How to choose and install fabric stretch ceilings Ceilings

Stretch ceilings are becoming increasingly popular among consumers. Thanks to their application, modern designers opened almost limitless opportunities for the design of various interiors. Of particular interest are fabric tension or so-called seamless ceilings. Their excellent technical characteristics, aesthetic attractiveness due to the diversity of the drawings and the textured surface of the canvas makes such ceilings the perfect solution for any home or office. Below we will try to figure out how to choose correctly and install tissue stretch ceilings.
The main advantages of fabric stretch ceilings
Tissue stretch ceilings attract, first of all, those advantages with which they possess:
- ecology - Stretch ceilings made of fabric are absolutely safe for the health of others, so they can be used to finish children's rooms, bedrooms, etc. At the same time, they do not burn and do not distinguish harmful toxic substances;
- excellent heat and sound insulation properties. With the help of such ceilings, you can get rid of echo and provide good acoustics;
- the absence of seams - the width of the tissue ceiling roll, which is 5 meters, makes it possible in most cases to avoid unnecessary and not very beautiful seams. At the same time, if the room is more than five meters in length, the use of tissue stretch ceilings is impossible, since they do not tolerate the seams at all;
- high strength, which allows tissue ceilings to withstand large mechanical loads;
- resistance to temperature drops - this type of ceilings is not afraid of cold and under the action of low temperatures the material from which they are made, does not lose their properties. Therefore, they can be used to finish the premises, which are not heated for a long time;
- easy installation, which does not require, in contrast to PVC ceilings, heating the room, removal of furniture, etc.;
- diversity of design - tissue stretch ceilings are the most original in design. They are white, colored, on top you can apply any drawing or image using photo printing, airbrushing, artistic painting and other techniques. In addition, fabric ceilings can be stained with water-based paints;
Disadvantages of fabric stretch ceilings
When choosing such ceilings, you should not forget about their weaknesses.
- First, the surface of the tissue ceilings cannot be a mirror or glossy, but only matte.
- Secondly, they very easily absorb any extraneous smells in the room that somewhat complicates the care of them.
- In addition, tension ceilings from the fabric can not be dismantled and re-installed. If the web damage is damaged, the ceiling design should be completely replaced.
- And the latter is significant for many - the high cost of such a design.
Features of the choice of fabric stretch ceilings
If you finally decided to install fabric stretch ceilings in your home or office and did not be afraid of their cost, then the first question that can arise, which of them choose? Today, the market presents a large range of products of various manufacturers, both domestic and foreign ones.
- However, specialists recommend choosing predominantly proven trademarks of foreign production, which have already managed to establish themselves from the best party. These are, first of all, fabric stretch ceilings from the Swiss-French company CLIPSO and German Pongs Textil, which are directly involved in the production of fabrics, as well as their implementation. They are distinguished by reliability in operation, good elasticity and density, variety of design and drawings.
- Another feature to pay attention to when choosing tissue tension ceilings is their marking, which is applied along the edge of the canvas. Only in this way you can be confident that you did not get a fake. In addition, ask the seller with the presence of a sanitary and epidemiological certificate, which guarantees the safety of this canvase for others and its compliance with sanitary standards.
Installation of fabric ceiling
The process of installing stretch ceilings from fabric requires difficulty, at least two employees, and consists of the following steps:
- Determining the ceiling level, which is done by its horizontal plane. If the installation of embedded lamps is assumed, the ceiling level should be lowered by about 10-12 cm below. If the chandelier is mounted, the stretch ceiling is lowered not lower than 3 cm below.
Installation of the baguette occurs in advance to the marks in each wall. Between the two nearest marks, stretch the special painting facing thread, which leaves a smooth strip on the wall. Through it drill holes every 10-15 cm, in which plastic dowels are inserted. They are attached to baguette with self-tapping screws. At the same time, it is very important that the jack of baguettes get into the angle.
- Install chandelier. For this, it is envisaged to a special mortgage detail of thick plywood or a wooden bar, which is attached to special aluminum suspensions to the surface of the ceiling by dowels. The wiring is placed in a corrugated sleeve and is fixed by clamps. The chandelier will later be installed on the already prepared mortgage detail.
- The web stretching, which involves refueling the canvas using a rounded spatula into a clips-in baguette. The refueling start parallel to two walls, it does not matter from what edge. First, the fabric fills every 50 cm, gradually turning it until the next wall. With the spatula push the fabric in the baguette slot until it stops, after which it is stretched. First, the stretch is made on one of the walls, then go to the wall adjacent to it, then on the opposite side and end the stretch on the wall, which is located opposite the one with which the canvas started.
- Installation of a special decorative plug, which is located in the resulting gap between the canvas and the ceiling. In place of the installed mortgage wooden part for the chandelier are glued ring. When the glue is completely dry, inside the ring with a knife cut the hole and fix the chandelier in it.
To see the process of installing a tissue stretch ceiling can be on the video: