How to choose a gas boiler Instruments,Climate

The choice of gas heating boiler for a private house is important, because in most cases the existence of all residents of the dwelling depends on it. Therefore, by mounting the heating system, first of all, you need to pay attention to the right choice of the gas boiler. This unit must serve for a long time and bring only heat.
Gas boiler for home
Now, on the market, the basis of which is gas equipment for heating, there is more than a hundred names of the boilers. They also apply to overseas brands, and the boilers of domestic production. Therefore, it is very important not to make the most banal errors on the choice and purpose of boilers, and also not to guess for the price. Naturally, the easiest way to trust all the actions on the choice of the boiler by a specialist who is familiar with all the most important characteristics and is well oriented in the pricing policy of gas equipment. Even better, choosing a boiler with the master who will be engaged in directly designing the entire heating system, which means it will also take the installation of the boiler. Such a person will certainly be able to provide the most optimal combination of the components of the system, will pick up the boiler for exploitation in a particular building, and orienses the owner of the house in the issue of regulatory documents on equipment. It is clear that the decisive word on the choice of the boiler will remain for the owner, which means that heavieving the specialist, the developer will need to make a verdict. And how to do it if a person is perfect to the corn in gas heating issues? This is where the following tips on choosing a gas boiler will be used.
The most important moments when choosing a boiler
If the choice of the host's host fell on the gas boiler, he may not worry about entering fuel into it, because in such a type of boilers, everything is debugged and assigned to automation. It is practically no need to clean such boilers, with the exception of an annual survey before the heating period. Coal boilers lose here very much, because care requires a lot of trouble.
After determining the type of the boiler in its fuel, it is possible to start exploring other characteristics, one of which is the so-called "contour" or the design of the boiler. The choice of a single-mounted gas boiler should be in the event that the owner plans only to give up his living room, or use a hot water boiler.
The choice of a two-kilt gas boiler will be justified when the house is planned to conduct a heating system, plus the arrangement of permanent hot water supply. Such boilers for obvious reasons is more profitable.
The next parameter to pay attention to is the thermal power of boilers. This indicator most often defines the designer, however, having studied the simplest programs for calculating the capacity of boilers and the relevant heating systems, it is possible to draw conclusions and independently.
According to the type of automation, which is installed in boilers, these units are single-stage, two-stage and stepless. With the help of these parts of the boiler, you can adjust the temperature in the room, which will depend on the season of the year.
Auxiliary parameters when choosing a boiler for gas heating can be called: the material from which the unit is made, its mass, sizes and of course the cost.
Selection of a gas boiler for cottage
As the rules, cottages are large living spaces, they are not so easy to dig. This applies primarily for fuel consumption, which means economic profitability. In all indicators, gas boilers are the most profitable, naturally in the terrain where there is a permanent and reliable gas source. Gas does not occupy a place like coal, gas almost completely burns, it does not give a lot of soot and therefore recognized as the best option for heating houses.
At the place of placement, the boiler in the cottage can be wall or put on the floor. Old boilers, which not so long ago were used for heating everywhere, were mostly outdoor.
Selection of floor gas boiler
Old gas boilers AGB with placement on the floor are distinguished by a large disadvantage - they have a very low efficiency, its indicator does not exceed 70% from this type of boilers. Their design is such that it is impossible to pick up absolutely all the heat from the outgoing outside and heated gases. Also, they often break gas automatics, namely the thermostat.
If we talk about more modern boilers for outdoor basing, you need to mention the "signal" and "Cove" boilers. They, from domestic manufacturers of equipment for gas heating, have the highest heat output. Their efficiency is 90%! Due to the fact that in these boilers, thermal gases pass between the plates in which the heat carrier (water) is located and they are additionally heated, the optimal conditions for heating the room are created. The problems that the user collides such boilers will be concerned again by automation. Therefore, the choice of stabilizer for the gas boiler is also important here, because such an aggregate will help to avoid sharp and not necessary drops in the voltage, to which some types of boilers are very susceptible. As a rule, gas equipment installers will be able to help the owner make the right choice of stabilizer.
Wall-mounted gas boiler selection
These units can have one contour, two contours, as well as to be open or closed burner. In addition, wall boilers are characterized by a more complex device of all automation and water intake nodes that have a close relationship. These devices have a special circulation pump and an automatic air vent, which helps to remove air from the system. The expansion tank is also mounted in the boiler housing. If you compare a wall-mounted modern boiler with old outdoor, then the differences will be in compactness of the first and complexity of its equipment. All these characteristics are given for single-circuit boilers. In dual-circuit boilers, as mentioned above, it is possible to simultaneously connect both the heating system and water heating for household needs.
Chimney Chimney for Gas Boiler
For boilers of an old type, the relevance of the chimney is large, because from its length, it may depend on the work of the entire heating system. Therefore, if the boiler stands on the floor in the house, the corrugated pipe from the metal is put on its upper part and it is already being removed into the chimney. Chimney is usually made of bricks and its length should exceed the height of the roof so that nothing prevented the removal of gases, and there was enough thrust.
Wall boilers, do not need such a big chimney. They have a built-in exhaust fan in the case, which himself actively displays all waste from gas combustion. Therefore, for such boilers, they make a hole in the wall and the corrugated type tube is displayed there.
A few words about global brands of gas boilers
In the world, the gas equipment market has long been formed, in which there is a certain hierarchy. For example, very expensive and high-quality boilers produce Italian firms. They can be attributed to Immergas, Ferroli and Ariston.
The French, also not far away from their neighbors, they became famous in this segment thanks to De Dietrich and FriSQUET firms. You can say good words and about Korean manufacturers of boilers, namely, about Navien.
Well, of course, domestic (Russian and Ukrainian) manufacturers of boilers are also well and competitively felt in the market of boilers under gas. These are firms from the Russian Federation - Metromash, Lemax, Signal and their Ukrainian colleagues: "Kaz", "Danko" and "Rivneterm".
So, if the reader understood the main points of the choice of the gas boiler, he can start the practical component of this process, and if he had questions, he may carefully study the following video on this topic.
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