Flower bed of continuous flowering. Basic rules of creation, all-season colors, landing schemes, design Plot.

Each owner who has at least a little free land thinks about how to create a constantly blooming flower bed. Flower beds are a plot of land on which flowers are planted in such a way that they bloom, starting with early spring and to late autumn.
To create such a flowerby, you need to know what time each plant blooms. Without paper and pencil, do not do, so you need to make a flower bed flowering scheme. In addition to the drawing, it is advisable to prepare both the plan in the table of which to register the name of each flower when it was planted and the expected flowering period.
Example of a simple flower bed scheme:
Nuances of the creation of flower
Flower beds have a number of features, they must be considered when creating flower beds. The main - flowerbed must have a good area and be extensive. This is necessary for a number of reasons:
- To fit all the flowers on the flower bed. A small number of species will not allow solving the task.
- To the flowerbed to be expressive, the flowers need to land in batches, then all the color patterns will be well visible.
- Small, separately blooming copies will not be able to please the eye, but only will distract.
Also, if there is no opportunity to highlight the place under the extensive flower, the effect of constant bloom will not be easy. Then it is better to go to another way and by creating small seasonal flowering flowering flowering, achieve such an effect.
Flower Garden Design Rules:
- Plants that bloom in the same time, it is better to plant together so as not to create the effect of color blur and non-accuracy.
- Do not try to sculpt the flower bed on the principle, there is a place. Its contours, as well as the color drawing should be harmonized with the common style of the site and do not disrupt its geometric proportions.
Unified rules for all
Before starting the landing, it is necessary to spend a little personal time and systematize flowers according to the flowering season, note the time of flowering duration. You also need to decide on different types of plants and their assortment:
- You can combine those plants that will feel well in one soil, take the same fertilizer, as well as watering and illumination of flower beds.
- It is necessary to take into account the height of the plant and the time of its growth.
- It is impossible to lose sight of the fact that there are aggressive cultures that are quickly growing. They will need to constantly limit in growth.
- You need to select flowers, given their color palette: to combine over shades, or in case of another idea - contrast patterns.
Before planting plants, it is necessary to take into account whether the flower bed will be viewed from all sides equally. If you plan to plan flowers for flower beds, so that it is visible only on the one hand - one nuance should be observed and planted flowers so that they do not turn around with the other.
It is not easy to care for the constantly blooming flower flower, especially if the flower bed is quite extensive and occupies a large area. In this case, when planning, the flower beds provide for the creation of paths or special islands, which can be to reach to reach any plant: pour, trim or tie.
The choice of location for a bed
Place is desirable to choose a smooth and light, but it is not necessary to give the plants the scorching rays of the sun. Poluzatenenny Select a site that is well-conferring sun for five to six hours. This for all kinds of colors would be sufficient.
When choosing a place for flowerbs, you need to take into account that the distance from which you can admire the beauty of flowering plants should be twice as much as the height of the rustic type of plants. Based on this, flowers are planted around the edges, the growth of which reaches 50 centimeters and less.
If you wish to boast of neighbors and passersby with your beautiful flower club, then break the flower of the fence near the fence.
Do not forget about the laws of nature - when the flower blooms, his head will always turn around the sun, and if you look at the flowering composition from the northern side, it will look not very rich.
We pick up flowers
To create a portion of continuous flowering, various types of plants are used:
- Annual.
- Two-year-old.
- Perennial.
The best option for creating such a plot is a flower bed of continuous flowering from perennials. It is such a flower bed every year will be supplemented with paintings and beautiful one-year plants. Also, it is impossible to forget about decorative plants, it can be both cereal plants and deciduous. They will complement the flowerbed and bring their highlight to her decorative design.
All clubs of continuous flowering are divided into three types:
- The flowering period is active in spring.
- The flowering period is active in summer.
- The flowering period is active in autumn.
Consider each flowerbed separately.
Spring flower bed. Creation
On a specially designated island of the Earth, plants are planted, which bloom in spring. This is usually all the flowers having a bulb. The ideal solution will be the acquisition of such colors as gentle crocuses, musk, proleski, tulips and daffodils due to the fact that they do not need to dig each year.
Among the perennial plants with the system of tubers and rhizomes, beautifully bloom and bloom early: freezing, Brunner, Eurantis and others. Two-year plants include daisies, pansies, Viola. These flowers have a very beautiful bright color and bloom for a long time.
Perennial flowers bloom after melluccical. Perennials include irises, primura, swimsuit. Flox must be planted necessarily, he will delight everyone with his beautiful blossom.
Work on the design of the spring flower beds are beginning in autumn. First of all choose the place and plant bulbous flowers. Those plants that have a low height of the stem are planted behind, and those that grow at 20 centimeters and above are planted in the center. Following them there is a turn of bulbous plants that must be planted with a group of five and more flowers in one place. For example, a group of tulips, daffodils in two places, in the second - hyacinth, then Muskar and Primulus.
How to create one of the options for flower beds, can be seen in the photo:
Summer Klumba
In the summer of flower bed - this is a real rusty of colors! The choice of beautiful flowering plants is very diverse. List completely all the colors that are flourished in the summer, it is impossible. We note only the most beautiful that planted on summer constantly blooming flower beds.
The most common colors:
- phlox;
- geranium garden;
- delphinium;
- lilies;
- bells;
- all types of carnations;
- roses.
In addition to colors, it is well covered by the open soil of the cledock (hernaya grass). Among the annual plants will be good to watch the velehats, Queenia, Lobelia, Astra, Petunia, Astra and Petunia. Interesting combination will give the composition of sunflower, corn decorative amaranth.
Two-year-old flowers are one of the common. These include carnations and bells, as well as daisies, Malva and fastish.
Summer flower leaf is created from both bulbous plants and others. Between them should remain small sections of the earth - just for planting the dolphinium and roses. On the edge of the flower, you can land flowers that have blue, for example, Lobelia. Next to blue will be well combined with petunias.
Do not neglect the potted plants, they can give the composition a special charm, emphasize its individuality. For example, if in the center of the flower beds to establish a vase with petunias, lily or cosmeya, will look very beautiful.
Autumn Klumba
Plants for continuous flowering flowering flowering in the autumn period will especially please the eyes in combination with yellow-orange foliage. For the design of autumn flower beds, asters, chrysanthemums, having many color shades. They are planted away, and ahead will look beautiful Japanese anemon.
With its special blooming in the autumn period, the syngineer (the folk name "Thistle") will be happy, as well as praying. At this time, if the weather is saved soft and warm, the flowers will bloom even longer.
Winter Klumba
And it also happens! And let the winter flowerba be significantly different from previous clubs, it also has its own feature. Against the background of just dropped white snow, it will be beautifully watching the cloth oriental. It blooms at zero temperature, its flowering limit is minus five to six degrees.
Secrets of beautiful flower beds
The newcomer in this difficult case will not be easy, but with the help of these simple secrets, creating a club of continuous flowering will be easier:
- If you put a large stone in the middle of the flower beds or a few stones, they will give the composition special originality.
- Do not forget about colors growing in pots. If there is a small island of open ground, it can always be filled with a plant in a pot or porridge.
- There will give a special beauty of the composition small multicolored garden figures. Beautifully looking at the figures of animals and birds. But the flowerbed should not be overloaded, just one decorative garden element is enough.
- Behind the flower beds will look beautifully Clematis, as well as curly decorative grapes.
- It should not be forgotten that the flowerba requires attention: the flowers that have already been able to tear down, then the flower bed will always look neat.
- We need to free the land from weeds regularly.
- Fertilize and watering plants on the flower bed also needed in a timely manner.
Creating a beautiful blooming flower beds is a big job, and patience and work will become your faithful colleagues.
Continuous flowering bed options are presented in the photo:
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