What paint paint wood floor paints and varnishes

If the wooden floor is in your home, even if you are old and unsightly, do not hurry to dismantle it and change to laminated coatings or a concrete tie. Not only that the tree is "nature-product", it also still looks in any room.
Even the old shabby wooden floor can again be allowed, if you correctly pick up and properly apply a paint coating to it.
What to pay attention to when choosing a floor paint for wooden floors
- What physical factors of the room will affect the floor covering. For example, when painting a floor in the kitchen or bathroom, it is worth choosing a coating that will be good to resist the aqueous effects and possess water-repellent properties.
- When laying new wooden boards, be sure to find out what kind of wood you use. So, pine boards are more susceptible to mechanical damage due to the softness of the tree and will need a coating that gives the surface strength. Beech, on the contrary, has an interesting texture and natural glitter, so it will be logical to protect the wood with impregnating means (oils) and enhance its shine with wax mastic.
- If the floor is already covered with varnish or paint, and you do not want to clean it, make sure that the selected tool can be applied to the old coating. If the floor coating is several layers, then it is better to use materials with the same types of binders. Alkyd and oil enamel are applied on top of any coating, except bituminous. It is better to apply the same compositions as in the previous repairs.
What are paint coatings
Due to the fact that the choice of coatings for wooden floors is large enough, you need to decide on the tasks that it has to be solved. So what does a person want, decided to get in his house with wooden floors? That's right enough to:
- served as longer as possible;
- looked as best as possible;
- Pay for everything smaller.
According to the general classification of coatings, they can be divided into three large categories.
- Transparent - coatings that are used to "open" the colors and structures of the tree and, while protecting it from exposure to external factors.
- Opaque - these are paints of various types, fully painting wood.
Transparent coatings
Their use is permissible if the appearance and structure of the tree has an attractive look and drawing. Distinguish:
- varnish;
- butter;
- wax mastic.
Often, wax is used in combination with oil.
Lucky form a glossy coating on wood, maintaining it for 1-3 years. By chemical components, they are very diverse: these are formaldehyde resins, water-dispersive, polyurethane, alkyd and uretal oil (with artificial resins), on an anhydrous basis. Also varnishes on properties are:
- matte or glossy;
- toning or transparent;
- with elevated wear resistance and different service life;
- various in the method of application.
Grinding varnishes
Before using the finish varnish, it should be decided on the need to use the preliminary primer. Be sure to use it:
- when applying varnishes with strong adhesive properties;
- to improve the "clutch" of varnish with the surface of the floor;
- for tree tinting;
- in order to avoid raising the treepath when applied;
- when used in the flooring of rare wood species.
Fasteners (varnishes, simulators).
Morlogs are used if necessary to protect wooden surfaces from mold and fungi, as well as humidity, temperature drops. Make it possible to tint wood or leave her natural color.
Acid cure varnishes
These varnishes are the most persistent, have good adhesion to wooden floors, are simple in applying any tools, do not require pre-primer. Press the tree a more natural look, painting it into bright, pleasant tones. Also very sticky.
Anhydrous polyurethane varnish
Applied in places with increased patency and various chemical effects on the surface. In applied, simple and unpretentious, however, have strong gluing properties.
Water-soluble varnishes (water varnishes)
The plus of such varnishes is that when working with them, the smell is highlighted significantly less than in working with other paints for the wooden floor. This group of varnishes has low flammability. By cons can be attributed to their low wear resistance. Applied to the prepared primer surface, which is sold in a pair with varnish.
Uretalkide and alkyd varnishes
Such varnishes are deeply penetrated into the wood due to the content of artificial alkyd resins, changing the color of wood and emphasizing the texture. The advantages include the absence of adhesive properties, and their "capriciousness" when applied to disadvantages (it is necessary to exclude temperature differences, ensure the influx of fresh air, and the layer of such a varnish should not exceed 120g / m²). Have the worst wear resistance indicator than other varnishes.
The most popular among manufacturers of varnishes and paints are both foreign and some domestic enterprises: Technocolor, Tikkurila (Tikkurila) and Symphony, Neomid Interior (Nomid), ABC Farben, Alpina, Sniezka, Ilva Polimeri, Loba, Bona, Komandor, MA and Dr.
Wooden floor impregnation oil
Move from natural oils (linen, soy, sunflower, etc.), with the addition of synthetic ingredients that improve the properties of wood and protect it. Penetrating deep into wood, oil gives it durability, protects against harmful effects and prolongs the service life. Do not form a protective solid film as varnishes. Some types of oils add special additives that enhance their action (for example, polyurethane). Oils make varying degrees of absorption achieved due to the addition of solvents. Liquid oils are absorbed better and used as deep impregnations or facilities for floors and parquet.
Waxes for wooden floors
Used as final finishes and empowed a wooden floor with silky and soft noble glitter (they can give mattness). Thanks to natural origin, this tool extends the service life of the floor and parquet. Such coatings need permanent maintenance, which is quite expensive.
In our market, such products have gained special popularity:
- Line of oils and waxes HARTWACHS-OL from OSMO (Germany) - price per liter 2000-2500 r.
- Oil with solid wax SAICOS HARTWACHSOL PREMIUM (Germany) - 2000-2300 p.
- Berger Classic Base Oil deep penetration oil (Germany) - 2200-2500 r.
- Natural oils for the floor Auro (Germany) - 100-160 p. per m².
- oil for parquet Parquet Oil (Italy) - about 1000 p. per m².
- Domestic rules of oils and wax Maslovoshosk-Ant, Biofa (Biofa).
Opaque coatings
Paints, fully covering the surface of the wood and give it color belong to the group of opaque coatings. To decide which opaque paint to paint a wooden floor, it is worth considering the several most common and high-quality varieties. This is an enamel (oil, pentafthalic (PF), alkyd, nitrocellulose) and paints on organic solvents (water-dispersion, acrylic, latex).
Water-dispersion acrylic paints
When it comes to wear-resistant paint for a wooden floor, it is worth mentioning the water-dispersion group of coatings. Due to the nomudinal application, good protective properties and vapor permeability, these paints were widespread in the domestic market. Color gamut will also please the buyer - more than 2,000 colors of paint for wooden floor will satisfy any, even the most extravagant taste. The service life reaches 10 years, provided that a high-quality sample is used. The cost of 1 liter (this is 6-9 m²) such paint is from 5-7 dollars.
Here are some trademarks that have deserved the confidence of Russian consumers and in demand in the manufacturers:
- Latex paint Eco Joker (Tikkurila - Finland)
- Feidal Innenlatex Matt (Latex Based Paint) - Russia-Germany
- Optimatt Extra - (Russia-Germany)
- BINDOPLAST-4 (Finland)
- Master Classic 101.
Pigmented suspension - enamel - after drying, forms a solid matte or glossy film on the surface, which has excellent properties of water confrontation, temperature drops, as well as a variety of colors. Enamel solvent is White Spirit. If you are interested in purchasing quick-drying paint for the wooden floor, then this is not the option, since the duration of these enamels ranges from 6 to 36 hours. The use of oil paints on large surfaces, such as the floor, gradually decreases. This is due to the release of toxic substances into the air when working with them.
The price of paint for the wooden floor often talks about her quality. As a rule, the more expensive - the better. The average price of 1 liter is good German paint varies from 600 to 1000 rubles.