cable, power supply and temperature sensor are well tightened. The voltage at the outputs of the heating cable should be equal to the power voltage when the thermostat is turned on. The resistance of the thermal sensor measure the resistance and compare with the data of the process. Resistance values \u200b\u200bare indicated in the thermostat process. Faulty thermostat is simply replaced with a new one.
Sometimes the thermostat is turned off with insufficient heating of the floor. This happens when the thermal sensor is improved near the heating cable. If the installation of the system is made without disorders, the floor heats up exactly at the specified temperature.
If the thermal sensor broke
In the event of a temperature sensor breakdown, the electro-heating system continues to work, however, automatic switching of temperature regime is disturbed, which leads to overvoltage of electricity. Check temperature sensor:
- disconnect the sensor from the thermostat
- check resistance. without removing the gender sensor
- check testimony with instructions.
If the faulty sensor in accordance with the installation rules is located in a corrugated tube, then it is replaced with a new one without problems. On a new sensor, the length of the old one is noted for confidence that the new device has entered the end of the tube. Worse, if the sensor is mounted in a screed, or there is a tube inflection and there is no possibility to replace. Then, in order to avoid the destruction of the floor, this option is possible: Replace the thermostat, on the thermostat model with a timer-mode regulating the switching on-shutdown of heating at certain time intervals.
What to do if low supply voltage
The cause of insufficient heating is situations where the supply voltage is lower than that which the warm floor system is calculated. This is usually happening in private houses. Well, if the system is prudently chosen with a reserves of specific power. If there is no reserve and heating is weak, apply voltage stabilizers.
Repair will not need if ...
When installing a warm floor, it is especially important to take into account several rules, which will not be superfluous.
- The cause of weak heating of the electric floor is often incorrect selection of the type and power of the heating cable and insufficient thermal insulation.
- Going out for the purchase of necessary equipment and materials is better together with a specialist who will mount a warm floor.
- Select the heating element in accordance with the length of the room, since when cutting the cable, its strength is reduced.
- It is forbidden to lay the heating cable in those places where furniture will be due to the danger of overheating wires.
- Before laying a heating cable, the surface of the floor is thoroughly cleaned.
During installation on the cable, it is impossible to step up. - The temperature sensor is installed in the corrugated tube so that there is access to it in the case of the required repair.
- There should be no emptiness around the heating element, which may cause cable overheating.
- Be sure to draw up the installation scheme to avoid random damage to the pipe or cable.
- Check the wires after installation by measuring the resistance.
- Include the system after complete drying of the screed.
- Measure the resistance before and after installing the system a warm floor. It must comply with the data in the serviceport.
Infrared floors
Despite the high price, more and more use is obtained by film floor, which is deprived of many shortcomings of other warm floor systems. Fast installation and connection, no need for a concrete screed, minimum thickness - less than a millimeter, compatibility with many types of floor coverings, the ability to easily change location and many other advantages make thermal floors very attractive. It consists of a polymer film with carboxyo-silver conductor. The heating factor is infrared radiation. In essence, the thermal film is the chain of active resistance, so the diagnosis of damage and repair is performed according to the same scheme as for cable floors. NSlenkayou can volatileescape across special marking.
Water warm floor
Water warm floor is suitable for all types of buildings and connects both central and autonomous heating. Water warm floor has several advantages over electrical: it can be laid under furniture and any flooring. Water floor equipment is cheaper, electricity consumption is less. In the manufacture of pipes for water floors are used: stitched polyethylene, metalplastic, polybuta, stainless steel, copper. Such pipes are durable and resistant to corrosion.
Water floor system equipment includes:
- Mixing nodes that serve to circulate water in the circuit provide a flow of hot water and maintain a stable temperature.
- Distributive collectors are designed for the effective distribution of hot water by contours.
The uninterrupted operation of water underwear depends not only on the health of the system itself, but also from the proper preparation of the premises and quality of installation. The following conditions are compulsory:
- Installation of water floor is made after the end of the work on the interior decoration.
- Floor markup is performed.
- Points of connecting water and electricity are derived.
- Tools for distribution cabinets.
- Cleaning and leveled overlap to avoid trusting of pipes, increasing hydraulic resistance and reduction of heat transfer.
- High-quality waterproofing.
- Reliable thermal insulation for the rational distribution of heat.
A water floor system works as follows: hot water is served from a gas boiler or central heating system, which circulates on flexible pipes mounted to the floor. Thanks to such a heating system, heat rises up and the room warms uniformly.
Eliminate the malfunction of water warm floor
If the installation is made professionally, then no problems requiring the repair of water-free floor will not arise at least 50 years, the specialists say. Repair the warm floor of water type is easy, since all the equipment is in an affordable place. If an air cork formed, it is eliminated by draining the water through the crane.
The most unpleasant thing that can happen is damage to the water floor pipe. Most often it happens to a perforator or a grinder when installing the floor. In this case, emergency measures should be taken:
- leave the tool nozzle in the pipe instead of a plug;
- turn off the water;
- clear place near the damaged pipeline;
- close the place of breakthrough from garbage from entering;
- one end of the damaged pipe is collapsed, put on the fitting and make crimping. Further, on the end of the harvested pipe segment, put the fitting and presses. Put the fitting and presses the other end of the damaged pipe. And in conclusion, the pipe-blank is to shorten up to the desired size, connect with the second end of the repaired pipe and presses;
- make a trial launch of water;
- restore the screed with concrete solution.
Liquid electric floors
Liquid electric floors are a kind of electrical and water floor symbiosis. Their design is pipes with non-freezing liquid and cable inside. Repair of such a system is carried out by analogy with a water warm floor.
Warm floors "Teplovolux" - People's Brand
Heatolux is the most recognizable brand of warm floors in the Commonwealth countries. Thellarux is a wide range of warm floors of a variety of design and configuration. The manufacturer declares the service life of a warm floor at least half a century. The warranty period is 25 years. If still the need for the repair of warm sex "Termolux", then all restoration work is carried out according to the generally accepted rules depending on the type of heating floor: water, electric cable or film.
Master's business is afraid
If the system is warm floor failed, you can try to find the cause yourself. It is possible that the breakdown will be not too complicated and easier.