Spring work on the reservoir Plot.

A real decoration of the household site is an artificial pond with water-flowing on the surface and growing on the shores of decorative plants. But in a short time, it is not turned into a stinking swamp in a short time, it is necessary to constantly care for it, and before starting the new season, it is also preparing for him, follow its condition.
Estimation of the state of the pond at the end of the winter season
It is best to conquer to the state of your reservoir at the very beginning of spring, while planting and weeding in the garden or garden has not yet begun, and it is possible to fully focus on bringing it in order. In addition, if the work on the reservoir began early and carried out quickly, then very soon you can release livestock in the water, which watered indoors, plant plants and enjoy a beautiful view.
To obtain an idea of \u200b\u200bwhat is the condition of the reservoir at the end of the winter, you should draw up a plan and check each item on it to not forget anything:
- check the performance of pumps, power supply systems, cleansing equipment, etc.;
- if your reservoir is deep enough, and you left fish to winter in it, then you need to check whether they are alive;
- it is still necessary to pay attention to the integrity of the concrete bottom, the presence or absence of cracks or other damage on it, as well as the condition of the coast strengthened by the stones, which during the winter could well collapse. In case of detection of cracks in concrete, it is necessary to reliably close them, otherwise water in the pond will be constantly dirty due to penetration through cracks together with the groundwater of the particles of the Earth;
- if you installed the heater for the winter, now it should be reached, wash and remove it until next winter.
To better estimate the condition of the reservoir, you should wait until the ice melts or get rid of it yourself. At the beginning of the spring, it becomes thin and fragile, so it can be enough to pour it boiling water or destroy any object.
In addition, it is necessary to prepare for landing plants that you would like to see on the shores and on the surface of your pond. They are sold in stores and in the markets, and so far the Earth is still cold enough, they are beautifully lived in pots. It is also possible to grow plants alone, from seeds, not forgetting that they need special land and high humidity. Some of the species are best put in the water along with the pot.
By purchasing plants for the pond, it is best to stop your choice on the Reteste and Urouth. They not only make an eye, but also perfectly cope with the purification of the reservoir, and the aesthetic component can be included with the help of aponoghethon and salvia. And of course it is impossible to do without a classic - water lishes, lilies, shallow irises and other water colors. To create optimal conditions for each plant, when buying should be recognized from the sellers, at what depth it is better to plant what fertilizers, etc.
Care of the pond in the spring includes the following:
- draining the old water, cleaning the bottom and sides, the bay of new water;
- landing of water and coastal plants;
- inspection of fish for diseases, insulation and treatment of patients, landing in the reservoir of healthy;
- plant fertilizer with special vitaminized feeders;
- feeding fish with useful and nutritional feeds;
- fighting the flowering of algae;
- cleaning from garbage nearby territory to prevent it from entering water.
Stages of purification of the pond in the spring
When the ice crust is melting, and the shore will warm up well, boldly try to clean the pond from pollution. This task is paramount, because Ponds in spring are usually very littered, because from the fall in them could remain and frozen leaves and small animals, could bring some trash to the wind, etc. And if you did not merge water for the winter, then cleaning is much larger, because it will be possible to cleanse not only the bottom of the garbage, but also water from tina and rotting organic organics, as well as superponne and coastal stones.
Pond cleaning is carried out in such a sequence:
- first of all, all the water should be drained from the reservoir. If fish dwells in the pond, then leaving a small puddle, you can easily cover them and transferred to temporary containers, waiting for the end of cleaning;
- next follows the cleaning of water bodies. You need to take a conventional brush and diligently process the bottom and board your pond. Also in this case a good helper can be a special technique, such as a water vacuum cleaner. He is true, it is quite expensive, but it helps to cope with the task faster and better. With it, it is easy to clean the stones and suck all IL without a residue;
- after the reservoir is cleaned, it is again filled with water. Little ponds usually dried while preparing for the occurrence of winter. Polluted water is drained and dial new. In order to restore the ecosystem of the pond in a short period of time, specially designed high-speed drugs should be applied, which for a small time segment will create a new flora and fauna in the reservoir;
- usually in the spring begins the flowering of algae. The surface of the water is covered with a green tap, which prevents the penetration of oxygen into the thickness of the water. To finish him, it is useless to drain and pour water. It should be used by special preparations that destroy algae.
Plant landing
After the newly flooded water warms up and relieves, and the earth will dry, landing plants, which embarrasse the surface of the pond and territory around it. Plants who survived winter outdoors are planted cautiously sharing the root system. If some of them grew in a small pot, then by next year he will grow up and the container will need much large in size. It is always necessary to take care in advance.
The same type of water plants can have several subspecies that can differ significantly in size. For example, some varieties of water lily reach 70 cm in diameter, and some remain tiny. Such species require landing at different depths. If you failed to buy a special lattice container for roots of water plants, then use ordinary plastic pots for these purposes by shutting down the drainage hole at the bottom.
Those plants that do not need a transplant must be fertilized by special substances intended for the inhabitants of the wet environment. If you live away from large cities and have difficulty in finding special fertilizers, then use the usual, granular, comprising a complex of all necessary substances. Before putting fertilizer into the water, it should be hidden in a piece of clay, so that it does not fully dissolve, and it is consumed gradually. The soil for aquatic plants should also have a special composition - to be clay, contain minimum organic substances.
Keep in mind that those favorite houses are beautiful plants like pita, lilies, water irises, etc., react very well to the transplant and separation of roots and almost never suffer from it.
Fish care
Before letting fish into a reservoir prepared, it is necessary to inspect for the availability of diseases. Their signs can be various stains, scales, etc. Features, not peculiar to a healthy water inhabitant. If the patient is discovered, it should be immediately isolated from healthy to eliminate the source of infection, and to do treatment.
Fishes, like plants, after winter requires feeding in the form of vitamins. In the spring, they become more active, begin to postpone the caviar and therefore need enriched food. It is necessary to introduce it to gradually, catching fish to get feed first every two days, then more often. Fit the menu with nutrients due to duffs and worms.
In nature, the fish are powered by themselves, because Flora of natural reservoirs is rich in various substances. But in an artificial little pond, they need constant feeding. But at the same time it is impossible to throw the fish excessive amount of feed, because they simply do not eat it. Unsured pieces will swim in the pond, rot, poisoning and polluting water.
Care of water bodies is not a difficult task that occupies all free time. It is just necessary to carry out it in time and regularly, so as not to accumulate the work and do not bring the pond to such a condition, when without expensive and labor costs it is impossible to do.