Grinding marble with your own hands Useful advice

Since ancient times, people use such gifts of nature as a tree, sand and stone. Marble is no exception. With this beautiful stone, our descendants decorated their premises, added palaces and temples. And indeed, the marble products were significantly different from the finishing by other breeds and admired their beauty. But over time, the stones made fascia and lost their appeal.
The marble surface needs proper care, and so that the stone always pleased with his primeval view, it is necessary to care for it: to grind and polish.
Why do you need to polish a stone?
To evaluate the unique pattern of stone, as well as beautiful mirror overflows, you need to polish and polish it. Grinding marble – the process is quite laborious and is the final procedure after installing marble floors, stairs and countertops. Thanks to the processing of the surface of the stone, it is possible to achieve the saturation of the natural color of marble.
Many believe that if their homes have a tabletop or marble floor, you do not need to care for a stone. This is an erroneous opinion, because marble refers to sedimentary rocks. The composition of the stone includes minerals, calcite and dolomite. Therefore, it has a fragility and has a "loose" structure. Naturally, multiple damage will begin to appear on the surface. To return the natural beauty to the natural material, it is necessary to polish it. Using special equipment for grinding marble, you can save even the most unsightly and old surface.
Frequent damage
What can be damaged so durable material like a stone? Causes can be different. For example, if you have a marble floor in the lobby or living room, then it can quickly spoil the frequent permutation of furniture, as well as from the fact that the dirt and solid sands fall into the house with the street along with the shoe sole. In addition, marble can receive more severe damage: potholes and chips that appear due to falling on the floor of solid heavy items.
Also, the stone in itself over the years can lose its glitter, will become dim and ugly muddy divorces can be formed.
In addition to mechanical damage, the marble surface is susceptible to different acids. Therefore, detergents containing acid, it is impossible to apply for surface care. Also, the negative impact on marble has both different liquids: wine, fruit or berry juice, oils. It can literally burn the top coating of the stone if you do not remove the stain on time.
In addition, the wear of the surface of the marble can directly depend on the frequency and quality of cleaning.
Why do you need to grind marble?
To protect the marble surface from wear, there are special means. For example, marble that is sold in the construction markets passed preliminary treatment with resin. But, despite these measures, in a few years of operation, the marble surface still needs to polish and polish well.
Often, especially when laying marble plates on the floor, experts use seamless styling. With this method on the surface, irregularities may form. In this case, the stone grinding is very important, because the marble floor should be monolithic and smooth.
Materials required for work
To perform work, you will need:
- pumice;
- sandpaper of different numbers;
- grinding machine or special polishing machine for marble;
- paraffin;
- crystallizer;
- glue (two-component);
- sand;
- care facility with wax.
Special abrasive circles are often used to polish the stone. With the help of diamond dies, you can perform marble grinding at home.
Features of the choice of tool
To return the brilliance of a flat flat surface you need to use the cutters. Such an abrasive tool may have a different form: in the form of brush, cups or fibrug. You can work with it both manually and using grinding equipment.
There is a special marble grinding machine, but if you need to treat a small surface, then it will take it too much. In this case, it is better to buy an ordinary grinder, often called "Bulgarian", as well as special diamond discs.
If you do not know where to start and are afraid that you will not be able to perform high-quality marble grinding, first rate the depth of the defect and only then select the desired tool. Before starting work, it is worth testing it on a small sector of marble, which is in an invisible remote place.
Grinding marble with your own hands
Preparatory work:
- Before you begin work, carefully inspect the surface. If you have seen minor defects, they need to be eliminated before grinding. Small damage can be filled with a special spacion mixture: resin fill, a mixture of cement and lime or liquid glass.
- If you find chip on the marble surface, then a piece of marble can be returned to the place. For such cases, special adhesive based on synthetic resins are used. It needs to be selected in color so that he approached the shade of marble.
- Separate small cracks can be filled with special mastic, which also includes glue. When filling the cracks, the surface is secured with special fasteners - pyras or brackets (choose from stainless steel or copper).
- Before grinding the marble, it is necessary to clean the room cleaning with a vacuum cleaner, and the surface of the floor is washed with a detergent or to be treated with an organic solvent. After processing, do not forget to wash the marble well absorbing moisture with a rag.
- Immediately in front of grinding works, the marble surface must be treated with shallow emery paper. If the surface has differentiated, they are smoothed by grinding.
Work on the grinding of the marble surface is conventionally divided into three stages:
- Rough grinding.
- Normal.
- Advanced.
To give mramor a monolithic look, you need to remove a very large layer of natural material. Experts recommend to consider the upper part of the stone with a thickness of no more than three millimeters.
If you are going to grind the floor, it is better to use the grinding machine with a copper or cast-iron circle. If you plan to return the brilliance of a small surface (countertop, windowsill or a vase), then you can take sandpaper. Use fine sand or pumice as auxiliary materials.
Features of polishing marble
After grinding the marble surface, it should be well polished. First, the stone is cleaned from dust, and a special powder is applied to the surface. Then it must be carefully rubbed a piece of skin before the appearance of gloss, apply paraffin and wipe with a soft cloth.
If you planned to polish marble products using a grinding machine, it must be prepared to prepare it: remove the faceplate, plastic case and rinse them. Then clean and completely dry items to install in place, fasten the polishing circle and pour a little powder on it - chromium oxide, aluminum, zinc or diamond dust (pre-mix in water and rub your fingers over the surface of the circle).
After the main work on the polishing circle, you can stick a homemade nozzle - a soft flannel or felt (the thickness of the fabric is about 20 millimeters). Between metal and cloth should be a layer of rubber. Before starting work, a little moisture fabric.
To further protect the surface, you can apply a layer of a special polymer coating. But first, clean the marble, because the coating has a flap.
After the marble polishing is completed, it is necessary to check how efficiently work was performed.
The action plan is:
- Turn the lighting and go to the lamp.
- On the reflection of the light you will see the hairs of the burning lamp.
This will mean that marble is well polished.
How to care for a marble surface
- To care for the stone, you need to use special detergents that do not contain acid. Before applying the solution, it is desirable to test it at an invisible place. To purify marble from dust and divorces, use a slice of suede.
- To quickly clean the marble, prepare a solution of gumiarabic and apply it to the surface with a brush. When it is completely dry, remove from the surface, along with him "pulls" all the dirt.
- If the marble floor decorates your corridor, eat it with a carpet to protect against regular load.
- If you saw a stain on the stone, try to remove it immediately: blot the cloth and wash this place with water. Do not forget to dry, but not try the rag too vigorously.
- To remove stains from cosmetics, fat or oils you need to use special paste. If the stains of biological origin, then use the means to combat mold.
- If white divorces appeared on the marble surface (calcium stains), they should be removed with concentrated acid-alkaline solution. After processing on marble, muddy divorces will appear. In this case, the marble grinding should be renovated, its price may be somewhat lower than when initial processing.
- If you want to save the brilliance of marble longer, then the surface must be periodically handled with protective means: wax or silicone.
- To protect marble floor from coffee or tea, the surface should be treated with water-repellent impregnation.