How to spend light in a greenhouse Plot.

The duration of the daylight affects the growth of plants. Use in greenhouses of artificial lighting helps to increase yield. Not every light is useful for the plant, with the wrong choice of lighting lamps, you can only harm and get a poor-quality harvest.
What you need to consider when choosing lighting
When choosing lighting lamps, consider the following factors:
- Cost of equipment.
- Electricity consumption.
- Color spectrum of the lamp.
Do not forget that any plant needs a night vacation at least 6 hours. The lighting of the greenhouse cannot be used around the clock. Take care of the circuit breaker to save the need to run to the greenhouse.
Each period of growth of plants and ripening fruits is demanding of a certain light. The usefulness of light for greenhouses is determined by a light spectrum. The luminous spectrum depends on the length of the light wave, which is measured in nanometers. During the growing season, a blue range of spectrum is necessary (400-500 N.M.), during flowering - red (600-700 N.M). Usually these subtleties are not much taken into account, moreover, vegetable crops need a complete lighting spectrum. Using only one type of lighting leads to a tasteless crop.
Plants grown on greens - dill, parsley, salads less demanding to light. Pacinal cultures with a lack of lighting dump buds, which leads to a decrease in yield.
The light is especially important to obtain a strong seedlings. With its disadvantage, the plant is pulled out and has a long thin stem.
What are the lamps for lighting greenhouses
Characteristics of various types of lamps
1. Incandescent lamps are not only illuminated, but also heat the greenhouse. Have a luminous spectrum of 600 nanometers. Simply put, there are many red and infrared rays from them. Excess such rays Not all plants benefit. Incandescent bulbs are suitable for growing greenery - onions, dill, parsley. Get a strong seedlings of tomato or pepper with their help of conventional incandescent lamps will not work.
2. Luminescent lamps have a suitable range of lighting. Lamps consume little electricity, but they practically do not give warmly. It has its pros and cons - thanks to a small heating, the lamps do not overcame air in the greenhouse, at the same time the lamps of daylight in the greenhouse cannot be used as a heat source. You can install such lamps as horizontally and vertically. For installation of luminescent lamps, special equipment is necessary.
Not all sorts of luminescent lamps are suitable for lighting greenhouses. Useful light give lamps of the LB or LTB brand. The spectrum of light lamps type LD and the LDC depresses the growth of plants, for this reason they do not use them in the greenhouses.
Energy-saving luminescent lamps are durable, have an ordinary cartridge, which is convenient when replaced.
Fitoluminescent lamps give the plant useful light, but their glow is harmful to humans. Such lamps are installed with reflectors.
3. Fluorescent lamps consume little electricity, lamp replacement costs expensive. Lamps are effective when using the reflector. The use of a special filter allows you to use such lamps at different stages of plant growth.
4. High pressure sodium lamps emit a light spectrum similar to sunlight. Have a lack of a blue spectrum. The domestic industry produces arc sodium lamps for greenhouses with mirror reflectors. Reflax lamps have a power from 50 to 600 W. Do not adversely affect vision.
Complex in connection. The equipment of the greenhouse with such lamps requires special electrical equipment - Izu and a flow-adjusting machine. Have a limited life. After working lamps more than 3000 hours, its light stream decreases, which affects the lighting efficiency.
5. High pressure mercury lamps are used to grow seedlings. When using mercury lamps, caution should be taken - one broken lamp is capable of harmful to all harvest. You cannot dig up with mercury lamps on the plot - they must be disposed of.
6. Metal halide lamps are the perfect version of the backlight for plants. Due to the high cost and a small term of work not widespread.
LED lamps for lighting lighting
LED lighting for greenhouses allows you to use red or blue. Depending on the plant growth period, it is exactly the light in which culture needs.
LED phytosvet lamps are produced in moisture-proof enclosures.
LED ribbons are safe even if water gets into them. On the opposite side of the tape applied glue composition. To fix the backlight, the protective film is removed and the tape is glued in the desired place. In conditions of high humidity, the tape is often dugs, in such cases it can be glued with liquid nails.
LED backlight has a high cost, but has a number of benefits:
- Easy installation.
- Electricity consumption savings.
- Long service life.
- Ecology.
- Security.
- Compared to other lamps, the most suitable spectrum of light is emitted.
How to bring electricity to the greenhouse
When taking the electricity to the greenhouse, follow the technology. If you do not understand the electrician - invite a specialist.
The cable is allowed in trenches, with this method of laying the cable, follow these rules:
- The trench must have a depth of at least 80 cm.
- Make sure the trench does not intersect with the drainage system.
- Use the corrugation to insulate the cable.
- Flip the cable with rubble on top to avoid damage during soil processing.
- Make a cable laying diagram and save it.
- It will not be superfluous to put warning signs at the cable laying site.
A safer way is to pull the cable to the poles.
- Choose a place for pillars so that the tailed cable did not hit the tree branches.
- The cable is attached to the wire stretched between the columns.
- Install the camshaft from which the wiring will go to the equipment.
- When connected thoroughly, insulating the wires. Do not allow the location of the cable on the ground.
When plants arranged on racks, the backlight is installed above each shelf.
Lighting in the greenhouse. Video.