How to make a wicker flower lee Plot.

Despite the abundance of modern decorative materials, many people dream to decorate their plot with a fence from natural materials. Wicker flower beds are able to give the site their own charm and a beautiful natural look, and will give a good mood.
To create such beauty - it is not necessary to spend time in search of ready-made solutions. If somewhere along the way a suitable tree falls, and this does not have to be IVA, then the process of creating flower beds in the country does not require much effort.
What materials are used for clums weaving and what is their difference?
Before proceeding to work, first of all it is worth stocking material. The distinctive ability of any vine primarily is its flexibility. For weaving, the rods are most suitable:
- willow;
- oshness;
- and you;
- birch.
Several non-standard (which will add the highlight of the finished composition) branches are considered:
- apple trees;
- raspberries;
- kizyl;
- grape vines.
All varieties mentioned above have good flexibility sufficient to work the length and degree of equalness, which will further make it easier for their processing. It is believed that for the workpiece of the material the best time is autumn, since the shoots to that period finally ripen. However, this does not mean that, if you wish to create a flower, you must wait for the autumn. Start the workpiece of the material is possible at any time. Specialists are recommended only to refrain from this at the beginning of summer, since during this period, the rods have not yet gained sufficient fortress and are not suitable for working with them.
It is rightly believed that the shrubs of Shrub's Willow or the willow are preferable to be suitable for weaving, because they have the best flexibility. However, grape vine is also not inferior to IWA for the convenience of use, so the choice of material by and large depends on what is in stock.
Varieties of wicker flower
There are two varieties of wicker flower beds and each in its own way. So, for example, a terrestrial woven flower bed, if it has small sizes - is calmly transferred from place to place, which allows you to put any order on the summer cottage, and hanging wicker flower bed can noticeably revive the garden or the wall of the country house, if it is fixed on top. True, in this case, the subtleties of the suspension design should be taken into account:
- the mount should be able to freely rotate around its axis. This is a prerequisite for the flower bed to be periodically rotated for the uniform effects of sunlight on the plants,
- for suspended flower, those plants or flowers that do not need strict care are optimal than all. For example, a great solution will land a petunition, daisies, pansies. Such flowers are capable of growing enough, and soon the flower bed will be a suspension garden,
- it is important to remember that many species from flowers, especially home, have a developed root system, so the internal volume of wicker flower beds should be at least 10 liters. Otherwise, the roots will begin to displace the soil layer, which will lead to the death of the plant,
- in case the suspension system is not equipped with a pallet, you should pay attention to the fact that the emergence of a situation associated with a shortage of water. Mineral substances during watering are washed out of the soil, so it is necessary to fertilize the land in a timely manner.
Otherwise, the care of plants in suspended wicker flower beds is no different from terrestrial or planted in open ground.
Ground flowerbed is the most frequently used option. In the case when the diameter of the flower beds is significant, it is made in the form of fence with elegant weaving. Another original idea can be weaving an additional canopy, which will serve as a support of the curving plants. To create it, there are six long rods (at least one and a half meters), two of which should be overwhelmed with each other. From the remaining four, it is necessary to form a grid to which the growing shoots will be placed.
Weaving options Clumb
Beautiful weaving is possible in two ways:
- with horizontal broach rod;
- with vertical.
For both methods, it is necessary to initially drive into the ground between the bases of the base (which should be placed at a distance of 30-40 cm from each other). Then, for horizontal weaving between the main columns, the so-called missing rods stretch, which will go parallel to the ground. Places of junction of the rods should be trimmed at an angle and a further connection to be carried out with a wire or a flexible bark.
When one rod ends, the next start to spend on the back side of the pillar, gradually bringing the design to completeness. The vertical weaving option provides for the installation of an additional rail level, located in parallel to the columns, between horizontal rails. The bars are carried out from both sides from the main pillar, and the weaving process itself does not differ from the horizontal.
So that the weaving came out beautiful should comply with several basic rules:
- weaving are always starting to spend from the thick end of the vine, gradually going to a thin,
- at the end of one row, the next row must be started on the other side of the column for the uniform distribution of the thickness of the wicker product,
- to achieve a direct level when weaving, so that the vine does not swallow from the stakes, it should be fixed with its wire for visual control,
- the end of the rod in no way should have to be at the place where the vine from the previous row ends,
- the wicker basket of flowerba will require flexible rods for its base, with a diameter of 2 cm, 1 cm will be enough for small flower beds.
Often use such types of weaving as oblique (weaving several rods at once in the inclined row) and chess. The latter is a variant of a simple horizontal braid, only with the difference that the rods are carried out not through one pole, but after two or three, forming a complex pattern. Often, the alternation of painted and unpainted rods is found to give such a composition of greater aesthetic. In addition, if the main ventiy rods stick to the ground root part, then their further germination and transformation into a living fence is possible. Woven flower bed in this case will have a completely different look.
The process of making wicker flower
To start making wicker flower beds with their own hands, you should first choose the right place to break the future fit. It is necessary to prepare the upper layer of the soil, removing all weeds from it and ringed herbs, then you need to explode the soil. Next should be proceeded to markup and calculations. If the flower bed will have a round shape, then you need to outline the outline of the contour for the proper placement of pegs, which should be installed every 30-40 centimeters from each other.
To ensure reliable clutch, it is necessary to place the main corner casside nearly one on each side. Such a solution to place the rods in the so-called "castle". The rods are passed through all three cavals and securely fixed with the same wire or flexible cortex (some give a similar method of compound greater preference due to its natural form).
Next, the rods are soaked through Zigzag stakes. The work is made from the ground, and at first, thicker shoots are used to ensure the strength of the structure, it is extremely desirable that one rod is enough for 3-4 spans. The first rod, after its fixing in front of the angular cavity, starts for the second, then the zigzags stretches between the stakes for which the length is enough. In order for the design to be beautiful, you should pick up the rods of the same size, cutting over the excessive long.
When the filtered level of hedge becomes sufficient in height, it is necessary to remove the rail, according to which the horizontal level of the rod location is exhibited. It is necessary to carefully shoot down the weaving with a small hammer, because during the week the finished woven design will be dying, resulting in a loss of up to a quarter of the thickness of the roth. To give the finished flower bed additional strength and protect shoots from direct impact of bad weather and sun rays, it makes sense to cover the vine with varnish or veneer. Varnish should use matte, as the gloss has an unpleasant property to give the material artificial appearance.
Wicker Clumbus Tips
First of all, let's talk about the workpiece. Naturally, the material is on sale, but it is better to collect it yourself. Rods are chosen 1.5 meters long. The leaves should be removed on the spot. If it is planned to remove the bark (using a rod rod), then for this purpose a tool called "Zhemilka" is used. What is valuable, it is enough to just make it right at the site of collecting a wicker material. For the base of the undershiff, the rod is needed (the best of the equipment is best), 4-5 cm thick and half a meter. One end is split at about 12-15 cm and the base of the spill is wrapped with a tape or wire. The other end of the rods need to be focused so that when the undertaker takes place, it is convenient to stick to the ground.
Cutting the rods should be performed at an angle, leaving cuts with kidney not 15 centimeters long to ensure that the shrub is able to recover. The prepared material should be immediately placed in the container with water and keep in the shade to prevent excessive drying. It is important to remember that in the event of a complete dryer of the rod with the bark, it will not be used. The vine with a shot-shot during an excessive drying will have to digends a long time in containers with hot water, and part of the flexibility will be lost, so this fact should be paid.
Often experts recommend using shoots to work, which has already been fulfilled at least a year. It should first inspect the rod slice. If the core has some rubble, then such shoots do not work for work. If a cutten shade is visible on the cut, then again, such a rod is not suitable. It is necessary to pay attention to the presence of defects on the rod - black growths, damage and layers.
In addition, practical advice should be given to the Prunev preparation phase:
- to produce a quick sorting of a cut vine, you should bind the bunches of the rods and put them in the container (a simple bucket is suitable). Next, the rods are adjusted along the length of the base and the height-released among the others are removed from the bundle. After, individual bundles are formed. Actions are carried out until all the material is sorted into groups, differing from each other by 10-15 centimeters in length.
- when soaked, attention should be paid to the diameter of the cut rods. These are examples, but for thin rods with a vine diameter of 2 mm. There will be sufficiently ten-minute soapying in hot water, while the rods with a diameter of 8-10 mm will be required to spend at least an hour in similar conditions. It is worth remembering that when exposed to the temperature, the process of discharge of juices and tanning substances begins inside the vine, which paint the surface of the tank capacity. If the water procedures are planned to be carried out in the bath, it should be pre-noted with a bottom-dense polyethylene film to prevent staining (since substances secreted from the rods will be extremely difficult to launder).
- after the vine was softened enough, it should be dried, removing the remnants of moisture and put in a plastic bag. Thus, the flexibility of the rod will persist within a long time.
- end stems before starting work should be trimmed with a secaterator. The cut must be made at an angle, which will facilitate the process of weaving,
- typically, the drying of the harvested rods is two days, in the case of a wet climate, this process is recommended to extend up to seven days.
Wicker flower beds with their own hands, the photos of which are given in the article, this is not the limit of fantasy. Using basic technologies just create an original and peculiar flower leaf with a complex pattern or an unusual geometric shape.